04-09-2019 - regular meetingKALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING April 09, 2019 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The regular meeting of [lie Kalispell City Planning Board and Zo—ning Commission was called to order at 600 p.m. Board members present were Chad Graharn, Doug Kaul'I'man, Kurt Vornfell, Joshua Borgardt, Rory Young & George Giavasis. Ronalee Skees Was absent. Jarod Nygren, Toni Jentz and PJ Sorensen represented the Kalispell Planning Department, APPROVAL OF 4INUTES Giavasis moved and Kauffman seconded a motion to approve that` minutes of" the March 12, 2019 meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously on a vote of acclamation. PUBLIC COMMENT None. k'(1 9-0 LA a 111,11""'. il'111111 File # KCU-19-01. — A request from 'Ferry and Lori Williamson kn, a residential `1,14, community center within the R-3 (Residential) Zoning District. The community 'f, N f0 Jr,,L center would be very similar to a Ronald McDonald House, Where it Will serve [lie purpose of oi'f'cring families a home environment away from the hospital, STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff Report #KCU-19-01. Staff OLItlined the pro.ject including the proposed use, site plan and Surrounding uses. Staff mentioned that they had received nurnerous public oninient letters in opposition to the application. Staff recommends that (lie Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report #KCU-19-01 as findings ()fl' fact and recornmend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditional use permit he approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Board discussed sidewalks, crosswalks and ADA requirements; Nygren advised that since [his is a single family residence it will not require that the applicant install sidewalks and/or crosswalks and ADA is not required because [hero will be it or less People Occupying the home at any given time. PUBLIC HEARING Steve Martinez — 425 Sunnyview Lane — opposes pro.ject, Lori Williamson — applicant — 20 Woodridge Dr,, Columbia Falls, MT — gave a brief description of goals for community Centel,. Marianne Lowitz - 50 Grandview Dr. — opposes project Susan Callil I — 425 Sunnyview Lane — opposes project Terry Williamson — applicant — 20 Woodridge Dr.. Columbia Falls, MT — offered to answer any questions the board had. Terry mentioned that he and his wife were willing to do any public infrastrUCtUre improvements necessary in Order to make the area safer for the neighborhood and guests Of the hone. MOTION (ORIGINAL) Kauffman moved and Young seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report #KCU-19-01 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City COLHICil that the conditional use permit be approved SLJbjCd to the conditions listed in the staff report, BOARD DISCUSSION Giavasis Would like to see better pedestrian access by adding sidewalks connect ing the subli" : e"I'll pI tothe sidewalk,stern adkICC tfire c 112�- MOTION (ADD CO,ND, Giavasis moved and Graham seconded a motion to add condition #6 to require that the applicant add sidewalks connecting the subject property to the nearest exisli walkway on Sunriyvienv Lane'to city standards. l(tiliSIDell City Planning Board Nfinwes Of [lie i'llecling of April 9, 2019 1"I'ge BOARD DISCUSSION Kauffman inquired about the width of the existing right (if way. Nygren ach-7isecl it Would be reviewed by Public Works if the condition is approved and it sidewalk is required. Tile Board clarified that there was it clear nexus in this case for roClUil-irIg offsite sidewalks in this case, as the guests of the house would likely be walking from the hospital. ROLL CALL (ADD COND. #6) The motion passed 5-1 oil a roll call vote, Rory Young is opposed. MOTION (ADD COND. #7) Graham moved and Borgardt seconded a motion to acid condition #7 to require that the applicant construct the single-family residence per ADA codes, BOARD DISCUSSION Board discussed the fact that ADA rules have multiple definitions and that for this application it would not fit. Since the City and State have ADA guidelines that have to be followed, they would be addressed during [lie plall review phase. ROLL CALM., (ADD COND, #7) The motion failed unanimously oil a roll call vote. ROLL CALI., (ORIGINAL) The motion passed UndnillIOUSly oil a roll call vote. OLD BUSINESS Nygren updated board on last month's Growth Policy Amendments, which were working their NvavthrOL' =llthe public hearin a process at the council. NEW BUSINESS Nygren updated the board oil the May 14 agenda, which will include a wrrrl session on sidewalks within the city. ADJOURNMENT The rneeling adjourned at approximately 7:37pil"L NEXT MEETING The next rnecting of the Kalispell Planning Board will be oil Tuesday, May 14, 2019 in 6:00 p.m. and is located in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 11, Ave East. hqd Grafifirn Preslt� t APPROVED as SLibmitted/amended: 'i".Zo Kari Hernandez Recording Secretary Kalispell City Platming Board N/liffilles of flier mce�ing of April 9, 2019 Page 12