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05. Special Revenue Funds - Public WorksSPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Page Fund Dept PUBLIC WORKS 14-16 2400 Light Maintenance $ 403,658 17-18 2420 Gas Tax $ 658,165 19 2421 BaRSAA $ 515,438 20-25 2500 Street Maintenance $ 3,040,871 26 2825 MACI Grant $ 419,406 Total $ 5,037,538 LIGHT MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT # 2400-410 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Light Maintenance funds are utilized by the Traffics Signs and Signals Division to provide visibility that promotes safe and efficient use of street facilities. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (1.25 FTE) .05 Budget Resource Manager .20 Assessment Coordinator 1 Light Maintenance GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Achieve lighting standards and promote light replacements with longer lasting and more efficient lighting systems. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FYI budget presents the continuation of maintaining the light system to provide consistent and reliable lighting for vehicular traffic, pedestrians, bicycle travel, and outdoor recreational areas. Expenditures also allow for the rehabilitation of decorative lights in the downtown areas, installations of new luminaires throughout the City, and the conversion of LED fixtures for the City owned street lights and bollards. LIGHT MAINTENANCE FUND: 2400-410-430263 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: 10120 Replacement Account ($10,000 year) REVENUES 363010 Maintenance Assessments -designated for equipment replacement 363040 Penalty & Interest 364030 Misc. 371010 Interest Earnings TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES Street Lighting (10100) Capital Outlay -Replacement (10120) Debt Service ENDING CASH 10100 CASH 10120 Replacement Account ($10,000 year) ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $154,518 $261,553 $261,553 $315,885 $20,000 $30,000 $30,000 $4,451 $174,518 $291,553 $291,553 $320,336 $374,795 $376,000 $378,888 $380,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $964 $600 $848 $600 $20,502 $5,000 $22,618 $5,000 $1,631 $1,200 $2,673 $1,200 $407,892 $392,800 $415,027 $396,800 $582,410 $684,353 $706,580 $717,136 $268,399 $414,619 $328,227 $403,658 $0 $36,000 $35,549 $0 $22,458 $22,606 $22,468 $0 $290,857 $473,225 $386,244 $403,658 $261,553 $207,128 $315,885 $299,027 $30,000 $4,000 $4,451 $14,451 $291,553 $211,128 $320,336 $313,478 14 LIGHT MAINTENANCE FUND: 2400-410-430263 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Personal Services 110 Salaries 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement Subtotal Materials and Services: 244 Lighting Supplies 245 New Luminaires 246 LED Luminaire Upgrade (carryover) 341 Electricity 360 Repair & Mai t Services 510 Liability Insurance & Uninsured Loss 522 Administrative Transfer Subtotal Capital Outlay: Replacement Funds (10120) 940 Machinery & Equipment Subtotal Debt Service: 610 Principal - Boom Truck 620 Interest Subtotal Total ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 FTE'S 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 $70,171 $72,058 $72,665 $73,846 $11,259 $12,535 $11,516 $21,714 $5,171 $5,324 $5,450 $5,521 $86,601 $89,917 $89,631 $101,081 $6,976 $18,000 $7,009 $18,000 $500 $30,000 $20,075 $30,000 $0 $60,000 $21,165 $38,835 $153,145 $182,000 $155,585 $182,000 $8,137 $20,000 $20,849 $20,000 $392 $1,500 $711 $800 $12,648 $13,202 $13,202 $12,942 $181,798 $324,702 $238,596 $302,577 $0 $36,000 $35,549 $0 $0 $36,000 $35,549 $0 $21,862 $596 $22,055 $551 $22,055 $413 $0 $0 $22,458 $22,606 $22,468 $0 $290,857 $473,225 $386,244 $403,658 15 LIGHT MAINTENANCE FUND: 2400-410-430263 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: LIGHT MAINTENANCE 245 Luminaires - $30,000 Installation of new luminaires. 246 LED Luminaire Upgrade - Carryover $38,835 This includes purchasing a mixture of new heads, and bulbs to begin updating all of the City owned luminaires to LED LED bulbs provide a 50-6010 reduction in power consumption and are a cleaner, brighter light, with less maintenance. The City will submit an application to Flathead Electric's Energy Conservation Rebate program If accepted up to 9010 of the upgrade costs could be reimbursed, along with future reduced electrical costs The LED changeover will take place over several years. 