11-27-18 Impact Fee Advisory Committee MinutesCfTYOF
Date: Tuesday November 27, 2018 4:04 — 4:50 P.M.
Location: City Hall Council Chambers
Board members
Z Jeff Zauner (Chair)
Others Present:
Z Susie Turner
El Jason Mueller (Vice Chair) Z Justin Ahmann (Secretary) Z Mike Merchant
Z Nancy Cunningham Z Brandon Thies
Z Terri Loudermilk Z Rick Wills
Jeff Zauner called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM
Approval of Minutes: Jeff asked for a motion to approve the City's minutes from June 27, 2017. Nancy motioned
to approve minutes and Brandon seconded motion. All in favor signify by saying "Aye". All
were in favor and motion was approved.
Public Comment: None.
Agenda Items: New members Sid Daoud and Mike Merchant were welcomed. Susie provided a brief
overview of the role of the impact fee committee, Robert's Rules, parliamentary procedures,
and identified current Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary Positions.
Rick Wills, City Finance Director presented on the FY 17 and FY 18 Impact Fee Financial
Review. Rick reviewed impact fee beginning cash balances, revenues, expenses, debt service,
financing impact fees, and ending cash balances for Police, Fire, Storm Water, Sanitary Sewer,
and Wastewater Treatment. Discussion included the capital projects funded with impact fee
Susie discussed status of the update to the 2013 Water Impact Fee Report. Staff, over the next
several months will work through updating the figures in the current water report. A Water
Facility Master Plan Update was recently adopted and will be utilized as the basis for updating
the capital projects portion of the report. Once staff has completed a draft report we will
schedule an IFAC meeting and start reviewing individual components of the report and review
the Updated Water Facility Master plan.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Draft Water Impact Fee Report Review
Discuss moving the day of the week the IFAC meets?
Jeff adjourned the meeting at 4:50 P.M.
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