01-15-09 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: January 15, 2009 Location: KPC Conference Room All in attendance: Janet Clark, Bill Goodman, Joel Schoknecht and John Hinchey Myrt Webb, Acting City Manager, Attended from 7:45 am - 8:15 am. Katharine Thompson of Community De veiopment 7 : 47 a m - 8 : 4 5 a m . Jack Brooks — Attended from 7:31 am -7:45 am Chairperson Mark Pirrie, absent Minutes recorded by: Rachel Brooks, KPC Office Manager 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at 7:31 a.m., By: Janet Clark presiding as Chairperson in Mark Pirie's absence. 2. Minutes of December, 2008 Board Meeting: Moved to approve by Bill Goodman, John Hinchey, seconds, Approved by all present. 3. Hearing of the Public: No One Present 4. Financial Statement of December 2008: We owe $9,793 in snow removal at this time according to statements received for Plowing, Haul away, and Shoveling/Salting. Discussion followed. Moved to approve by John Hinchey, Bill Goodman, seconds, Approved by all present. S. New Business: a) Myrt Webb, Acting City Manager- Valley Bank Update —Talks have been re -opened with Valley Bank regarding a property exchange. Acting City Manager, Myrt Webb presented the board with the guidelines (including a map) for the proposed Valley Bank /City of Kalispell property exchange since negotiations have been re -opened. Copy in the file. Discussion followed. The Kalispell Parking Commission via Bill Goodman asked that in the negotiations the City does with Valley Bank that we stay parking neutral and advised we need 45 spaces immediately in the negotiations, not in two years, so that we do not displace our current permit customers. The Parking Commission also asked the City to quantify the building demolition proposed in the current plan. KPC needs to know what is needed to make the future parking site ready for our paying customers. The parking commission agreed to take a look at the proposed site and see what needs to be done. Acting City Manager Webb will do the same and will continue negotiations with Valley Bank. b) KPC Chairperson Election 2009 — Bill nominated Mark Pirrie for a second term. John Hinchey seconds. Approved by all present. 6. Updates from KPC: Street Update — Jack a) Block face Ordinance — To implement there has to be a way of monitoring and tracking the block face. How are we going to enforce it? It cannot be done with pen and pencil. 1 Discussion followed. Rachel and Jack will check into a hand held ticketer to see if this is feasible and what the cost is to discuss next month. KPC Office Update — Rachel b) Tickets, Parking Permits & Meters — See Reports 1. Ticket Collections — Behind due to computer issues; support has been contacted; they are working on it. We continue to receive collection checks and are working on setting this up in the new computer. Collection rate unusually high due to amount of tickets written and high returns on collections. 2. Parking Permits — Permits up from last month. The last two months we have had several permits on the board due to employees laid off from businesses downtown and the economy. We have sold some but have had several left over; we have not been sold out as in past months. 3. Meter Collections — We are down $7,290. Meters in 2008 were $16,614. 2007 was $23,904, and 2006 totals were $21,575. We are down even from 2006. Discussion followed. c) Notices — Behind Rachel is still working out the bugs in the new computer and how we send these out. Working on December and January. d) Office Construction — Holli Jr. still working on getting repairs finished. 7. Unfinished Business: Tabled from last month's meeting a) Building Lease — Update from Bill — Nothing new we are leaving it in the lawyer's hands. Discussion followed. He seemed to want Charlie Harball's input. Craig Semenza's case will come before ours we will wait to see what happens with that. Janet wants to make sure we stay on top of this. Bill said he would. b) Snow plowing — Estimated bill through December-$6,498. Not including the January snow that was hauled away. We are getting complaints, certain lots are worse than others. We need to have the snow hauled away out of the Central School lot, Mountain Valley Lot, Eagles Lot and Valley Bank Lot. Could we ask the City to help out with this? Discussion followed. John Hinchey said he would speak with Jim Hansz regarding this. c) Snow shoveling — Sidewalks looking good. Bill so far through January 5t" is $3,295. 8. Adiournment• Adjourned at: 8:45 a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by Schoknect. Bill Goodman, Second by Joel 2 The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately Meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents.