Resolution 5342 - Adopts Water, Sewer & Storm Drainage Facility Plan Update 2006RESOLUTION NO.5342 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE CITY OF KALISPELL WATER, SEWER, AND STORM DRAINAGE FACILITY PLAN UPDATE 2006 AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS. WHEREAS, on December 16, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution 4760, approving the City of Kalispell Water, Sewer, and Storm Drainage Facility Plan based upon engineering studies and projections of the future demands for these facilities; and WHEREAS, the City has generated an update to the facility plan and capital improvement plans for water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities to respond to actual growth patterns and to reflect expected future demands for these facilities; and WHEREAS, City staff presented said updates to the City Council at a work session on December 22, 2008 and based upon input from independent consultants, council, and the public, produced a City of Kalispell Water, Sewer, and Storm Drainage Facility Plan Update 2006 of record in the office of the City Clerk, and Capital Improvement Plans attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The City of Kalispell Water, Sewer, and Storm Drainage Facility Plan Update 2006 of record in the office of the City Clerk, and Capital Improvement Plans attached hereto as Exhibit A, shall be and are hereby approved and adopted and shall be implemented by the City of Kalispell until hereafter amended or replaced. SECTION II. The City of Kalispell Water, Sewer and Storm Drainage Facility Plan Update 2006 and Capital Improvement Plans shall be made available to the public through the Department of Public Works which is authorized to charge the public the costs of producing such copies. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 17TH DAY OFF LRUARY, 2009. Pamela B. Kennedy ATTEST: Mayor s Theresa White City Clerk Kalispell Water Capital Improvement Plan Aug 2007 CCI Current CCI Multiplier 8007.48 8556.72 1.068590868 Project Number Funding Designation Project Description Current Projects FY 08-09 Estimated Cost FY 09-10 Estimated Cost FY 10-11 Estimated Cost FY 11-12 Estimated Cost FY 12-13 Estimated Cost Future W-EX-3 D Greenacres NW $ 327,662.02 W-EX-5 R 8th Ave W. Main Replacement $ 1,188,796.65 W-EX-6 R 6th Ave. West Main Replacement $ 371,591.79 W-EX-8 I Conway Drive and Highway 93 Loop $ 191,395.31 W-EX-10 D S. Woodland Dr. to 5th Ave. E. $ 278,506.84 W-EX-11 D Sylvan Ct. Loop $ 145,926.77 W-EX-12 R Grandview Drive Loop $ 464,826.34 W-EX-13 I Upper Zone Storage $ 3,904,358.54 W-EX-15 R 6th St Water Main Improvements $ 689,401.40 W-EX-17 R 3rd Ave. WN Water Main Replacement $ 303,383.63 W-EX-19 R 11 th St. E Water Main Project $ 156,000.00 W-EX-21 R 4th Avenue East Main Replacement $ 678,341.48 W-EX-22 D Northridge Drive to Four Mile Drive Loop $ 1,136,873.82 W-EX-23 R Meridian Road to Sunnyside Drive Loop (30% of prj completed in 2005) $ 691,549.27 W-EX-24 R Kelly Road to Woodland Ave Loop $ 199,388.37 W-EX-26 R Hwy 93 Loop to Airport Rd $ 874,812.60 W-EX-28 R Colorado Street Loop $ 187,868.96 W-EX-29 R Sunset Boulevard Loop $ 228,261.70 W-EX-30 R First Avenue NE Loop $ 146,236.66 W-EX-31 R Hawthorn to Two Mile Drive Loop $ 55,149.97 W-EX-32 R 7th Avenue W.N. Loop $ 310,906.51 W-EX-38 R Third Ave. W. Loop $ 76,970.60 W-EX-40 R Second Ave. E Loop $ 153,609.94 W-EX-45 D Liberty Street Loop $ 424,273.32 W-EX-47 R Knolls Loop - 18th St W. water connection at Elks $ 58,986.22 W- EX- 109 R Noffsinger Spring Maintenance (misc. repairs/roof replcmnt) $ 74,398.13 W-EX-110 R Washington St. Main Replacement (4th Ave to 5th Ave) $ 72,813.78 W-EX-115 R Vulnerability assessment security upgrades ($146,000 Only if mandated) $ 32,000.00 $ 146,000.00 W-EX-117 1 Upper Zone Production IMisc $ 1,015,705.24 W-EX-119 I Contract Main Upsize $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 125,000.00 W- EX- 123 1 Meters - New Services $ 100,000.00 $ 128,230.90 $ 128,230.90 $ 128,230.90 $ 128,230.90 $ 128,230.90 W- EX- 124 R Meters - Replacements $ 65,000.00 $ 69,458.41 $ 69,458.41 $ 69,458.41 $ 69,458.41 $ 69,458.41 W-EX-127 R Machinery & Equipment $ 63,250.00 W-EX-128 R Connect existing 6-inch piping on 6th Ave. East and 7th Ave. East with an 8-inch pipe on 10th St. East $ 917428.63 W- EX- 130 R Replace 6-inch pipe on E Oregon St. between 7th Ave. EN and 8th Ave. EN with an 8-inch pipe $ 1017751.22 W- EX- 132 R Replace 2-inch and 4-inch pipe in E Arizona At and 1 st Ave. EN with 6-inch and 8-inch pipe $ 194,654.51 W- EX- 133 R Replace 6-inch pipe in 4th Ave. WN from W California St. to W Wyoming St with 8-inch pipe $ 2557115.38 W- EX- 134 R Replace 6-inch pipe in 5th Ave. WN and W Colorado St. with 8-inch pipe $ 1947654.51 W- EX- 135 R Replace 6-inch pipe in W Arizona St. with 8-inch pipe $ 3057253.67 W- EX- 136 R Replace 8-inch pipe in Highway 2 from Meridian Rd to the entrance to the Hampton Inn with 10-inch pipe $ 977327.26 W-EX-137 R Replace 8-inch pipe to commercial area adjacent to Corporate Drive with 10-inch (rescope) $ 1607737.44 W- EX- 138 R Upper and lower pressure zone interconnect $ 407000.00 W- EX- 139 R Renewal and Replacement $ 4117407.48 $ 4117407.48 $ 4117407.48 $ 4117407.48 $ 4117407.48 W-EX-140 R 1 st Avenue East Idaho Street Crossing $ 357000.00 W- EX- 141 D Glacier Street 1297769.67 W-EX-142 R Hawthorn Drive West $ 1227396.40 W-EX-143 R Hilltop Avenue $ 1977603.82 W-EX-144 R 6th Avenue North West $ 3367221.43 W-EX-145 R 1 st Avenue West North $ 437748.11 W-EX-146 R System Distribution Improvements $ 10,000.00 W-EX-1471 I Develop Grosswieller Water Supply (FY 09-10) & Construct Grosswieller Well (FY 12-13) ::;1') 507000.00 $ 2007000.00 Total Cost/Year $ 595019313.77 $ 196369235.53 $ 291269086.00 $ 190589520.98 $ 399979244.57 1 $ 697309991.02 Total Completed Projects from FY 01-02 thru FY 07-08 Total Current Projects FY 08-09 $ 992279892.99 $ 59501, 313.77 Sub Total $ 14,729,206.76 Funding Designation Total Prj Costs R = Rates $ 11, 879, 765.84 1 = Impact Fees $ 6,727,613.60 D = Developer / SID / TIF $ 2,443,012.44 Combination of Funds $ - $ 21, 050, 391.88 Total CIP Cost (FY 09-10 -Future) $ 15,549,078.11 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 1 Kalispell Sewer Capital Improvement Plan Aug 2007 CCI Current CCI Multiplier 8007.48 8556.72 1.068590868 Project Number Funding Designation Project Description Current Projects FY 08-09 Estimated Cost FY 09-10 Estimated Cost FY 10-11 Estimated Cost FY 11-12 Estimated Cost FY 