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07. Special Revenue Funds - Community DevelopmentSPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Page Fund Dept COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 37 2880 CD Revolving Loan $ 177,000 38 2881 CD Revolving Loan #2 $ 240,000 39-40 2886 CD Miscellaneous $ 241,234 41 2887 Rural Development Revolving Loan $ 322,074 42 2888 Rural Development Revolving Loan $ 260,025 43 2953 EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant $ 368,880 44 2955 EPA Brownfields Revolving Loan $ 587,424 45 2991 Tiger Grant $ 3,803,909 $ 6,000,546 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -REVOLVING FUND FUND: 2 8 80-4 80-470210 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating 10162 Cash, Reserve for investment (S&C) REVENUES 345010 Application fees 373020 Loan Proceeds/Principal 373010 Loan Proceeds/ -Interest 371010 Interest Earnings (inc S&C interest) Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES 353 Auditing 354 Contract Services 711 Redevelopment Total Expenditures ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating 10162 Cash, Reserve for s & c investment Total Cash ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $157,433 $162,092 $162,092 $187,160 $46,514 $55,786 $55,786 $40,060 $203,947 $217,878 $217,878 $227,220 $0 $0 $400 $0 $56,589 $19,370 $22,479 $18,744 $5,522 $4,226 $4,358 $3,813 $3,218 $2,000 $3,607 $2,300 $65,329 $25,596 $30,844 $24,857 $269,276 $243,474 $248,722 $252,077 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $380 $1,000 $413 $1,000 $50,018 $100,000 $21,089 $175,000 $51,398 $102,000 $21,502 $177,000 $162,092 $85,688 $187,160 $31,682 $55,786 $55,786 $40,060 $43,395 $217,878 $141,474 $227,220 $75,077 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This is a fund established in 2005 that consolidates "all" of the various loan types the Department has in existence or will be starting. Each type of loan activity has its own line item number and can be easily identified for the audit or monitoring. 37 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -REVOLVING FUND #2 FUND: 2881-480-470210 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating REVENUES 373020 Loan Proceeds/Principal 373010 Loan Proceeds -Interest 371010 Interest Earnings Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES 354 Contract services 711 Redevelopment Total Expenditures ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating Total Cash ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $167,393 $209,916 $209,916 $241,321 $167,393 $209,916 $209,916 $241,321 $39,026 $1,886 $1,946 $32,041 $0 $1,500 $29,371 $0 $2,439 $32,041 $0 $1,500 $42,858 $33,541 $31,810 $33,541 $210,251 $243,457 $241,726 $274,862 $0 $335 $0 $150,000 $405 $0 $0 $240,000 $335 $150,000 $405 $240,000 $209,916 $93,457 $241,321 $34,862 $209,916 $93,457 $241,321 $34,862 39 Community Development - Miscellaneous FUND: 2886-480-470210 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH operating 10150 CASH Old School Redevelopment REVENUES 371010 Interest/Misc. 373070 Principal payments (Big Sky Manor) 373010 Interest from Loans (Big Sky Manor) Reimburse from Old School TIFs Loan from Old School SID debt service fund Total Revenue Total Available M&O Redevelopment/Grants Total Expenditures ENDING CASH 10100 CASH: operating 10150 CASH: Old School Redevelopment ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18119 $259,962 $261,512 $261,512 $273,676 $228,430 $100,412 $100,412 $12,418 $4,302 $8,539 $1,281 $50,000 $0 $3,000 $8,865 $955 $70,000 $150,000 $4,347 $20,955 $388 $70,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $0 $65,000 $150,000 $64,122 $232,820 $95,690 $218,000 $552,514 $594,744 $457,614 $504,094 $12,572 $178,018 $22,517 $211,352 $13,526 $157,994 $23,734 $217,500 $190,590 $233,869 $171,520 $241,234 $261,512 $251,815 $273,676 $252,942 $100,412 $109,060 $12,418 $9,918 39 Community Development - Miscellaneous FUND: 28 86-480-470210 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Materials and Services: 210 Grant Administration Expenses!project exp 353 Auditing 373 Dues & Training 379 Meetings 396 Studies/Surveys & marketing 522 Administrative Transfers 528 Information Tech. Transfers 532 Office Rent new bldg Total Materials & Services Redevelopment: 620 Interest - Old School (from General Fund) 790 Redevelopment Activity 795 Old School Lot Purchase FYI51Assess. pints FYI 6&17 Total Grants & Housing GRAND TOTALS ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $2,000 SO S2,000 $1,000 $1,000 S1,000 S1,000 $55 S2,000 S60 $2,000 SO S1,000 S949 S1,000 SO $5,000 $0 S5,000 S2,000 S2,000 S2,000 S2,000 $8,342 S8,342 $8,342 $9,559 $1,175 S1,175 $1,175 $1,175 $12,572 S22,517 $13,526 $23,734 $0 S32,500 $0 $48,750 $2,905 $3,750 S1,500 S3,750 S175,113 S175,102 S 156,494 $165,000 $178,018 S211,352 S 157,994 $217,500 $190,590 $233,869 $171,520 $241,234 40 RURAL DEVELOPMENT LOAN REVOLVING #61-01 FUND: 2887-480-470210 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: operating $232,309 $303,075 $303,075 $396,364 10140 CASH: loan loss reserve $21,271 $21,271 $21,271 $8,390 Total Cash $253,580 $324,346 $324,346 $404,754 REVENUES 345010 Application/Origination Fees $950 $500 $0 $500 373010 Loan Interest $10,216 $6,835 $4,929 $4,250 371010 Other Interest $713 $500 $886 $500 373030 Principal $81,301 $41,298 $97,149 $40,078 Total Revenue $93,180 $49,133 $102,964 $45,328 Amount Available $346,760 $373,479 $427,310 $450,082 EXPENDITURES Redevelopment Activity $340 $200,000 $482 $300,000 Principal (Loan 61-01) $18,272 $18,454 $18,454 $18,639 Interest (Loan 6 1 -0 1) $3,802 $3,620 $3,620 $3,435 Total Expenditure $22,414 $222,074 $22,556 $322,074 ENDING CASH 10100 CASH: operating $303,075 $130,134 $396,364 $119,618 10140 CASH: loan loss reserve (6% o/s loans principal) $21,271 $21,271 $8,390 $8,390 $324,346 $151,405 $404,754 $128,008 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The purpose of the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) is to provide gap financing or business retention, expansion or start-up with the focus on job creation. Funding Sources for the RLF come from possible CDBG Economic Development Grants, TIF, Rural Development Intermediary relending Program (IRP) funds and the Community Development Revolving Loan Fund. The department was successful in writing a Rural Development (RD) grant application for $520,000 from the RD Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) on 10;12/04. 41 RURAL DEVELOPMENT LOAN REVOLVING #61-03 FUND: 288 8-480-470210 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: operating $190,901 $279,126 $279,126 $347,823 10140 CASH: loan loss reserve $9,695 $9,695 $9,695 $0 Total Cash $200,596 $288,821 $288,821 $347,823 REVENUES 373010 Loan Interest $5,393 $3,948 $2,120 $0 371010 Other Interest $650 $200 $792 $500 373030 Principal $92,542 $5,677 $66,520 $0 Total Revenue $98,585 $9,825 $69,432 $500 Amount Available $299,181 $298,646 $358,253 $348,323 EXPENDITURES 610 Principal Repayment to IRP 61-03 $8,138 $8,219 $8,219 $8,301 620 Interest Repayment to IRP 61-03 $1,887 $1,806 $1,806 $1,724 750 Redevelopment Activity $335 $150,000 $405 $250,000 Total Expenditures $10,360 $160,025 $10,430 $260,025 ENDING CASH 10100 CASH: operating $279,126 $128,926 $347,823 $88,298 10140 CASH: loan loss reserve (6% of o/s prin of loans) $9,695 $9,695 $0 $0 $288,821 $138,621 $347,823 $88,298 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The purpose of the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) is to provide gap financing or business retention, expansion or start-up with the focus on job creation. Funding sources for the RLF