04. Special Revenue Funds - Public SafetySPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Page Fund Dept PUBLIC SAFETY 1-2 2230 Ambulance $ 1,261,934 3 2956 Fire Grants $ 229,546 4 2957 Hazmat Grant $ 25,000 5-6 2399 Impact Fees $ 860,000 7 2915 Stonegarden Grant $ 120,000 8 2916 Drug Enforcement Grant $ 95,520 9 2918 CHRP Grant $ 77,369 10-11 2919 Law Enforcement Grants $ 83,000 12-13 2394 Building Dept. $ 955,843 Total $ 3,708,212 AMBULANCE ACCOUNT # 2230-440 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: The Kalispell Ambulance provides Advanced Life Support medical response, treatment and transport of the sick and injured, and public safety education. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: Chief, Assistant Chief, and Clerk split (50%) with the Fire department, and 8 Firefighters. GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: The goal of the Kalispell Ambulance Department is to provide effective medical response and educate the community on safe living practices. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES: The primary outcome of the FY2019 budget is the continuation of emergency medical response and outreach services. Focus will be on internal and external communication improvements and operational accountability. AMBULANCE FUND FUND: 2230-440-42073 0 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: operating Total Cash Available REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $215,749 $2,229 $2,229 $270 $215,749 $2,229 $2,229 $270 342050 Services billed $1,710,618 $1,700,000 $1,700,000 $1,700,000 A/R change ($175,000) ($162,000) ($50,000) Write -offs, uncollectible Medicare, etc. approx. 54% ($825,460) ($950,000) ($925,470) ($953,234) Net collections $710,158 $750,000 $612,530 $696,766 342070 County EMS Levy Transfer from General Fund Total Total Available EXPENSES $101,734 $110,000 $106,095 $100,000 $230,000 $350,000 $352,000 $500,000 $1,041,892 $1,210,000 $1,070,625 $1,296,766 $1,257,641 $1,212,229 $1,072,854 $1,297,036 Ambulance Service $1,085,704 $1,188,097 $1,072,584 $1,201,934 Capital $169,708 $0 $0 $60,000 Total $1,255,412 $1,188,097 $1,072,584 $1,261,934 ENDING CASH Operating cash available $2,229 $24,132 $270 $35,102 d AMBULANCE FUND FUND: 2230-440-42073 0 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ACTUAL FY16/17 BUDGET FY17/18 ACTUAL FY17/18 BUDGET FY18/19 Personal Services: FTE's 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 110 Salaries & Wages $612,770 $640,748 $601,300 $656,047 114 Comp Time Buyout $2,168 $3,500 $0 $3,500 115 Out of Rank Pay $1,602 $2,500 $1,811 $2,500 121 Overtime $54,478 $30,000 $22,681 $30,000 153 Health Insurance $144,880 $156,265 $129,098 $155,949 155 Retirement $83,219 $85,036 $79,887 $87,109 Subtotal $899,117 $918,049 $834,777 $935,105 Materials and Operations 210 Office Supplies/equip/computer $844 $1,400 $979 $1,400 218 Equipment - Non -Capital $4,108 $4,200 $3,315 $4,200 231 Gas $5,796 $7,560 $5,628 $7,560 241 Consumable Tools/uniforms $332 $4,000 $2,125 $4,000 312 Postage & printing $32 $1,500 $129 $1,500 345 Telephone & Communications $1,812 $1,700 $1,696 $1,700 354 Contract services $14,718 $43,690 $40,865 $19,990 355 911 Center contribution $34,000 $34,500 $34,500 $35,020 359 Collection Serv./Credit Card Fees/audit fees $3,448 $1,650 $2,176 $1,650 362 Equipment maintenance & radio maint. $5,000 $5,000 $4,366 $5,000 373 Dues & Training $2,666 $5,000 $1,603 $5,000 388 ExposureTesting/Immun. $0 $2,500 $1,864 $2,500 391 Treatment -Medical Supplies $31,205 $48,300 $29,629 $49,749 510 Property & Liability Ins. $7,614 $25,886 $25,771 $34,487 521 Central Garage Transfer $16,229 $18,070 $18,070 $I8,093 522 Administrative Transfer $42,099 $48,407 $48,407 $55,862 528 Information Tech. Transfer $16,684 $16,684 $16,684 $19,118 821 Transfer to fund 2956 Grant Match $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $186,587 $270,047 $237,807 $266,829 Capital 940 Ambulance (fy17)/Cardiac Monitors(fy19) $169,708 $0 $0 $60,000 Total $1,255,412 $1,188,097 $1,072,584 $1,261,934 FIRE GRANTS FUND: 2956-416-420400 PROJECTED REVENUE/EXPENDITURE AND FUND SUMMARY ACTUAL FY16/17 BUDGET FY17/18 ACTUAL FY17/18 BUDGET FY18/19 BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: operating $4,066 $4,757 $4,757 $4,778 REVENUES 331120 Assistance for Firefighters Grant (SCBA) $0 $210,408 $0 $202,092 365020 Donations/Roundup for Safety $3,376 $5,000 $4,894 $5,000 383001 City Share transfer from General fund $0 $21,040 $0 $22,454 Total $3,376 $236,448 $4,894 $229,546 Total Available $7,442 $241,205 $9,651 $234,324 EXPENDITURES 420400-218 Equipment (non -capital) $0 $0 $320 $0 221 Safety Equipment - Roundup for Safety $2,685 $5,000 $4,553 $5,000 420415-940 AFG GRT fyl9 SCBA $0 $231,448 $0 $224,546 $2,685 $236,448 $4,873 $229,546 ENDING CASH CASH: operating $4,757 $4,757 $4,778 $4,778 3 HAZMAT GRANT FUND: 2957-416-420400 PROJECTED REVENUE/EXPENDITURE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: operating REVENUES 334021 Hazmat Grant 365020 Hazmat Response Payments 371010 Investments Total Total Available EXPENDITURES 420400-155 Retirement - Regional Hazmat Reimb 420410-125 OT - Pass Thru Hazmat 218 Equipment - Pass Thru Hazmat 373 Travel - Pass Thru Hazmat Total ENDING CASH CASH: operating ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $42,912 $60,785 $60,785 $53,026 $44,167 $7,077 $402 $22,000 $0 $100 $1,509 $1,945 $614 $0 $0 $500 $51,646 $22,100 $4,068 $500 $94,558 $82,885 $64,853 $53,526 $0 $13,055 $17,432 $3,286 $2,500 $10,000 $9,000 $2,000 $0 $5,462 $4,681 $1,684 $0 $8,000 $12,000 $5,000 $33,773 $23,500 $11,827 $25,000 $60,785 $59,385 $53,026 $28,526 4 PUBLIC SAFETY IMPACT FEES FUND: 2399 REVENUE PROJECTION Beginning Cash 10100 Cash: Administration 5% 10172 Cash: Police 10173 Cash: Fire Total Cash Revenue 341072 POLICE (less admin) 341072 5% Admin 341073 FIRE (less admin) 341073 5% Admin 371010 Interest Revenue -distrubuted to cash ADMIN Interest Revenue -distrubuted to cash POLICE Interest Revenue-distrubuted to cash FIRE Total Revenue Total Available Exuenditure 900 Fire Department (inc debt service, less impact review) Police Department (less impact review) Administrative transfer Admin.- Fire for review Admin-Police for review Total Expenditures Ending Cash 10100 Cash: Administration 5% 10172 Cash: Police 10173 Cash: Fire Total Cash ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $7,387 $12,674 $12,674 $7,854 $70,879 $90,937 $90,937 $103,806 $505,267 $714,132 $714,132 $833,746 $583,533 $817,743 $817,743 $945,406 $19,230 $11,400 $11,818 $9,500 $1,012 $600 $622 $500 $272,734 $161,500 $180,829 $142,000 $14,275 $8,500 $9,558 $7,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $828 $800 $1,051 $800 $6,263 $6,200 $8,301 $6,200 $314,342 $189,000 $212,179 $166,500 $897,875 $1,006,743 $1,029,922 $1,111,906 $70,132 $819,709 $69,516 $750,000 $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $80,132 $934,709 $84,516 $860,000 $12,674 $6,774 $7,854 $5,854 $90,937 $3,137 $103,806 $14,106 $714,132 $62,123 $833,746 $231,946 $817,743 $72,034 $945,406 $251,906 5 PUBLIC SAFETY IMPACT FEES FUND: 2399 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY/ DETAIL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 413 420140 Police Department -available funds $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 354 Impact fee review from adm. 5% $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Police $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 416 420400 Fire Department -available funds $0 $750,000 $0 $750,000 354 Impact fee review from adm. 5% $0 $0 $0 $0 610 Principal -Fire Truck $65,500 $67,675 $67,524 $0 620 Interest - Fire Truck $4,632 $2,034 $1,992 $0 Subtotal Fire $70,132 $819,709 $69,516 $750,000 400 410200 522 Administrative charge $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 Subtotal Administration $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 Total $80,132 $934,709 $84,516 $860,000 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION An Impact Fee committee oversees the recommendations for use of these funds. The fire department purchased a portion of a ladder truck with impact fees and pays related debt with impact fees. Impact fees can be used for capital purchases related to growth. Amounts budgeted are amounts anticipated to be available for fire and police purchases of items approved on their capital improvement plan. Capital purchases must have a 10 year life. C HOMELAND SECURITY - STONEGARDEN GRANT FUND: 2915-413-420140 REVENUE PROJECTION - FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH Cash on Hand REVENUES 331112 Homeland Security Grant - 15 Stonegarden 331113 Homeland Security Grant-16 Stonegarden Total Total Available EXPENDITURES 121 Overtime & payroll costs (KPD) 218 Equipment (KPD) 354 Contract Services (WPD, MFWP) Total ENDING CASH Cash on Hand ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,329 $56,817 $61,473 $0 $36,042 $0 $120,000 $93,146 $61,473 $36,042 $120,000 $93,146 $61,473 $36,042 $120,000 $5,575 $38,851 $48,720 $20,264 $0 $41,209 $1,366 $0 $34,676 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $93,146 $61,473 $36,042 $120,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Operation Stonegarden is a joint operation with the Kalispell and Whitefish Police Departments, the Montana Highway Patrol and the US Border Patrol to deter attempts at illegal activity at the Flathead County Border Corridor. 7 DRUG ENFORCEMENT GRANT FUND: 2916-413-420140 REVENUE PROJECTION - FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH Cash on Hand REVENUES 331020 HIDTA Grant 331022 County Drug Grant 383001 General Fund Transfer Total Total Available EXPENDITURES Crime Control 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime -grant match 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement Subtotal Materials and Services: 354 Contract Services Subtotal Total ENDING CASH Cash on Hand ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $831 $3,473 $3,473 $13,396 $9,144 $21,553 $67,500 $8,000 $23,000 $64,000 $10,499 $20,882 $64,000 $8,000 $23,000 $64,000 $98,197 $95,000 $95,381 $95,000 $99,028 $98,473 $98,854 $108,396 FTE's 1 1 1 1 $59,008 $62,808 $56,529 $64,857 $8,920 $7,500 $8,508 $7,500 $14,579 $8,307 $7,619 $8,453 $7,840 $8,431 $7,621 $8,710 $90,347 $87,046 $80,277 $89,520 $5,208 $6,000 $5,181 $6,000 $5,208 $6,000 $5,181 $6,000 $95,555 $93,046 $85,458 $95,520 $3,473 $5,427 $13,396 $12,876 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The goal of this project is to enforce the State and Federal statutes relating to the possession and/or sale of illegal drugs and the criminal activity associated with drug use in Flathead County and its incorporated cities. The multi -agency task force concept is intended to provide a well -coordinated county -wide drug enforcement program whose purpose is to attack the drug marketplace at all levels by placing equal importance on the casual user, the addict and the traffickers. g CHRP GRANT -Cops Hiring Recovery Program Grant FUND: 2918-413-420140 REVENUE PROJECTION - FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10110 