12-13 Estimated Cost FUTURE SEW 3 R Lift Station #14 removal $ 1387104.68 SEW 9 1 / R Lift Station #9 (Fairway Blvd) Capacity Improvements to Lift Station $ 1397457.37 SEW 11 R 5th St. E. and 5th Alley E. MH Replacement $ 337553.75 SEW 14 R 2nd Alley E. Pipe Replacement $ 1577296.58 SEW 15 R Peterson School Pipe Replacement $ 347568.91 SEW 16 R 6th Alley E. and 14th St. Pipe Replacement $ 297963.29 SEW 19 R 5th Alley E Slip Lining $ 767810.31 SEW 20 R 1 st Alley WN Slip Lining $ 767970.60 SEW 24 1 / R Nevada between 1 st Ave. E & Main to Washington 2447098.21 SEW 30 R 2nd St. E. Alley & 3rd Alley West Slip Lining $ 967000.00 SEW 31 D / I SE 1/4 Section 36 Lift Station 3237975.38 SEW 33 R Manhole Rehabilitation $ 257000.00 $ 257000.00 $ 257000.00 $ 257000.00 $ 257000.00 SEW 42 R Machinery & Equipment $ 1887750.00 SEW 43 1 / R Grandview Pumping Station Upgrade $ 1157000.00 SEW 44 D / I Northridge Drive/Prkway Dr. $ 3877339.08 SEW 45 D / I Whitefish Stage Road Pipe Upsize $ 357684.52 SEW 46 1 / R Fairway Pumping Station Upgrade $ 1277461.52 SEW 47 1 / R 1 st Alley East North Pipe Upsize $ 2847776.82 SEW 48 1 Stillwater Road Interceptor $ 8137197.65 $ 470667095.11 SEW 49 1 Whitefish Stage Road to Rose Crossing Improvements $ 6137024.76 $ 370647642.95 SEW 51 D / I Whitefish Stage Road Interceptor (North of Rose Crossing) $ 3747006.80 $ 271907611.28 SEW 52 1 Misc Sewer contract main upsize and Facility Enlargements (lift stations) $ 1257000.00 $ 1257000.00 $ 1257000.00 $ 1257000.00 $ 1257000.00 SEW 53 R Replacement Pumps Lift Station #28 (Cottonwood) $ 207000.00 SEW 54 R By-pass Pump Grandview Lift Station $ 557000.00 SEW 55 D / I Three Mile Drive Interceptor $ 378417865.21 SEW 56 D / I Spring Creek Interceptor $ 975087056.53 SEW 57 D / I Foys Lake Road Interceptor $ 277727593.65 SEW 58 1 Grandview Forcemain Hwy 93 Crossing Upsize $ 807000.00 SEW 59 R Liquid Disposal Site $ 157000.00 Total Cost/Year $ 589,750.00 $ 195229822.49 $ 390939093.41 $ 490279840.60 $ 492169095.11 $ 1792049303.35 Total Completed Projects from FY 01-02 thru FY 07-08 Total Current Projects FY 08-09 Total CIP Cost (FY 09-10 -Future) $ 897159910.15 $ 5899750.00 Sub Total $ 9, 305, 660.15 $ 30, 0649154.96 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 2 Funding Designation Total P rj Costs R = Rates $ 170477018.13 = impact Fees $ 9, 2617 960.48 D = Developer / SI D / TI F $ - Combination of Funds $ 2073447926.36 $ 3096539904.96 Kalispell Storm Water Capital Improvement Plan Aug 2007 CCI Current CCI Multiplier 8007.48 8556.72 1.068590868 Project Number Funding Designation Project Description Current Projects FY 08-09 Estimated Cost FY 09-10 Estimated Cost Fy 10-11 1 Estimated Cost Fy 11-12 1 Estimated Cost Fy 12-13 Estimated Cost FUTURE STX-3 R / I Northridge Heights Storm Drainage Improvements (designed in-house FY07-08) Phase I,II,&III $ 1507000.00 $ 4647837.03 $ 3317263.17 STX-5 R / I Southeast Storm Drain Improvements Phase I & II $ 1707000.00 $ 172897391.68 STX-6 R Liberty Street Storm Drain Improvements (currently being designed in-house) $ 1627978.64 STX-14 R Lift Station #1 (Mosquito Drain) Design & Replacement $ 1937297.00 STX-21 R Storm Drain Corrections $ 100, 000.00 $ 100, 000.00 $ 100, 000.00 $ 100, 000.00 $ 100, 000.00 STX-22 TIF Glenwood