360 Repair & Maint Services - $20,000 Replacing the deteriorated and malfunctioning decorative globe lights at six per year. In GAS TAX ACCOUNT # 2420-421 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: The city receives annual gas tax revenue allocations based on population and street and alley mileage to be used for construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of streets, right of ways and alleys. GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Provide a right of way infrastructure program that includes reconstruction, maintenance, markings, and repair of streets, sidewalks, and alleys. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FYI budget reflects the continuation of the pavement marking, overlay, chip seal, and sidewalk replacement programs, which promotes safe travel and longevity of the road and pedestrian systems. GAS TAX FUND: 2420-421-430240 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash REVENUE 343012 Public Works Charges 335040 Gas Tax Apportionment 383001 Transfer from Solid Waste for Alley Paving 371010 Interest Total Revenue Total Available Street Department ENDING CASH Cash ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $458,050 $590,277 $590,277 $702,021 $1,138 $371,302 $35,000 $5,043 $0 $371,304 $40,000 $4,500 $0 $381,045 $40,000 $7,116 $0 $383,983 $40,000 $4,500 $412,483 $415,804 $428,161 $428,483 $870,533 $1,006,081 $1,018,438 $1,130,504 $280,256 $616,630 $316,417 $658,165 $590,277 $389,451 $702,021 $472,339 17 GAS TAX FUND: 2420-421-430240 Imo."Iel_1_0_t as 17 By r1114 ACTUAL FY16/17 BUDGET FY17/18 ACTUAL FY17/18 BUDGET FY18/19 430240 Materials and Services -Streets 231 Gas & Oil $29,976 $40,000 $34,483 $40,000 344 Natural Gas $4,600 $5,500 $4,758 $5,800 354 Contract Services -Striping $0 $20,000 $0 $20,000 360 Contract - Snow Remove, Constr. Support, Repair $900 $1,500 $750 $1,500 368 Overlays & Chip Seals $106,489 $269,073 $119,073 $300,000 452 Gravel $0 $3,500 $4,023 $5,000 453 Equipment Rental $1,410 $5,000 $2,711 $5,000 471 De-Icer/RoadOil $44,682 $40,000 $39,158 $45,000 472 Asphalt Material $31,817 $53,000 $11,921 $50,000 473 Crack Sealing Material $4,362 $14,500 $4,707 $14,500 474 Paint Striping Materials $5,342 $30,000 $22,174 $30,000 Total Materials & Services Streets $229,578 $482,073 $243,758 $516,800 430234 Sidewalks / Alleys: 956 Sidewalk Construction/ADACompliance $11,928 $94,557 $43,192 $101,365 957 Alley Paving $38,750 $40,000 $29,467 $40,000 Total Capital $50,678 $134,557 $72,659 $141,365 Total $280,256 $616,630 $316,417 $658,165 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: 368 Overlay & Chip Seals - Carryover $150,000 New Appropriations - $150,000 956 Sidewalk Replacement & ADA Compliance - Carryover $51,365, New Appropriation $50,000 $25,000 to be used for a matching program to assist homeowners with replacing bad sidewalks and $25,000 to meet ADA requirements. 957 Alley Paving - $40,000 Includes a transfer from Solid Waste to pave approximately 6 alleys and perform maintenance on existing paved alleys. 18 BaRSAA FUND: 2421-421-43 0240 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash REVENUE 335040 Gas Tax Apportionment 383001 Transfer from Special Street - 5% Total Revenue Total Available 354 Pavement Maint. ENDING CASH Cash amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $0 $0 $74,438 $0 $0 $141,787 $7,089 $141,787 $7,089 $420,000 $21,000 $0 $148,876 $148,876 $441,000 $0 $148,876 $148,876 $515,438 $0 $148,876 $74,438 $515,438 $0 $0 $74,438 $0 The Bridge and Road Safety and Accountability Act (HB473) was enacted on May 3, 2017. This bill increased the tax on gasoline to 31.5 cents (from 27 cents) in fiscal years 2018 and 2019; to 32 cents in fiscal years 2020 and 2021; to 32.5 cents in fiscal year 2022; and 33 cents in fiscal year 2023 and thereafter. A corresponding 2 cent per gallon increase (to 29.75 cents) was placed on diesel fuel over the same fiscal years. Any of these new tax funds requested require a local 5% match ($1 for every $20 requested), and must be used along with the matching funds for construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair of rural roads, city or town streets and alleys, or bridges. 19 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT # 2500-421 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: To construct and maintain surface transportation, signals, and traffic controls that support economic viability and promotes clean, safe, and drivable travel during all seasons. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (16.25 FTE) .20 Public Works Director .25 Senior Civil Engineer (City Engineer) .15 Budget Resource Manager .25 Construction Manager .15 Administrative Coordinator .25 Project Manager (Engineer II) .50 Road and Fleet Superintendent .20 Assessment Coordinator GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: .20 Administrative Assistant .25 Engineering Tech/GIS/IT Support .10 General Laborer 10.75 Special Street Maintenance Operators 1 Special Street Maintenance Supervisor 1 Traffic Signs and Signals Maintenance Supervisor 1 Traffic Signs and Signals Maintenance Technical 1. To maintain city streets in a clean, safe and drivable condition during all seasons. 2. To provide the safe and orderly travel through properly designed and maintained signals, signage and markings. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FYI budget reflects the continuation of Street and ROW preventative maintenance and reconstruction, including pavement marking, overlay, chip seal, ADA compliance, and sidewalk replacement programs. Expenditures to replace a skid steer, and a dump truck will support year round operations and service. This year's budget includes GPS tracking units on special streets equipment that will track daily traveling, routes, and speed. Real time location and route tracking by receptionists/supervisors enhances customer service response and improves operation efficiency. The Traffic, Signs, and Signal budget provides for the purchase of traffic detection upgrades to improve traffic movements at the intersection of 1st Avenue East and Center Street. Roof maintenance for the street's shop will be completed to repair leaks and correct ice damming/icicle issues. SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: 2500-421-430240 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating 10107 Cash, Designated Equip. Replacement 10108 Cash, Designated S & C Repair/In-Lieu of 10109 Cash, Designated Pavement Replacement Total Cash REVENUE 343012 Public Works Charges 363010 Maintenance Assessments -designated for pavement replacement -designated for equipment replacement Bonded Debt - 4th Ave E Rebuild 363040 Penalty & Interest 364030 Sale of Misc./Auction 371010 Investment Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES Street Department]TSS Capital Equip. Replacement Capital Outlay Bonded Debt - 4th Ave E Rebuild S & C Repair Funds Pavement Replacement Program Total Expenditures ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, OPERATING 10107 Cash, Designated Equip. Replacement 10108 Cash, Designated S & C Repair 10109 Cash, Designated Pavement Replacement Total ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $963,744 $1,191,911 $1,191,911 $1,634,033 $265,006 $232,027 $232,027 $162,502 $27,828 $27,828 $27,828 $27,828 $652,002 $771,595 $771,595 $486,843 $1,908,580 $2,223,361 $2,223,361 $2,311,206 $14,962 $7,500 $58,999 $7,500 $1,878,072 $1,971,976 $2,067,750 $2,100,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $0 $670,000 $615,098 $0 $5,541 $6,000 $6,537 $6,000 $18,349 $3,500 $25,570 $5,000 $15,550 $15,000 $18,044 $15,000 $2,532,474 $3,273,976 $3,391,998 $2,733,500 $4,441,054 $5,497,336 $5,615,359 $5,044,706 $1,692,571 $2,030,588 $1,714,150 $2,095,116 $251,137 $330,807 $296,575 $226,000 $0 $670,000 $615,098 $0 $0 $27,828 $0 $27,828 $280,407 $921,952 $684,752 $691,927 $2,224,115 $3,981,175 $3,310,575 $3,040,871 $1,191,911 $1,171,722 $1,634,033 $1,672,417 $232,027 $101,220 $162,502 $136,502 $27,828 $0 $27,828 $0 $771,595 $249,643 $486,843 $194,916 $2,223,361 $1,522,584 $2,311,206 $2,003,835 20 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: 2500-421-430240 EXPENDITURE DETAIL STREET DIVISION Personal Services: FTE's 110 Salaries and Payroll Costs 121 Overtime 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement Subtotal Materials and Services: 210 Computer Equipment/Software/Supplies 218 Non -Capital Equipment /Safety Equipment & Supplies 220 Other supplies, Janitorial, Consumable Tools 231 Gas & Oil 341 Electric 345 Telephone 354 Contract Services 356 Consultant -Transportation Plan, Plan Review, Rd Rating 362 Equipment Maint. Parts & Supplies, includes Radios 366 Building Maint. 