Thursday, March 19, 2009
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director
Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director
Sean Conrad, Senior Planner
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary
Guests: Mike Fraser, Jack Enderson, & Mark Johnson.
Hear the Public: No one wished to speak.
Performance Bond Reminders: None.
Jeff Clawson, Building Official
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner
Paul Burnham, Asst City Engineer
OLD BUSINESS: E911 Building: Sorensen said the PUD amendments for the 911 building
will be discussed at city council on March 23rd and there were also the issues of the well -head
protection area and landscaping. Conrad asked if Parks had any additional issues and Fincher said
they only need to change the caliper of trees along the boulevard. Burnham said he spoke with
CTA regarding the water and issues, and Turner is looking at the storm drain issues so the site
plan can be approved by the committee. The committee approved the site plans pending
approval by council of the PUD amendments.
NEW BUSINESS: Pointe Professional — 31 Three Mile Drive: Sorensen noted this is a
preliminary review and is an extension of the existing offices which are TD&H and the VA Clinic near
the corner of North Meridian Road and Three Mile Drive. Sorensen provided the basic layout for the
committee. Discussions included:
• One of the parking spaces should be designated a handicap van accessible space.
• Lighting & drainage plans need to be provided.
• Whether the new stormwater ordinance would apply and Castles advised them to talk to Susie
• Full access approaches were put in place however they are choosing to use right-in/right-out
• Plan to provide a full ingress/egress between the existing office complex and Pointe
Professional, however the easement is not yet in place.
• There will be a continuation of the sod landscaping with the smaller island and along the back
of the property being hard-scape and shrubs.
• Transportation Impact Fees were discussed. Sorensen said letters are being sent to developers
who have a complete set of plans submitted for Site or Architectural Review, or for a building
permit, and then they would have up to 6 months to pull a permit if all of the issues and
concerns have been addressed. A preliminary review is not enough but if they had all of the
drainage plans, etc. in by the March 3 1 " there would be a 6 month window to draw a building
permit without the Transportation Impact Fees charged. Paul Burnham in Public Works can
provide them with an estimate of the fees.
They indicated they will attempt to get the full Site Review package to the city by March 31gt.
Sorensen suggested they talk to Fire regarding the project.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Conrad said he and Public Works met with Steve Maw, Richard
Erickson & Chuck Birgensmith this morning regarding access to Lot 9 of Three Mile Views
subdivision. Castles said there is a common driveway between Lot 8A & 8B so access for Lot 8B is
no longer in question. The utilities will be moved and trees will be installed on both sides of the
access road to delineate the driveway. Castles added a drainage swale will be required along the west
property line for snow storage.
OTHER REPORTS: Sorensen reported the city received notice of a floodplain application
from Flathead County for the bike path along Woodland Avenue and Willow Glen Drive.
Fincher further clarified the location of the bike path which drops down on Sylvan Drive and there
is a sewer line that runs along the bottom. Castles noted if the bike path is in the floodplain it will
have to be concrete and Sorensen said it is not a regulation but is looked at on a case -by -case
Johnson asked if the city has heard anything from the consultant on the intersection of
Woodland Avenue and the park and Fincher said they plan to meet on site in the spring.
Elkins discussed the problem with building permits being issued without the stormwater permit.
He asked if part of the requirements could be that the stormwater permit be issued by Public
Works at the beginning of discussions of stormwater on site instead of waiting until the building
permit is submitted. Elkins used the new Super 1 site as an example and thought if the stormwater
permit had been issued right away the developer would have known where not to place their
demolition materials. Johnson said he didn't feel it would alleviate those problems but the process
certainly could be refined.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.