03-24-09 ARC MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, March 24, 2009; 7:30 a.m., I" Avenue East Caf6, 128 1st Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Goodman; Mark Norley; Janet Clark; John Hinchey; Carol Nelson; Corey Johnson (Chairman); Russ Skelton OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff—PJ Sorensen Guests — Dave Koel & David Mitchell (CTA/Valley Bank); Andy Hyde (Carver Engineering/Evergreen) Hear the Public: None Approval of Minutes: Janet moved to approve the March 10 minutes; Bill seconded. Approved 6-0. Old Business: Valley Bank — 41 3rd St W; exterior remodeling; Corey recused. Follow-up on discussion from last meeting, which primarily focused on the east (Main St) side. David Mitchell presented. The bank is planning for a north branch and a location downtown, perhaps with an addition on the drive-thru facility. This is intended to be just a short-term fix for some immediate problems. Dave Koel presented the building. Buttresses are there for looks only. The main goal is to be functional and safe. A lot of the current stone is permanent/structural. On the south elevation, they needed to maintain a balance of stone (the tower is bumped up a bit; may need to be stepped in due to foundation). On the east elevation, they may add larger amount of stone if they can get a good snatch with the existing, will add new lights. The band is recessed wood with a bronze insert. The west elevation has an added canopy and mostly new landscaping (retaining some large trees, with new lower lying shrubs, etc). May need to do a band all around the building due to electrical wires. John moved to approve; Russ seconded. Approved 5-0. (Corey recused; Bill abstained). New Business: West Evergreen pumphouse — Evergreen/E Nicklaus. Andy Hyde presented. Replacing existing fence, beautifying subdivision entrance. Colors picked by Village Greens ARC — heathered moss with dark green trim. Bruce Lutz did the landscaping. Re -siding existing well house. Landscaping to be irrigated. Suggest a bit of an offset of the fence from the building (maybe 2-3 feet in). Janet moved to approve; John seconded. Approved 7-0 Other Discussion: Windward Way Professional Center — 245 Windward Way - Corey recused. This project was previously approved. A recent inspection by the Planning Office for a certificate of occupancy revealed that the front of the building did not match the approved plans in that it missed several architectural features, amenities, and landscaping. Staff requested input as to whether the changes are significant and whether the changes should impact staff s approval. Staff submitted photos of the building as it currently looks — would it have been approved if that were the original submittal? The committee felt that they may not have asked for the full amount of features shown, but would likely have asked for something more than what is there now — additional landscaping, something in the middle of the courtyard to anchor it more, and/or a modified beam (similar to the original) to break up the front. The committee requested that staff hold its approval of the certificate of occupancy until a modified plan is approved. Meeting Adjourned at 8:35