373 Dues & Training 388 Medical Services/Drug Test 510 Property & Liability Insurance 512 Uninsured Loss -Deductible 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Information Tech. Transfer Subtotal ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 13.25 13.25 13.25 14.25 $671,788 $731,217 $706,871 $776,609 $35,135 $25,000 $26,339 $28,000 $146,402 $163,219 $143,858 $170,710 $51,987 $53,704 $54,660 $57,693 $905,312 $973,140 $931,728 $1,033,012 $4,431 $12,360 $3,228 $16,360 $6,412 $8,950 $8,308 $7,000 $4,465 $4,500 $4,733 $4,500 $31,569 $40,000 $35,833 $40,000 $2,733 $3,500 $2,699 $3,500 $1,226 $1,500 $1,352 $1,500 $12,374 $30,000 $18,559 $30,000 $0 $65,050 $514 $137,150 $28,742 $33,500 $21,782 $33,500 $3,000 $5,000 $2,473 $5,000 $2,203 $5,500 $1,830 $5,500 $420 $1,000 $617 $1,000 $13,578 $17,359 $17,650 $17,231 $455 $10,000 $0 $11,269 $179,219 $ l 80,235 $180,235 $200,052 $90,571 $93,300 $93,300 $98,967 $12,513 $12,513 $12,513 $14,339 $393,911 $524,267 $405,626 $626,868 610/620 Debt Service -Principal & Interest - from operating cash $114,962 $118,698 $77,206 $36,740 610/620 Debt Service -Principal & Interest - from pavement maint. $0 $40,000 $34,821 $38,906 Subtotal $114,962 $158,698 $112,027 $75,646 21 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: 2500-421-430240 EXPENDITURE DETAIL-con't. Capital Outlay: 840 MACI Grant Match - Wtr/De-Icer Trk 920 Salt Brine Tank 921 Sand/Cold Mix Storage Shed 922 Shop Roof and Insulation Replacement 923 Cold Storage Roof Replacement 953 Shop Complex Pavement Restoration - Carry Subtotal Capital Outlay: Bonded Project 969 4th Ave E. Main Replc 430244 354 Pavement Maintenance Funds 820 Transfer to BaRSAA 430245 Replacement Funds: 940 Machinery & Equipment 430248 Sidewalk & Curb Repair Funds 354 Contract Services (carryover) Total Streets 430264 TRAFFIC SIGN & SIGNALS Personal Services FTE I10 Salaries 121 Overtime 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement Maintenance & Operations: 210 Computer Equipment/Software/Supplies 218 Non -Capital Equipment /Safety Equipment & Supplies 220 Other Supplies, Janitorial, Consumable Tools ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $8,950 $11,050 $7,637 $0 $35,749 $15,325 $15,277 $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,000 $0 $31,500 $27,100 $0 $0 $38,200 $0 $38,200 $44,699 $96,075 $50,014 $93,200 $0 $670,000 $615,098 $0 $280,407 $874,863 $642,842 $632,021 $0 $7,089 $7,089 $21,000 $251,137 $330,807 $296,575 $195,000 $0 $27,828 $0 $27,828 $1,990,428 $3,615,678 $3,060,999 $2,704,575 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 $120,485 $124,700 $118,243 $124,519 $607 $7,500 $0 $7,500 $16,306 $17,614 $21,767 $26,794 $8,798 $9,084 $8,748 $9,177 Subtotal $146,196 $158,898 $148,758 $167,990 $1,892 $1,500 $1,395 $2,500 $1,441 $10,200 $7,529 $6,700 $2,409 $3,500 $2,612 $3,500 22 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: 2500-421-430240; 430264 EXPENDITURE DETAIL-con't. Maintenance & Operations: Cont. 242 Street Signs 243 Traffic Signals 245 Barricade Materials 341 Electricity 345 Tele. & Communications 354 Contract Services 362 Equipment Maintenance Parts, includes Radios 366 Building Maintenance 373 School & Travel 428 Paint Materials 510 Property & Liability Insurance 512 Uninsured Loss -Deductible Property 521 Central Garage Transfer 532 Office Rent Subtotal Capital Outlay: 940 Machinery & Equipment Subtotal ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $19,230 $35,000 $7,469 $30,000 $15,555 $20,000 $5,905 $20,000 $5,229 $5,000 $5,603 $5,500 $1,843 $3,000 $1,829 $3,000 $725 $850 $769 $850 $3,443 $10,000 $7,793 $10,000 $925 $3,000 $3,203 $3,000 $1,907 $2,000 $363 $3,000 $3,511 $5,500 $5,610 $6,000 $3,583 $5,000 $4,147 $5,000 $1,604 $2,014 $1,793 $1,623 $9,838 $2,500 $0 $2,777 $7,934 $8,024 $8,024 $7,435 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $6,422 $87,491 $123,510 $70,466 $117,307 $0 $36,000 $30,352 $51,000 $0 $36,000 $30,352 $51,000 Total Traffic Signs and Signals $233,687 $282,408 $249,576 $336,297 Grand Total - Streets & TSS $2,224,115 $3,898,086 $3,310,575 $3,040,871 23 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: 2500-421-430240 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: Street Division 110 Personnel Services - Includes I additional FTE Addition of one full-time Street Operator. 210 Computer Equipment/Software/Supplies - $16,360 Increased $4,000 to add GPS Vehicle Tracking to an additional 13 trucks in the fleet 354 Contract Services - $30,000 $15,000 needed for street sweepings disposal. 