Dr. Storm Drainage Construction (designed in-house FY 07-08) 1357000.00 STX-24 R Stillwater & Willow Glen Design $ 757000.00 STX-25 R Machinery & Equipment $ 307500.00 STX-26 R / I Spring Creek Re-route (designed FY 08/09) $ 1057000.00 $ 275647618.08 STX-27 R / I Willow Glen Drainage Improvements $ 1607000.00 STX-28 D COP-124 (Pipe conveyance from detention pond 124 in West Stillwater Drainage) $ 5007000.00 $ 179527500.00 $ 179521500.00 STX-29 D COP-118 (Pipe conveyance from detention pond 118 to Stillwater/N. Kalispell drainage area) $ 5347295.43 $ 279657339.66 STX-30 D COP-119 (Pipe conveyance from detention pond 119 to Whitefish river/N. Kalispell drainage area) $ 4277436.35 $ 173217846.90 STX-31 I Land Acquisition (Regional Retentions & Detention Ponds) $ 4067500.00 $ 4067500.00 $ 4067500.00 $ 4067500.00 $ 4067500.00 $ 670677500.00 STX-32 I Miscellaneous Upsize $ 1007000.00 $ 1007000.00 $ 1007000.00 $ 1007000.00 STX-33 I Stillwater Road Drainage Improvements $ 3007000.00 STX-34 R South Meadows Survey $ 107000.00 Total Cost/Year $ 190459297.00 $ 195599478.64 $ 491709250.54 1 $ 494039102.83 $ 492759828.03 $ 993419846.90 Total Completed Projects from FY 01-02 thru FY 07-08 $ 371707405.00 Total Current Projects FY 08-09 $ 170457297.00 Sub Total $ 472157702.00 Total CIP Cost (FY 09-10 -Future) $ 2377507506.94 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 3 Funding Designation R =Rates = Impact Fees D = Developer / SID / TIF Combination of Funds Total Prj Costs $ 1, 076, 775.64 $ 8, 800, 000.00 $ 9, 788, 918.34 $ 571307109.96 $ 2497959803.94 WWTP Capital Improvement Plan Aug 2007 CCI Current CCI Multiplier 8007.48 8556.72 1.068590868 Project Number Funding Designation WWTP Projects Current Prj Cost FY 08-09 Estimated Cost FY 09-10 Estimated Cost FY 10-11 Estimated Cost FY 11-12 Estimated Cost FY 12-13 Estimated Cost FUTURE DIGESTER BUILDING AREA R Replace Digested Sludge Transfer Pump $ 25,000.00 EQUALIZATION BASIN WWTP-1001 R Coat Equalization Basin $ 487086.59 MISCELLANEOUS WWTP-1602 1 Equipment storage building $ 1007000.00 Administrative Building Remodel $ 607000.00 R Misc Replacement Items/maint/repair needed each yr $ 737000.00 $ 1007000.00 $ 1007000.00 $ 1007000.00 $ 1007000.00 $ 1007000.00 SITE WORK WWTP-1702 1 Phase I & II WWT Expansion - Construction & Constr Management $ 2075367250.00 WWTP-1703 1 AWWTP Phase 2 Expansion $ 5347295.43 $ 372057772.60 $ 471357446.66 WWTP-1704 1 AWVVTP Phase 3 Expansion $ 106, 859.09 $ 694, 584.06 $ 14, 030, 598.09 WWTP-1705 1 AWWTP Phase 4 Expansion $ 774587764.26 WWTP-1706 R / I AWWTP Odor Control Upgrade $ 2, 062, 380.37 WWTP-1707 R AWWTP Effluent Quality Upgrade (2015) $ 377407068.04 WWTP-1708 R AWWTP Effluent Quality Upgrade (2025) $ 275647618.08 Total Cost/Year $ 2076347250.00 $ 1607000.00 $ 7827382.02 $ 374127631.69 $ 479307030.72 $ 2979567428.84 Funding Designation Total Completed Projects from FY 01-01 thru FY 07-08 $ 2999199294.43 Total Prj Costs R = Rates $ 6, 950, 772.71 Total Current Projects FY 08-09 $ 2096349250.00 Sub Total $ 509 5539 544.43 1 = Impact Fees $ 50, 862, 570.19 Total CIP Cost (FY 09-10 - Future) $ 3992419473.27 D = Developer / SID $ - Combination of Funds $ 270627380.37 $ 5998759723.27 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 4