Resolution 4002 - Resolution of Intent - Modify Downtown Redevelopment Plan to Approve Project206 RESOLUTION NO. 4002 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MODIFY THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO APPROVE A CERTAIN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell on the 10th day of September, 1979, adopted Ordinance No. 933, entitled AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE KALISPELL DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA AS AN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN AND THE FEASIBILITY OF RELOCATION; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO IMPLEMENT THE PLAN WITH POWERS CONTAINED IN THE URBAN RENEWAL LAW, and WHEREAS, said Ordinance No. -933 directed that an urban renewal plan for blighted areas within the Kalispell Downtown Redevelopment Area be developed in accordance with the Montana Urban Renewal Law, and WHEREAS, a certain urban renewal project has been submitted to the City for review by the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and recommendation as to conformity with the Kalispell City -County Master Plan. WHEREAS, the Kalispell City -County Planning Board should review the project under Section 7-15-4217, M.C.A. to determine: A} the effect, if any, the project may have on persons displaced by the projects B) the conformity of the project with the Kalispell City -County Master Plan, C) if the project will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the needs of the community as a whole, to rehabilitate and redevelop the urban renewal area by private enterprise, and D) a sound and adequate financing program. for the project. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, SECTION I. That the following Urban Renewal Project be submitted for review by the Kalispell City -County Planning Board: a) The City of Kalispell and Warehouse Industries, Inc., a Washington Corporation d/b/a Tidyman's (hereinafter Tidyman's) propose entering into a Development Agreement with the objective of developing certain tracts of land, within the Redevelopment Area, bounded by the Burlington Northern Railroad Tracks on the South, Montana Street on the North, Main Street on the West and 3rd Avenue E. N. on the East (hereinafter 1 1 207 Project Area). b) Tidyman's is the owner of certain real property, described above, located within the Kalispell Redevelopment Area, upon which it intends to develop a 57,000 square foot grocery store together with all related improvements, including, but not limited to, parking, landscaping, utilities and access, with an assessed valuation of not less than $5,000,000.00. c) The City anticipates that the redevelopment of said property will be accomplished by a Development Agreement between the City and Tidyman's involving the abandonment of the Southerly portion of the dedicated Second Avenue East North right-of-way between Montana Street and Warehouse Industries, Inc.'s property, as well as the closure and abandonment of the Southerly portion of dedicated public alley in Block 24, Kalispell, Montana. City proposes to take the appropriate action, upon application of Tidyman's, to notice said abandonments and vacate said Avenue and alley in accordance with the statutory procedure, so long as adjacent landowners on the alley have adequate egress and ingress maintained for existing facilities. d) The City anticipates that the Tidyman's redevelopment, within the Project Area, will require certain on -site development and infrastructure improvements, off -site improvements of benefit to the City and the Redevelopment Area, including: 1) sanitary sewer, water service, storm sewer, parking lot paving; 2) First Avenue East North extension from Center Street to Montana Street, including street construction, curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, boulevards, etc; 3) access from Main Street to First Avenue East North, including street construction, curb, gutter, landscaping, etc.; 4) demolition of Kalispell News property, including sewer cap, abandonment, etc.; 5) miscellaneous costs including permit fees, legal fees, surveying, landscaping, etc.; and b) acquiring property vacated and dedicating right-of-way for new public street construction. It is estimated that site development and infrastructure improvements will cost approximately $1,000,000.00. e) For payment of a portion of the costs of the Improvements, the City proposes to expend for those Public Infrastructure Improvements, through a Development Agreement, the sum of $500,000.00, either from the tax increment fund cash flow account, on hand, or from the proceeds of tax increment bonds, to be sold by the City. The City further proposes to apply for an Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant for $300,000.00 to pay a portion of the estimated cost of the Improvements. f) If the EDA Grant is not received, Tidyman's will be expected to pay an equivalent amount toward the payment of the estimated costs of the Improvements. SECTION 11. That a public hearing be scheduled on said Urban Renewal Projects to be held on the 3rd day of September, 1991, at which time the City Council of the City of Kalispell shall consider this Resolution of Intention, the Kalispell City -County Planning Board report, public comment, and either accept, modify or reject an Ordinance approving the said Renewal Projects. SECTION III. The City Clerk of Council is hereby authorized and directed to give proper legal notice of said public hearing in accordance with Section 7-19- 4213 M.C.A. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 5th DAY OF August , 1991. a gaz�r DouglQ3 D. Rauthe, Mayor ATTEST: Amy H. X6beftson Finance Director f