come from possible CDBG Economic Development Grants, TIF, Rural Development Intermediary relending Program (IRP) funds and the Community Development Revolving Loan Fund. The department was successful in writing a Rural Development (RD) grant application on 11/27/06 from the RD Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) of which $257,500 was used. 42 EPA BROWNFIELDS ASSESSMENT GRANT FUND: 2953-480-470210/470215 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash REVENUE 331090 EPA FUNDING $400,000 Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES 470210-354 Cont Sery - Petroleum 470210-373 Travel -Petroleum 470215-354 Cont Sery - Hazardous 470215-373 Travel -Hazardous Total Expenditure ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,942 $378,058 $9,178 $368,880 $21,942 $378,058 $9,178 $368,880 $21,942 $378,058 $9,178 $368,880 $10,408 $185,592 $0 $185,592 $643 $3,357 $965 $2,392 $10,408 $185,592 $7,248 $178,344 $483 $3,517 $965 $2,552 $21,942 $378,058 $9,178 $368,880 ENDING CASH Cash $0 $0 $0 $0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The City has been awarded $400,000 for Brownfields Revitalization Project funds to be used for Phase l and Phase II Environmental Assessments 43 EPA BROWNFIELDS REVOLVING LOAN FUND FUND: 295 5-480-470210 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash REVENUE 331090 EPA Funding Loan Principal and Interest Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES 470210 PETROLEUM 229 Supplies 352 Personnel 353 Fringes 354 Contracted Services 373 Travel 720 Loans 721 Subgrants 725 Revolved Funds 470215 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES 229 Supplies 354 Contracted Services 373 Travel 720 Loans 721 Subgrants (FC Jail Project) ENDING CASH Cash ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $100,500 $100,500 $100,500 $100,500 $1,483 $486,924 $0 $486,924 $1,483 $486,924 $0 $486,924 $101,983 $587,424 $100,500 $587,424 $0 $908 $0 $908 $0 $3,505 $0 $3,505 $0 $493 $0 $493 $0 $1,488 $0 $1,488 $35 $0 $0 $0 $0 $62,354 $0 $62,354 $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 $100,500 $0 $100,500 $0 $1,158 $0 $1,158 $0 $88 $0 $88 $1,448 $2,330 $0 $2,330 $0 $314,600 $0 $314,600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,483 $587,424 $0 $587,424 $100,500 $0 $100,500 $0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The City has been awarded $1,000,000 for a Brownfields Revolving Loan Program accepted 6/20/11. 44 2991 TIGER GRANT FUND: 2991-480-470245 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH CASH: operating REVENUES 331055 Tiger Grant $10,000,000 383000 Transfer from Westside TIF other revenue sources Total Revenue Total Available 791 Redevelopment - rail park (grant) 793 Redevelopment - City match Rail Park 790 Redevelopment - trail (grant) Total Expenditures ENDING CASH CASH: operating ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000,000 $6,196,091 $3,803,909 $0 $8,107,000 $2,200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,000 $0 $18,107,000 $8,396,091 $3,825,909 $0 $18,107,000 $8,396,091 $3,825,909 $0 $12,320,000 $6,196,091 $0 $0 $5,787,000 $2,200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,803,909 $0 $18,107,000 $8,396,091 $3,803,909 $0 $0 $0 $22,000 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The City of Kalispell was awarded a $10 million Transportation Income Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant from U.S. Department of Transportation for the Kalispell Core and Rail Redevelopment Project. The project begins with the construction of a rail park at a reclaimed gravel pit, then relocating rail served businesses to the rail park and converting the old rail line through Kalispell into a bike and pedestrian trail and opening up a number of north and south connection streets that are currently blocked by the rail line. 45