CASH 10130 Cash designated for 4th year REVENUES 331025 COPS HIRING RECOVERY PROGRAM GRANT 383001 General Fund Transfer (25% to fund 4th year) Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES -Crime Control amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,325 $39,984 $39,984 $80,134 $37,261 $40,000 $56,334 $11,466 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $0 $97,261 $100,000 $116,334 $11,466 $112,586 $139,984 $156,318 $91,600 FTE's 1 1 1 1 110 Salaries and payroll costs $57,129 $59,417 $59,706 $60,499 153 Health Insurance $7,956 $8,307 $8,688 $8,968 155 Retirement $7,517 $7,706 $7,790 $7,901 Total Expenditures $72,602 $75,431 $76,184 $77,369 ENDING CASH 10110 CASH $0 $0 $0 $0 10130 Cash on Hand (designated for 4th year) $39,984 $64,553 $80,134 $14,231 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Police Department applied for and received a grant for the COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) to hire one police officer. The grant award is to pay the salary and benefits of an entry level police officer for three years with the agreement that the City retain that position for a fourth year. X LAW ENFORCEMENT GRANTS FUND: 2919-413-420140 REVENUE PROJECTION - FUND SUMMARY ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 BEGINNING CASH Cash on Hand REVENUES 331023 Bulletproof Vest Partnership 331024 Roundup for Safety grant/other donations 331026 Homeland Security Grant Program (Tactical Improvements) 331021 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) 2016-DJ-BX-0265 334011 DUI Task Force/Safe Kids Safe Communities 334015 MDOT/Spec. Holiday Enforcement (STEP) (126) 334016 MDOT STEP Equipment Grant 342015 School District Overtime 383001 Transfer from General Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES Crime Control ENDING CASH Cash on Hand $0 $0 $0 $69 $2,256 $3,500 $2,779 $3,500 $4,565 $2,500 $2,842 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ l 0,904 $ l 2,000 $0 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,739 $40,000 $25,582 $40,000 $0 $10,000 $0 $13,500 $20,000 $13,451 $20,000 $3,500 $3,500 $7,000 $3,500 $64,464 $91,500 $51,654 $83,000 $64,464 $91,500 $51,654 $83,069 $64,464 $91,500 $51,585 $83,000 $0 $0 $69 $69 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This budget allows for the purchase of safety equipment through grant funding, including the Bulletproof Vest Partnership and Round -Up for Safety. 10 LAW ENFORCEMENT GRANTS FUND: 2919-413-420140 EXPENDITURE DETAIL/SUMMARY Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 125 Overtime -DUI Task force 126 Overtime -Holiday Reimbursement 127 Overtime -School district Subtotal Maintenance & Operations: 218 JAG grant 220 Other equipment from donations 221 Bullet Proof Vests Subtotal Capital Outlay: 940 SRT Camera In Car Camera System - Forfeiture Funds Subtotal Total ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $2,696 $4,000 $2,423 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $26,778 $36,000 $21,303 $36,000 $16,305 $20,000 $ l 8,451 $20,000 $45,779 $60,000 $42,177 $60,000 $10,904 $12,000 $0 $12,000 $3,577 $12,500 $3,393 $4,000 $4,204 $7,000 $6,015 $7,000 $18,685 $31,500 $9,408 $23,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $64,464 $91,500 $51,585 $83,000 BUILD ING DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT # 2394-420 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: The building department serves as the entity that reviews plans and conducts inspections of construction in the city to promote safe and sustainable building efforts for the community. