11-13-18 - regular meetingKALISPELL CITY I PLANNIN(I BOARD & ZONIN(i COMMISSION MINUTES, OF REGULAR MEETING November 13, 2018 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL ....... . . . ...... ']'fie regular tnecting of the Kalispell City planning Board and Zoning Commission was called [o order at 6:00 p.m. Board rnembers present were: Chad Cirallarri, George Giavdsis, Doug, Kauffinan, Rory Y()ung, Kurt, VoIrIft.,jV and Joshua Borgardr, RoiWee Skees was absent, I'= Jentz represented the Kalispell Manning Dqatirtlenl. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Kauffman moved and V�',)nlfell Seconded a motion to approve the minutes of0lc September 11, 2018 inecting of the KalispeH Cily planning Board and Zoning Colunission. . . . ....... VOTE' BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanirnously oil a vote of acclarnatioll, PUBLIC CON4MEINT None. lk'(J,l ci-04 -1-L, RLTV Ulv' A reclLICSt frorn Ralph and Cheryl Turley for a conditional use permit f0l' MHO repair within the B-3 Zoning District, . . .... .... . STAFF REPORT . . . . . ......... . "Torn Jentz, represeming the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff Reporis #KCU-18-04. Su,iff recornmends that lhc Kalispell Cit.y planning, Board and Zoning adopt staffreport #K(T- 18 -04 a:ls findings of fact. and rLvorrullend to the Kalispell City Council that the conditic'mal use permit be approved subJect to tbe con(r1itions in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION . . . . .......... . . ..... . . . ........ Glavasis asked for clarification amparking spaces. Jenty, advised front is for erni)loyee ancl custorner parking only, the back wiil be for vchices currondy llcing workecl on and/or stored. C HEARING None. MOTION VornfeH moved and Kauffman seconded a rrtotion that the Kahspell City planning Board and Z0114-Ig COrnmission adolx Staff Report #KCLJ-18-04 as firidings of fact and recontrnend to the Kalispell City Council tilat the, conditional use permit be approved suNect to the conditions in the staff report. . . . . . ........ ALL --711'he . .. ............. . motion passed Lflldoil`VIOUSly 011 a r0ll call VOW-, SIDUPARKING, A request has been submitted to include the 700 Blcwk (,,)f 6"' Avenue West within the Westside parking Managerner'll Zone, . . . ........ . STA F�F REPORT Jentz, representing the KafispeH Planning Departrilent presented w Fllc� Kalispell Planning Board a request to include the 700 blcwk of 6"' Avcntle West within the Wes: side Parking Management Zone. -fi-0-ARD I)ISC'USSION Y()Urlg, inquired abollt WS[ rw-wery us the city-Jentz expWned drat the prograrr I was set tip as a revenue neutral prograrti, which is outlined in the ord4lance. -W �,BLIC, f W(T ,t and that Dale WHson - 721 6111 Ave W - feels the leenagers are driving too fias the antour-a ofgarbage S11OWilIg Lip On thC StrCCLS iS 90ting overwhelming. Malt BraL' rr- 729 61"' Ave W - Nary seen a big increase in student parking on this L block a!Ld it jnE�jp turol that. ................ .. . . Katisl)01 City Planning l3o,,m] Minutes offfie nus,,,ting of Noveiir0m, 1120 18 Page I I MOTION Giavasis moved and, Vomfefl seconded a motion that the Kalispell Cily Planning Board and Ziming Commission rcT�'nnrtl(Ild to the MilispOl City Councfl that ail aniendment to Ord4iancc 1759 Exhibit "B" and Exhibit -A" ao include the 700 block of&" Ave West in the Westside Parking Management Zone he approved, BOARD DISCUSSION Graham is concemed with dic displacement factor and ),low far ffic Weidests -- - - — ------------- - ry Parking Management Zone will spread, Jerv, explained that the schM district is Cunvi-tily working on some parking expansions, which, will help.1"here is arlaea room to grow the zone in other dirrctions since the Ilrogran-i started, srilall and only on the cast side to see how it would work. So far, it has been,"I SUCCQSS . .. . ........ . . . . .............. . ........... ROLL CALL "I'lle motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote, ------------- OLD BUSINESS None. — -- — ------------- NEW BUSINESS Jentz briet"cd the, boa,rd can the Decen'dx,-,r 11, 2018 agmdav ADJOURNMENT Tlx�, triceting adJOUrrted atapproxiniately, 6:28prr7. L. . . ..... . . NEXTMEETIN(i 'I"Ile riem, moeling of the Kahspell Planning Board will be on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. and is located al the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 1" AvEast. . . ........ . . . . . . ..... . ................... . ... . /s/Chad Grahani/KH Chad Graham President APPROVED as subrilitted/amende& 12/11/2018 IAX, Saari Hernandez Recording Secretary Kalispell Cily Pkinning Bmrd Minuw,�s of'die metifilg of November 13, 2018 wo