11. Internal Service FundsINTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Page Fund Dept 1-3 6010 Central Garage $ 540,004 4-6 6030 Information Technology $ 657,844 Total Internal Service Funds $ 1,197,848 CENTRAL GARAGE ACCOUNT # 6010-410 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: The Central Garage provides an internal customer service response for the proper maintenance and service of the city's fleet of vehicles and equipment. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (3 FTE) 1 Mechanic Supervisor 2 Mechanics GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: 1. Provide cost effective and efficient operation for fleet maintenance services. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FYI Central Garage budget represents a plan for Mechanics to continue to utilize scanning programs, and knowledge obtained in training courses to perform internal services, preventive maintenance, and repairs. The replacement of the tire changer will assist in the efficiency and safety of the task. CENTRAL GARAGE FUND: 6010 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: operating Total Cash (beginning of year) REVENUES 342050 Fees for Services 364030 Misc. 371010 Investment Earnings Total Available EXPENSES Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Total Expense ENDING CASH Operating cash available ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $56,146 $81,107 $81,107 $134,370 $56,146 $510,000 $1,087 $741 $81,107 $495,000 $0 $200 $81,107 $495,536 $1,027 $1,395 $134,370 $544,000 $0 $400 $567,974 $576,307 $579,065 $678,770 $207,581 $253,782 $25,504 $216,071 $266,492 $10,000 $187,902 $249,773 $7,020 $228,991 $296,013 $15,000 $486,867 $492,563 $444,695 $540,004 $81,107 $83,744 $134,370 $138,766 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND: 6010-410-431330 EXPENSE DETAIL Personal Services: FTE'S 110 Salaries and Payroll Costs 121 Overtime 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement Subtotal Maintenance & Operations 210 Office Supplies, Computers & Software 229 Equipment (Non Capital);Safety Equip, other Supplies 230 Oil 231 Gas 232 Motor Vehicle Parts 233 Tires 238 Filters 241 Consumable Tools, Books 341 Electricity 344 Natural Gas 354 Contract Services -Repairs 362 Equipment Maint., Radios, Building Maint 373 Dues & Training 388 Medical Services 510 Insurance 528 Information Tech. Transfer Subtotal Capital Outlay 921 4 Post Service Lift 944 Machinery & Equipment ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 3 3 3 3 $155,927 $162,760 $145,811 $165,695 $2,288 $2,500 $2,010 $2,500 $38,047 $38,931 $29,397 $48,559 $11,319 $11,880 $10,684 $12,237 $207,581 $216,071 $187,902 $228,991 $8,406 $10,000 $7,389 $11,000 $9,694 $10,700 $6,110 $10,700 $17,323 $25,000 $16,647 $25,000 $612 $2,500 $451 $1,500 $124,154 $112,000 $122,137 $124,000 $40,780 $41,000 $37,711 $48,000 $8,191 $8,500 $8,209 $8,500 $2,062 $2,000 $1,277 $2,000 $1,593 $1,950 $1,625 $1,950 $4,238 $6,000 $4,260 $6,000 $21,010 $26,000 $29,868 $30,000 $370 $2,000 $1,318 $8,000 $5,298 $6,200 $1,602 $7,200 $423 $300 $878 $425 $1,286 $4,000 $1,949 $2,179 $8,342 $8,342 $8,342 $9,559 $253,782 $266,492 $249,773 $296,013 $25,504 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $7,020 $15,000 $25,504 $10,000 $7,020 $15,000 Total $486,867 $492,563 $444,695 $540,004 2 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND: 6010-410-4313 30 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: CENTRAL GARAGE 232 Motor Vehicle Parts - $124,000 $12,000 increase needed to reflect actuals for FYI 7. The City's fleet continues to grow and part costs are increasing. The newer equipment requires replacement of parts that in the past we were able to repair. 233 Tires - $48,000 Increased to meet tire replacement schedule 362 Equipment Maint., Building Maint. - $8,000 $6,000 - Replacing antiquated cooling system with two evaporative coolers 373 Dues & Training - $7,200 It is necessary to travel out of state for specialized training for the City's fire apparatus, large construction equipment, sweepers, and vac -trucks. Capital Outlay 944 $15,000 -Tire Changer - Scheduled replacement of the 13 year old tire changer. 3 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNT # 6030 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Information technology provides technology systems to City staff for their respective provision of services to the City of Kalispell. Additionally, the IT department provides a means to distribute public information through IT services such as the City website, broadcast of public meetings, email and the electronic document repository. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: 1 Information Technology Director; 1 Information Technology Support Specialist; .55 Media Specialist GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: 1. Maintain computer systems for the provision of municipal services. 2. Maintain external communication systems for the dissemination of information to the public. