Resolution 3973 - Sewer Rate Increase65 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3973 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT CLASSIFICATION IMPOSED SEWER UTILITY. THE FEES, SCHEDULES, RATES, CHARGES IAND ON CUSTOMERS OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL WHEREAS, pursuant to authority granted to municipalities operating utility services by Section 69-7-101, M.C.A., the City of Kalispell did consider it proper to amend the fees, schedules, rates, charges and classifications imposed for utility services to its, inhabitants and other persons served by the City of Kalispell Sewer Utility; and WHEREAS, the proposed amended fees, schedules, races, charges and classification are just and reasonable and do not exceed amounts necessary to meet the requirements of bond indentures or loan agreements to finance the City's share of federal and state mandated capital improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Council did, on the 21st day of January, 1991, set a public hearing to be held on February 19, 1991, on said proposed amendments to the fees, schedules, rates, charges and classification of the Sewer Utility Services of the City of Kalispell and gave the necessary Notice thereof as required by Section 69-7-111, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, due and proper Notice of said Public Hearing as been given by the City Clerk -Treasurer by publication and mail ng as required by law; and WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was duly held by the City Council at a public meeting thereof in the City Hall beginning at 7:00 P.M. on February 19, 1991, and all persons appearing at slid hearing and expressing a desire to be heard, and all written comments thereof furnished to the City Clerk -Treasurer at s�id meeting or prior thereto were given consideration by the Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF KALISPELL: SECTION I. That the fees, schedules, rates, charges and classification applicable to the use of the City of Kalispell Sewer System and other services performed by said utility as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, are found to be just and are hereby established and adopted to be imposed for the sewer utility services to the inhabitants of the City of Kalispell and those other persons served by its sewer utility commencing April 1, 1991, and for sewer utility bills after April 1, 1991. Me SECTION II. This decision is final ten (10) days after filing of this Resolution with the City Clerk -- Treasurer. The City Clerk -Treasurer shall file a copy hereof with the Public Service Commission of Montana at that time. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 1 9th DAY OF February , 1991. ATTEST: Amy W. Robertson City Clerk -Treasurer Err 1 i • ■ - Mayor L-J /Ii " Or KALISPELL ArLISPELL, hONTANA 'l U4ILITY RATE SCHEDULE FOR SANITARY SEWER EFFECTIVE April 1. 1991 67 Page Plo. - Schedule .........-A........ � ItESIflrN1•IAL AMID cOMMF.RCIAL ...........Service Available for: All premises situated within the city limits, wher the sewer system is in place: Rite: All users connected to the City heater Utility System and also connected to Che.Sewer System will be assessed Sewe Ilandling and treatment fees of $ 2.54 per thousand gallons of all water registered on the Water Meter serving the user, with the following exc eptions. 1 0 1. Water billed to the user at a Sprinkling rate as provided in Rules and Regulations governing the Water Utility. , 2. Separately metered water also billed as Sprinkling waCer.as provided in Chose same Rules and Regulations Water used as outlined in 1 and 2 above is NOT subjec to sewer fees. MINIMUM CHARGES BASL'D ON PIETER SITE '512C 5/811 —MONTHLY $ 7.61 B-1—HONTHLY S 15.23 SI7t ;�1•IONTHLY 1 1/2" 38.07 BI—MONTHLY 76.14 1j411 11.26 22.59 2" 76.14 152.28 19.28 38.56 3" 127.17 254.35 28.51 57.02 4" 190.35 380.7 MULTIPLE USERS: Billed in same manner as Water --See Schedule C Special Terinsand Conditions Premises OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS --Service available only by contract approved by CITY COUNCIL IF SERVED Will be assessed a surcharge of • 252 Y EFFECTIVE April 11991 J .D F^?^.l--IiY M1?R ti1L+:Y Sc,.i:UUL! .:-- N-?