Branding Principles and Historic Icons09 0 'e = r M Branding Principles • Nostalgic / Traditional • Historical Roots • Retreat • Organized • Endless Opportunities • Refined / Classic Materials • Iconic Forms • Sense of Adventure • Natural Materials • Natural/Free Flowing Historic Icons • Farmstead • Mansion / Historic Lodge • Railroad • Buffalo Hill • National Park FLATHEAD COUNT 'De a ]art of it all" The landscape concept for Starling responds to the various geographic and cultural influences of the area with an emphasis on embracing the unique history surrounding Kalispell. Starling will also celebrates the preservation of the Grosswiler's family history while showcasing the endless opportunities afforded to residents. Starling is a base camp for all of life's adventures, a place to connect with nature and community. The landscape character will be an integration of a a native, free -flowing lan�scape with monolithic stone monumentation within the perimeter landscape that blends into a traditional, refined character within the interior of the project. The pinnacle of this refinement will be showcased in the Central Park reminiscent of the `city beautiful' movement with its open turf areas, adapted landscape and formal gardens. The neighborhood parks and internal streetscapes will serve as a transition to the Central Park and will incorporate iconic historical patterning to create unique identities for each park. Indigenous `chief cliff' sto ill be u unify the various elements wit - tar1. mg the perime,,tee' s,cape numen and parks. i� I G StarIl'ong"Be a Dart of it All„ 1 1 1 1 W, Reserve Rd. �, �► 4 Qk c tly �N CD c. I 1 4 mile Dr. 0 300, 600' 1200' 00~ coa �weorn. NOIIK15 UE5I N NORTH SCALE: 1" = 600'-0" I LEGEND Primary Entry Secondary Entry Neighborhood Gateway Marker Perimeter Landscape 000000 Collector Landscape Treatment (- �- (- t �- Q Pedestrian Corridor Treatment (_ Q �_ Q �_ Q Standard Street Treament • • • • • • Estate Street Treatment Parks 1 Open Space Farmstead Starling Gateway Starling Over Crossing Starling Starliong "Be a Part of it A11" i i I 1 1 M 111W V0I 0 300' 600' 1200' 49G1 @¢avrcl. Sircel DOm4. GC1ars48CG�JI P 30 n2l166 FM3.093.1166 NOPF15 DESIGN ED wrw.rzme-oessln..cam Planning I L2mscape Rrchiteture NORTH SCALE; 1" - 600'-0" i I Legend:: primary entry secondary entry 8' concrete paths o • e e * 6' concrete path on both sides •*•++• 6' wide gravel perimeter path 0 0 0 0 0+ 6' g raved path Community Trail System A community network of trails will be provided throughout Starling connecting various neighbor- hood parks, the central park and provide the op- portunity to connect to regional trail systems at a later date. Pedestrian and Local streets have been design to accommodate pedestrian traffic linking the perimeter trail system to the neighborhood parks and central park. Pedestrian Circulation Masi Star 1 1 liong "Be a Part of it All„ W. Reserve Rd. i I 1 1 4 mile Dr, 0 300' 600, 1200' S 901 BYiV.'Y 5bee1 Gti.�.s'. C4bma6d7C+ P iBS 541115E - "� NCD11,R,1S DES1GN 9 . P ,iL 4 ,ecw5 NORTH SCALE: 1" = 600'-0" LEGEND Perimeter Landscape 000000 Collector Landscape Treatment L(- L L L t Pedestrian Corridor Treatment C 0 6 6 (# Standard Street Treament 000000 Estate Street Treatment Parks i Open Space Overall Landsca Starling "Be a Part of 1t All" 1101 fi m. c$treet []errver. C.1 .1tlo 80RE M. NQIZIZ,I5 DESIGN w+re.rK.rne-oessln..com Planning I tarhscaN Architr turc gravel sea my area wlhenCoh Perimeter Landscape Perimeter landscape areas are defined as the perimeter project right-of-way area and in- 6' 1 ide seconda y gravel path corporate the community open space located between the right-of-way line and adjacent ',�."Ids pCl�y gravel pith residential property lines. The perimeter landscape treatment will consist of free -flow- ing plant masses to integrate the various proj- ect phases together while creating a uniform, consistent feel amongst the potentially various types of architectural styles. These plant mass- es consisting of evergreens, ornamental grass - Ornamental grass 1 shrub es and adaptable plant material will provide p antirg masses screening opportunities, establish key view corridors into the project and provide year round visual interest with a variety