09-11-18 - regular meetingKALISPELL CITY I'LANNING BOARD & ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING September 11, 2018 - - - - CALL 1,10 ORDER, AND ROLL CAI.J., - ---------- The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Convoission was called to order at 6:00 p-ni. Board members present were: Chad Graharn, George Giavasis, Doug Kauffman, Rory Young, Kurt Vornfell, Ronatee Skeel and Joshua Borgardt,, Torn Jew and Jarod Nygren represented the 1w"alisfx-11 planning Department. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skees moved and Giavasis seconded a motion Io approve the rninutes of the August 14, 2018 niceting of the Kalispeil City Planning Board arid Zoning I Corninission. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously on as vote of acclamation. PLJ13LIC (,'.OMM'EN'I' - — - — - — — - - ----------------- - None. 1,)() 10e "H,))V N K'Ald S11 i 1 1 1-Ak 1, The C ity of Kalispell has developed a DRAF,7 Downtown Kalispell Urban RFJNE)A�AL Renewal Plan for consideration by the Kalispell City Planning Board in aco)rdance with 7-15-4213, M.C,.A. A work session on this agenda item was on a prevknis 13ciard agenda. STAFF REPORT Jared Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff Reports #KRD-18-,02, Staff rccornmends that the Kalispell City planning Board and Zoning Commissic)n adopt staff rep(,,)rt #KRD�-1.8-02 and find that the proposed plan complies with lht„ City of Kalispell Growth Policy, BOARD DISCUSSIO " 't"),tj"n-g--o,-,p-ei—ie"d—disc -tissi(,)n in regards to the TIF District mentioned on Page 4, first paragraph: he feels it may not be 11CCLISSary to include in file plan. He alarm asked staff to interpret: several points in the plan of which staff clarified for hini. PUBLIC HEARING t`nnt. MOTION - ORIGINAL Young, moved arid KaUffman seconded a motion that the Kalispe'll City Planning Board arid Zoning on-unission adopt Staff Report #KRD-1,9-02 as findings of fact anti that the DRAf7T Downtown Kalispell Urban Renewai Plan complies, w,ith the City of Kalispell Growth Policy Plan -It 2035. BOARD DISCUSSION None. MOTION Young moved, and Skees seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning STRIKE SUBSECTION K UNDER Board and Zoning Conirnission strike ltem XI " Tax increment Financing, THE TAX INCREMENT subsection K from, tile DRAF"I'DowntOwn Kalispell Urban Renewal Plan. FINANCWG FBOARD DISCUSSION None. VOC TE BY ACCLAMATION - The motion passed unanimously Or) as vote of acclantat ion, STRIKE SUBSECTION K ORIGINAL The motion paS,Sed UrrinitTIOUSly on a roll call vote. (')LD BUSINESS Nygren advised the board that City Council approved the Montana Base Camil RV Park. KafispeH City Manning Board Minutes of the nieviing of Septeinber 11, 2018 Page I I NEW RUSINESS .It advised oftipcoming trail open houses. Nygren mentioned there would no Octobet- Planning Board aw,ing, howcver, there will be to trail open house held thal night and encouraged thae Planning Board to attend, ......................... . ADJOURNMENT The 11100thIg adJOUrned at approxintalely 6:22pi,n. NEXTMEETING The next meeting of the KalispeM Planning Board will be on Tuesday, November 13, 2()18 at 6:00 p.m. and is located in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 V Ave East, ................... Chad,far" aham Presider, APPROVED as submitted/amended: i(- Kari Hernanilez Recording Secretary Kalispell City Planning Board Minutes of Lhe meeting of September 11, 2018 Page 12