Thursday, April 16, 2009
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
Jeff Clawson, Building Official
Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director
Sean Conrad, Senior Planner
D.C. Haas, Fire Dept.
Katharine Thompson, Comm. Dev.
Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary
Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer
Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner
Fred Zavodny, Public Works
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Guests: Jim Atkinson, Eagle Transit and Bill Goodman.
Hear the Public: No one wished to speak.
Performance Bond Reminders: None.
OLD BUSINESS: Auto Repair - 540 West Idaho: Sorensen said this is the 3rd proposed
tenant for this site. Sorensen continued the proposal is to remove 2 walls inside which would
provide 2 bays for auto repair; there would be 4 parking spaces to the west of the building,
including a handicap van -accessible space; and they would adjust their exterior lighting. Sorensen
mentioned an oil/water separator would be required by Public Works and Susie Turner indicated
if photos and dimensions of the existing separator were submitted she could determine whether it
would be acceptable. Turner suggested a condition be added that indicates the oil/water separator
needs to be approved by Public Works. Burnham said the oil/water separator is considered a pre-
treatment and there would be additional treatment required. Sorensen also noted information was
submitted by the applicant that proves the underground tanks have been removed. Discussion was
held on whether the 44' curb cut onto East Idaho would need to be removed and the committee
agreed that since the traffic in and out of the site would be limited the access could be striped and
not closed. The committee agreed to approve the site plan.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: 23-Unit Senior Assisted Living — Grandview Drive: Conrad
reviewed the site for the committee. Conrad noted Indian Trail terminates on the west part of the
property and at the last site review meeting James Freyholtz of MDT thought that Indian Trail would
have to be extended as part of the Transportation Plan. Conrad reviewed the plan and there was no
requirement to extend the road. However it did talk about the need to study the intersection of Indian
Trail and Highway 93 every couple of years and perhaps in the future there would need to be a signal
at that location. Conrad asked if Public Works will request an extension of Indian Trail and Castles
said no but they will be recommending a pedestrian/bike path and require the water main, not less
than an 8", be extended from Indian Trail to Grandview Drive. Castles added the city will pay the
difference in construction costs between an 8" and a 12" water main in this location.
Conrad asked if the frontage on Grandview Drive would have to be brought up to city standards and
Public Works said yes. Conrad noted if a sidewalk was installed along this frontage there would be
130 feet of separation from the existing sidewalk on Commons Way to this site. However, the
committee decided this developer would not be responsible for making that connection but would
have to install sidewalk along their frontage on Grandview Drive. There was lengthy discussion
regarding the pedestrian/bike path and it was decided the path would have to be a n easement
dedicated to the city; maintained by the city; if asphalt 10 feet wide and if concrete 8 feet wide; a
buffer or fencing between the path and the neighbors to the south should be considered; and the
developer should provide a proposal for the location of the path that would connect to existing paths
in the area.
Sorensen asked if they should be required to design a bus stop to enable Eagle Transit to stop near
this facility. Jim Atkinson, Eagle Transit said their bus currently drives north on Grandview Drive and
Eagle Transit would like to see a bus pullout on the east side of Grandview Drive. There was
discussion on whether a shelter would be available for this location; the cost of installation would be
paid by the developer; the work that would be involved in locating the shelter across from the facility;
and the possibility of the developer providing a bus drive through on their property. Fincher noted
the city has 2 bus shelters at the city shop. Atkinson said dial -a -ride would also be available to them.
Conrad noted the parking spaces in front of the facility will be at grade and Public Works suggested
pin down bumper curbs be installed.
Katharine Thompson, Community Development said she already has a list of costs that their HUD
grant does not cover for this facility and expressed her concern that they may not have the funding for
additional costs such as the bike path and bus stop. Conrad noted the bike path, looping of the water
and improvements to Grandview Drive will be required, however, Burnham added the bus stop would
not be a requirement and the developer would make the choice of whether or not they wanted to have
a bus stop for this facility. In addition, the maintenance of the bike path would be completed by the
Conrad said he would contact Morrison — Maierle regarding the issues discussed.
OTHER REPORTS: Downtown Bike Racks: Bill Goodman said he is representing the Business
Improvement District (BID) and he said BID has discussed having more bike racks downtown and
they want to try and identify some areas to locate the racks. One of things they discussed is with the
shortage of parking downtown already they did not want to locate bike racks in parking lots. They
did consider the green areas near parking lots or using racks that could be installed on the sidewalks
in the area of where a parking meter would be installed. Fincher said the only park area would be
Depot Park. Fincher added when Streetscape was initially proposed there were 20 bike racks ordered
and warehoused in storage. Fincher said the racks do not seem very secure but Goodman could look
at them to see if they could be used.
There was discussion on whether there were already designated spots in the Sitescape plans that were
proposed for bike racks. Fred Zavodny from Public Works joined the meeting and he said there were
no specific locations where those bike racks were to be placed on the Sitescape plan. However, it was
determined that the bikes would probably block the sidewalk so they were not installed. Jentz asked
if MDT would need to approve the locations of bike racks on Main Street and Zavodny said yes.
Sorensen asked about Depot Park and Fincher said the park could accommodate more racks,
however, it is on the far edge of downtown. Goodman said he will look at the bike racks that are
already available and they will do an inventory of locations and come back to Site Review.
Clawson suggested they contact the Parking Commission because there could be small areas in
parking lots where bike racks could be installed yet they are too small of an area for vehicles.
All Weather Access to Construction Sites: Jeff Clawson mentioned that the assisted living project
should require an all weather access road and the need to add a condition to the CUP that they have
to provide the all weather access before the building permit is issued. Johnson reported he has been
working with the Building Department on the language for the access handout. There was further
discussion regarding when the access would need to be in place before the building permit is issued;
the specs proposed for the access; a "visibly defined and clearly marked" access could be marked with
the street name or marked as fire lane. D.C. Haas said the Fire Department is anxious to get this
process in place. Johnson and Clawson will work together to finalize the handout and the site review
committee will review it again next week.
Woodland Intersection: Fincher noted Mike Baker is working on setting up the meeting for the
Woodland intersection issues hopefully next week.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m.