- i'a�c O. r,� SCIICLIU..... Service CO�d:�1�RCIAt. .... . R1ti3IA1'+I'I'dA 1lilU ..........................».......................,...... .................... ...............:.............................. "'•!?'JI:>, by the City WaterAvailaW� for: Uacr". oP the system but NOT SS Utility but within the City Limits of Kalispell• natty rremiscs diachargine cowago into the Dys- Jmt`rom j�einstallce o,•i-inating from other t1,un metered City at users expense a meter so an to provide a measure of us:&C:C- This provision corers all Outside sss:ces of water including wills and outside eater systems. , The charge for .ewer service will be $ r 2.5 4 ' e r 1000 gall: ns of usnre rp determined. In the care of temparury absence of metering unn-e will be estimated according to number of users on the served. At the date of the adoption of t1:is 34i1e;.11a t sre are veils equIr supplyine conunercial and indmeterinrstrial premises, mare r isaccomplishedthesewer4d to be metered . Until this discharge from those premises will be determined front tlic calracity of tltie pum}, clelivuring the water and the hours of oljerotion or the pump- In the casbe detcrmi�,ed e off' r��staur:�ntand burnetc. aerved-ill the s like situation sower nowlmcter�:d. by conpari:sor, with - 1-lUL':IPLF. U;ER0: Billed in t1le same manner AS 1-later--Sec Sch::dulc C AII11Ip1UM BILL: Same as Schedule A Sheet 1 speciR9 Terim MnJ Cu,►Jili1in-4 Premises OU^0JIVE THE CITY LIMITS will be nsr.sn d a surcharr�� oP S% .. OUT OF CITY Service available only by contract approved by CITY CUUIICIL L�J 0 EFFECTIVE April 1,-iggl 1 I .) 1 Y � HIT1RY ;!'4FR jleailtkble rot*- Rnlc: All users residinc in multiple dwellings such as apartment hous•_!d condomilltulnr,, toti.'11110usest duplexes, fourplexcs, etc. and all users rouidind in mobile homer or trailers within or without trailer p•,rk3 or touri: t co-.l= is where more than one dwellih:: is served through a comiaon meter such service Provided 1.hrou;,;h such conurniiilooter basiu and s per1S'2itedulebe `Adand Ul1p?la per wct dthereto. rates alld }Multiple Cominarci:L1 Units served through a coms,on meter shall be compute! on a Like basis. - Par Schedule.......: C- -... .�. Service ..Ca...MgCr:+L............... ............ .„.%-I ........ ... ;13,7i;uL..A17. 1dULTIPLE USERS .%picial T.rms Mild Cun.lilinilx Premises OUTSIAC THE CITY [.I,IITS will be 9� Surcharce of ..�.:... ► . OUT OF CITY Service avLilaLlc only by contract approved by CITY COU;;CIL 0 F. rgCTIV1: A ril _ 1, 3.991 CI^Y 0^�r:i�LIP^�L .w' e./. n � �•Tn'i _v [`fir. ,. C:'..ry�4...�-�— �r Scllcdule,.......-n-.......... ,.Scfvice .•.M.V•................................................... .... n........N. ,tralla1ble fors R.►ta t c it has been detc.^.ined that caCaauacrcia].naroInd�sDtrini.nd Jusere 1<Tlier u discha: zed W y present in scw1C' a su cliarCe will be made ao dater�ined huro csidential component of The Utility :ill consider the averaCc A wj.11 b� 'QUO F1';d DOD and 250 PPA ::5; Surchar,,e .. sowage to lie va::tc3 which exceed the . a::scssed to Ill us ets di..charCinC component of residential Waste as indicated above to vit: each Z5 Pl'Id HOA above •200 PP:�I e�r . or A i e if nr pp;4 SS above 250 PP-4 - • l7 For cock �� This rate flocs not apply 1 to Septic Waste, which will be assessed as'Tollovs: . Septic SewaGe int: onuced into the seuerate not m wil03) +libe a - Sept per hund�wd G charted at a rata Of $. P mininun chtri:' °r1*uc bas ol•ed onload for bulk to %L s. Tauli�G Volume cliarGr vil tan%, not on t11e volume of t1u: conton'-a. . ,p�e1a1 1'rnn'� •uJ Candilinu� PrrlRl: OUT!:IDF. THE CITY LI14ITS 'gill 25x as :c•sZed a surcharCc or—, or CITY Service availableonly by contract approved by CITY COU:ICIL OUT 1 1 I.) I ) 1 1 CI^Y 0= i►'u.ISPELL UTILITY P.rITH SCHEDULE FOR _ 5rW E hi -I ECTIVE April 1, 1991 P:LCa 110. _ ..•w».. »....n..................................... nw.......Wwwn..»ww...w.»..w.......»......... ..w••._.wnN.w.w Scr�ice Avalhibiv fors Iki la s BEFORE THE SYSTEM MAY BE TAPPED FOR ANY SERVICE A CONNECTION IF.0 HUS•T BE PAID AS INDICATLI) IIEREIN: SIZE OF SERVICE CONNECTION FEE TO PREHISF8 Up to 3/4" $500 per'llwcllinL Unit Minimum 111 500 per Unit Minimum $1250 1: A lli" 500 per Unit Minimum $2500 201 500 per Unit Minimum $3500 Over 2" to 3" 500 per Unit Minimum $6500 Ovar 3" 500 per Unit Minimum $9000 FEES for RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES --Homes, Condos, Townhouses,Apartments Duplexes and other multi -family abodes ---will be calculated usinn the number of dwell►nn unites to bee connected. Fj:e as, will be tl« greater of the miinimuwm"shown or the prZLfuct of $500/dwulling unit and the number of dwelling units. FI:i:S for all other strurtureN, (commercial industrial, institutional, etc. will be bared upon the size of the service line. Specirl Terms and Cmndilions