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: Planning Director (.35), Office Supervisor (.5), Assistant Office Suprevisor, Building Official, two plans examiners, GIS position (.20) and five Building Inspectors. One inspector performs fire inspections and is funded 40% by the general fund (fire department). GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: To achieve its purpose the building department conducts reviews and inspections in accordance with the most recently adopted building and related codes. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FY2019 budget will focus on the administration of the adopted code programs including residential, commercial and electrical inspection program, and the continued implementation of a web -based permit system allowing contractors to submit building applications on-line. This year, the 2018 code book cycle will be adopted and implemented including appropriate training. We will also incorporate safety features into the building department offices and storage areas. BUILDING DEPARTMENT FUND: 23 94-420-42053 0 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating REVENUES 323101 Building permits 323103 Plumbing permits 323104 Mechanical permits 323105 Electircal permits 323108 Plan Review 371010 Investment Earnings Total Revenue Total Available EXPENDITURES Operating Total Expenditures ENDING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 $718,609 $1,589,757 $1,589,757 $1,970,615 $931,311 $800,000 $716,706 $600,000 $36,020 $30,000 $37,443 $21,000 $41,595 $40,000 $80,749 $30,000 $89,355 $75,000 $80,570 $60,000 $460,233 $400,000 $306,342 $250,000 $13,765 $5,000 $19,475 $5,000 $1,572,279 $1,350,000 $1,241,285 $966,000 $2,290,888 $2,939,757 $2,831,042 $2,936,615 $701,131 $925,789 $860,427 $955,843 $701,131 $925,789 $860,427 $955,843 $1,589,757 $2,013,968 $1,970,615 $1,980,772 12 BUILDING DEPARTMENT FUND: 23 94-420-420530 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY16/17 FY17/18 FY17/18 FY18/19 Personal Services: FTE's 6.75 8.65 8.65 8.65 110 Salaries and payroll costs $365,076 $490,717 $469,129 $502,504 112 Salaries - Retirement $0 $0 $0 $21,472 121 Overtime $13,922 $10,000 $29,629 $20,000 153 Health Insurance $73,092 $101,155 $95,404 $95,112 155 Retirement $27,940 $36,340 $37,718 $37,666 Total Personal Services $480,030 $638,213 $631,880 $676,754 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Supplies/computerhardware'software/other $29,278 $28,105 $32,938 $36,000 231 Gas & Oil $3,071 $3,500 $3,285 $4,500 320 Postage, printing, Code books $1,003 $7,300 $9,430 $7,300 323 State Ed Assessments $6,958 $7,500 $5,136 $7,500 345 Telephone & Communications $3,498 $4,000 $4,386 $4,500 353 Auditing (3 year Building audit for state) $1,000 $4,500 $3,350 $4,500 354 Contract Services -(fy17 bldg permit conversion) $31,869 $10,000 $20,426 $20,000 355 City Works Licensing Fee $15,156 $21,250 $19,671 $25,000 356 ArcGIS server upgrade license $0 $9,500 $9,500 $3,000 357 Credit Card / PayPal Fees $0 $0 $0 $20,250 360 Furniture $0 $9,000 $10,302 $9,000 373 Dues & Training $13,578 $20,000 $15,829 $30,000 510 Insurance - liability & property $2,585 $5,389 $7,176 $7,200 521 Central Garage Transfer $1,453 $1,882 $1,882 $1,926 522 Administrative Transfer $16,282 $21,454 $21,454 $29,956 528 Information Technology Transfer $32,225 $29,196 $29,196 $33,457 Total M & O $157,956 $182,576 $193,961 $244,089 Capital Outlay: 920 Awning Qy18) Conference training room (fyl9) $0 $10,000 $9,447 $10,000 940 Server (fy18) N bsmt entrance safety proj (fy19) $0 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 944 Vehicles (fy18) bldg annex rm 2nd floor access (fy19) $63,145 $85,000 $15,139 $10,000 Total Capital $63,145 $105,000 $34,586 $35,000 Total Budget $701,131 $925,789 $860,427 $955,843 13