356 Consultant - $137,150 $100,000 - Transportation Plan Update - Propose to work in conjunction with MDOT and update the 2008 Kalispell Area Transportation Plan. This plan is now 10 years out of date and is scheduled to be updated now that the bypass is complete. Updating the plan ensures projects and priorities are current and consistent with community needs. $7,150 - Plan Review and Construction Administration Support $30,000 - Road Rating System Design Capital Outlay: Operating Funds 840 MAC[ Grant Match - $10,000 During the next MAGI Grant cycle the City plans on applying for a flush/deicer truck. If approved this would replace a 1994 truck with 739,304 miles which is in poor condition and nearing the end of its life cycle for the City. The required 13.42% match, plus indirect costs, would come from the remaining balance in the MACI Fund and a $10,000 transfer from the Special Street Maintenance Fund. Estimated cost of the flush/de-icer truck is $185,000. 922 Street Shop Building Roof and Insulation Replacement - $45,000 The insulation is falling down and not providing any protection from the elements. The roof is leaking and causing damage to the building and electrical equipment. 24 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE FUND: 2500-421-430240 FY 2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail Continued: Street Division Capital Outlay: Operating Funds Cont. 953 Shop Complex Pavement Restoration - Carryover $38,200 The project involves replacement of the degraded asphalt surface inside the fenced area of the City Shop Complex and the installation of a new storm water quality treatment device. The asphalt at the City Shop Complex is deteriorated beyond simple patch work and necessitates replacement. The asphalt replacement triggers storm water treatment requirements stipulated by the MS4 permit and promotes good stewardship for clean water discharges to Ashley Creek. Cost shared between Water, Sewer, Storm, Streets, & Solid Waste. Total Project Cost $341,000 430244 Pavement Repairs - $632,021 354 Pavement Maintenance - Carryover $232,021, New Appropriation $400,000 Capital Outlay: Replacement Funds 430245 Machinery & Equipment - $195,000 940 $65,000 - Skid Steer - Scheduled replacement of the 2009 Skid Steer with 2,750 hours $15,000 - I I' Snow Plow - Replacing plow on unit #362. $1159000 - Used Dump Truck with Snow Plow. Scheduled replacement of 1983 Dump Truck Line Item Detail Continued: Traffic Sign & Signals Capital Outlay: 944 Machinery & Equipment - $51,000 $20,000 - Traffic Signal Upgrade on I st Avenue East. $8,000 - Graphtec Sign Plotter. Scheduled replacement of 2008 plotter. $23,000 - Grindlazer Line Driver. Scheduled replacement of 2004 line driver 75 MT. AIR & CONGESTION GRANT FUND: 2825 ... STREET .... 421.... FUNCTION .... 430240 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH CASH: Operating REVENUES 331055 MACI Grant (Sweeper & Flush Truck) 383012 Transfer (match) from Storm Sewer - carryover 383012 Transfer (match) from Street Maintenance Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES 940 Capital Equipment ENDING CASH ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $21,006 $21,006 $21,006 $21,006 $0 $375,067 $0 $363,122 $0 $43,000 $0 $43,000 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $418,067 $0 $416,122 $21,006 $439,073 $21,006 $437,128 $0 $433,202 $0 $419,406 CASH: Operating $21,006 $5,871 $21,006 $17,722 FY2019 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS The Montana Air and Congestion Initiative (MACI) provides funds for equipment purchases which are utilized to benefit air quality in the State. FY19 Appropriation Appropriation was budgeted in FY17 and carried over to FY18 to apply for a MACI grant to replace a sweeper and a flush truck. The City was notified in August 2017, they were awarded a grant for the sweeper. However, MACI has delayed the grant awards because they are waiting on approval of a Buy America waiver that is needed before they can proceed with purchasing the sweepers. $43,000 transfer from the Storm Sewer Fund for the sweeper match will be carried to FY19. During the next MACI Grant cycle the City plans on applying again for a flush/deicer truck. If approved this would replace a 1994 truck with 739,304 miles which is in poor condition and nearing the end of its life cycle for the City. The required 13.42% match, plus indirect costs, would come from the remaining balance in the MACI Fund and a $10,000 transfer from the Special Street Maintenance Fund. Estimated cost of the flush/de-icer truck is $185,000. 26