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES: The server environment will utilize technology to increase server availability and reduce recovery time during server failure. Replace computers based on a 4 year replacement schedule. Repurpose the old computers for other staff using new hard drives and a fresh operating system build. Deploy 56 computers, servers and tablets from a combination of new and repurposed equipment. Deploy some servers as virtual servers, reducing need for physical servers and power requirements. Replace aging network equipment. Implement technology to further authenticate and confirm identity of individuals accessing public safety network while accessing it outside the City's building. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND FUND: 6030-403-410580;4105 85 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating 10120 Cash, Replacement account REVENUES 393000 Charge for service -other Funds 335230 Entitlement (General Fund share) 341027 Charter Franchise Fees (moved from General) 371010 Interest 364030 Misc./ sale Total Revenue Total Available EXPENSES Information Technology Equipment Equipment from Replacement $ Depreciation/Replacement reserve Total expenses add back depreciation ENDING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating 10120 Cash, Replacement account Total Cash ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $ 167,018 $ 173,339 $ 173,339 $ 176,341 $ 4,112 $ 9,112 $ 9,112 $ 14,112 $ 171,130 $ 182,451 $ 182,451 $ 190,453 $ 235,655 $ 235,655 $ 235,655 $ 267,657 $ 205,000 $ 205,000 $ 205,000 $ 180,000 $ 169,539 $ 173,000 $ 176,204 $ 188,000 $ 1,623 $ 1,100 $ 1,585 $ 1,100 $ 63 $ - $ 10,456 $ - $ 611,880 $ 614,755 $ 628,900 $ 636,757 $ 783,010 $ 797,206 $ 811,351 $ 827,210 $ 464,594 $ 526,368 $ 482,180 $ 552,277 $ 135,965 $ 129,230 $ 138,718 $ 95,567 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 605,559 $ 660,598 $ 625,898 $ 657,844 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 173,339 $ 127,496 $ 176,341 $ 155,254 $ 9,112 $ 14,112 $ 14,112 $ 24,112 $ 182,451 $ 141,608 $ 190,453 $ 179,366 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND FUND: 6030-403 -4105 80;4105 85 EXPENSES DETAIL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL I BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 401-410580 Personal Services: FTE's 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 110 Salaries & payroll costs $ 164,357 $ 171,350 $ 168,183 $ 175,913 121 Overtime $ 1,116 $ 1,000 $ 325 $ 1,000 153 Health $ 44,227 $ 44,701 $ 44,564 $ 42,173 155 Retirement $ 12,909 $ 13,115 $ 13,273 $ 13,828 Subtotal $ 222,609 $ 230,168 $ 226,345 $ 232,915 403-410580 Maint. & operations: 215 Office Supplies, Ship & Recycle $ 972 $ 2,400 $ 1,387 $ 2,200 218 Equipment -(non capital) $ 17,660 $ 24,000 $ 26,968 $ 25,800 325 Website & Social Media $ 2,922 $ 15,700 $ 16,817 $ 16,375 345 Telephones - Cellular $ 2,178 $ 2,550 $ 1,089 $ 2,550 346 SummitNet & Internet Service Providers $ 10,109 $ 14,000 $ 12,273 $ 16,224 353 LaserFiche maintenance contract $ 3,432 $ 3,500 $ 3,432 $ 3,866 354 Contracted Labor $ 10,342 $ 5,000 $ 13,509 $ 25,000 355 Software & Licenses $ 18,452 $ 18,850 $ 20,184 $ 20,250 356 Support/Maintenance Contracts $ 49,785 $ 44,000 $ 34,202 $ 49,100 357 AV Capture All Meeting Streaming $ 7,400 $ 5,000 $ 4,878 $ 5,000 358 Hosted Office 365 E-mail & Email Services $ 6,396 $ 20,622 $ 4,690 $ 23,661 373 Training/school/memberships $ 4,770 $ 8,000 $ 5,813 $ 8,300 510 Insurance $ 819 $ 3,000 $ 1,469 $ 2,000 403-410583 218 TV -Video Equipment & programming $ 2,280 $ 19,500 $ 4,484 $ 7,100 354 TV -Video Contract Services $ - $ - $ - 403410585 Copiers, Fax, Office machines, Phones 229 Supplies (leased equip. supplies, paper, etc.) $ 12,604 $ 19,490 $ 13,714 $ 19,548 345 Phone - Centrex $ 76,631 $ 78,000 $ 76,370 $ 78,000 532 Copier Leases (7) $ 15,233 $ 12,588 $ 14,556 $ 14,388 Subtotal $ 241,985 $ 296,200 $ 255,835 $ 319,362 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND FUND: 6030-403-4105 80;4105 85 EXPENSE DETAIL 405-410588 Equipment: DEPT. 940 Network Equipment Capital 403-410585 942 Servers -capital 4xx-410588 218 Police Dept. (413) 354 Police - Hosted server (413) 218 Park's Dept. (436) 218 Public Works (410) 218 Attorneys (404) 218 Fire Department (416) 218 MGR/HR/Mayor/Clerk/Finance- 1.5 (401) 218 Community Economic & Development (480) 218 Planning & Zoning (420) Subtotal 403-510400 831 Depreciation / Replacement reserve Total ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $ 47,440 $ 22,200 $ 29,319 $ 16,000 $ 25,422 $ 33,000 $ 36,634 $ 12,000 $ 29,233 $ 37,760 $ 33,555 $ 33,003 $ 1,087 $ 1,200 $ 2,484 $ 2,150 $ 5,034 $ 4,885 $ 4,715 $ 7,080 $ 2,345 $ 5,381 $ 4,247 $ 5,808 $ 3,553 $ 4,100 $ 4,800 $ 705 $ 9,454 $ 8,164 $ 8,749 $ 12,258 $ 85 $ 6,100 $ 8,237 $ 4,158 $ - $ 2,315 $ 1,506 $ - $ 12,312 $ 4,125 $ 4,472 $ 2,405 $ 135,965 $ 129,230 $ 138,718 $ 95,567 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 605,559 $ 660,597 $ 625,898 $ 657,844 Z