Resolution 3974 - Fire Lanes - FHS, FVCC, KCM, GWWM7. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3974 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FIRE ACCESS LANES AT FLATHEAD HIGH SCHOOL, FLATHEAD VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, KALISPELL CENTER MALL, AND GATEWAY WEST MALL, (PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 6.17(c) AND 2.01, KALISPELL ZONING ORDINANCE) AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That there is hereby created a fire access lane in which parking of vehicles is prohibited at the following locations at Flathead High School: A) 60 feet on west side of Fourth Avenue West where Seventh Street intersects with Fourth Avenue West, directly in front, and including the sidewalks, of the main gym foyer. B) A 20 foot lane in the parking lot traveling north along the sidewalk beside the tennis court to the main entrance foyer of the gym, then along the sidewalk west to Fifth Avenue West. C) The area west of the cafeteria to the driveway. D) The east side of the shop area at the double gates on Fifth Avenue West. SECTION II. That there is hereby created a fire access lane in which parking of vehicles is prohibited at the following locations at Flathead Valley Community College: A) College Drive from Grandview Drive to Highway 93, East side. B) The access road from Grandview Drive to and including the turn around at the rear of the Business and Administration Building. This road is to be widened to 20 feet and proper signs provided when complete. C) 15 feet either side of the hydrant north of the west side of the Business and Administration Building. D) From the Handicapped Parking on north side of the Learning Resource Center to the Handicapped Parking on the west of the Business and Administration Building. 1 3 This area includes a 20 foot wide sidewalk which is a fire access road for portions of the three northern buildings. SECTION III. That there is hereby created a fire access lane at the following locations at Kalispell Center Mall: A) Both sides of the diagonal driveway, from Main Street, across the south side of the mall and continuing to the southwest corner of the mall. B) Both sides of the driveway entrance, from Fifth Avenue West North, encompassing the entire curbed length between Fifth Avenue West North and the west side of the mall. C) North edge of the mall driveway running along the railroad tracks, west of the west curb line for 490 feet and east of the east curb line of Second Avenue West North for 124 feet. D) South side of the driveway running along the railroad tracks west of Second Avenue West North from 244 feet west of Second Avenue West North to 400 feet west of Second Avenue West North. SECTION IV. That there is hereby created a fire access lane at the following locations at Gateway West Mall: A) East side of building going north off Kinshella Street a 15 foot fire lane that is signed; also a 22 foot section at Drug Fair next to the loading zone. B) West side of building, a 57 foot fire lane at the west entrance. C) West side of building, a 10 foot lane at the center of the old and new sections. D) North entrance, a 40 foot section, 20 feet each side of center of the North door. E) East entrance, a 25 foot section, 12.5 feet each side of the East entrance off East parking lot. 2 74 SECTION V. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 18th DAY OF March o 1991. ATTEST: Amy H./Robertson Finance Director 3 1