of color and texture. The landscape design will also Deciduous tree (t` p) incorporate rolling berming to aid in screen- ing adjacent residences from perimeter streets. Turdp) An 6' perimeter stabilized gravel trail will be incorporated within the perimeter landscape to provide circulation opportunities around the site. Typical Perimeter Sti Starling "Be a Part of it All" 1101 fi m. c$treet []errver. G.1 .1tlo 80RE M. NQIZIZ,I5 DESIGN40) w+re.rK.rne-oesgn..com Planning I tarhscaN Architr turc Typical Collector Streetscapes The collector streetscape will utilize refined, flowing masses of ornamental grasses and evergreens to transition from the perimeter character to a tra- ditional streetscape character for the local roads and parks. Linear masses of ornamental and shade trees averaging 50' C.C. will be incorporated to accen- tuate the planting masses while provid- ing shade and buffering from the roads. Specialty pavement at key crosswalks will emphasize pedestrian crossings at the intersections. Collector Stre Starli*ng "Be a Part of it A119' k I Yp. DUU I DIUCJ) I IDI 5-..A sbW 65 F9' x':� 1' ORRiS DESIPW-"iLM4=MA-V8VUO ED GN Pedestrian Streetscapes The pedestrian streetscape areas will incorporate traditional turf tree lawns with uniformly spaced trees at 50' O.C. A standard pattern should be maintained by incorporating a uniform placement of 3 street trees proceeded by 3 ornamental trees. A minimum of one street tree will be required for lots less than 50' in width; however additional street trees may be required to ensure consistent and uniform spacing. Typical Pedestrian Stre Starling "Be a Part of it All" Typical Crossroad Demarcation per City Requirement 1101 fi—. c$treet []errver. G.1 .1tlo 80aE M. .,,M NQIZIZ,IS DESIGN w+re.rK.rne-oessln..com Planning I tarhscaN Architr turc Local Streetscapes The local street tree lawns will incor- porate trees uniformly spaced trees at —50' O.0 with turf. A minimum of one street tree will be required for lots less than 50' in width; however addi- tional street trees may be required to ensure consistent and uniform spacing. Typical Local Stre R Starling "Be a Part of it All„ -- W. Reserve Rd. 4M P ]ii3 M.1,&3 F ][13.R92.1iPfi NQIZIZ,IS DESIGN w+re.rK.rne-oessln.c«n Planning I tarhscape Rrchit�turc NORTH SCALE: p 1 = 600 -0rl LEGEND Collector Fixture 20 Ili. Single, Spacing - 150' O.C.. U(;M-SR-STR-H3-FLD-150HEB-BRM / WNLA17-(03A-1592) AAL Universe Collection, Medium Scale with Solid Rings and Solid light Cover, Straight Hood, Horizontal Segmented Reflector Type 3, Flat Diffused Glass Lens for Full Cutoff Distribution. 150 Watt Metal Halide Lamp and Ballast. WMA17 ARM With Angle Strap, Modified Per Drawing 03A-1592. Powder Coat Finish - Color: Bronze Metallic (BRM). Standard Fixture 12 Ft. Single, Spacing - 300' O.C. UCM-SR-STR-H3-FLD-70MHEB-BRM / WMA 17-(03A-1592) AAL Universe Collection, Medium Scale with Solid Rings and Solid Light Cover, Straight Hood, Horizontal Segmented reflector Type 3, Flat Lightly Diffused Glass Lens for Full Cutoff Distribution. 70 Watt Metal Halide Lamp and Ballast. NVN A17 Arm with Angle Strap, Modified Per Drawing 03A-1592. Powder Coat Finish - Color: Bronze Metallic (BRi\I). Pedestrian Fixture 20 Ft. Single, Spacing - 2O0' - 250' O.C. Average UCM-SR-STR-II3-FLD-150MHEB-STD.Color-BRM / WMA 17- (03A-1592) -AL Universe Collection, Medium Scale with Solid Rings and Solid Light Cover, Straight Hood, Horizontal Segmented reflector Type 3, Flat Lightly Diffused Glass Lens for Full Cutoff Distribution. 150 Watt Metal Halide Lamp and Ballast. WMA17 Arm with Angle Strap, Modified Per Drawing_ 03A-1592. Powder Coat Finish - Color: Bronze Metallic (BRM). Bollard- VRBl/70MH/BRM Perimeter Fixture 35 Ft. Single, Spacing - 300' O.C. UCM-SR-STR-H3-FLD-70MHEB-BRiti1-SLC / WMA 17-(03A-1592) 1AL Universe Collection, Large Scale with Solid Rings and Solid Light Cover, Straight Hood, Horizontal Segmented reflector Typc 3, Flat Lightly Diffused Glass Lens for Full Cutoff Distribution. 250 Watt Metal Halide Lamp and Ballast. WMA17 Arm with Angle Strap, Modified Per Drawing 03A-1592 with Mounting Hardware to Mount to Square Pole by Others. Powder Coat Finish (Color to be Specified) Lighting i� Starling "Be a Part of it All" 11018e .&-.b-1 P �U3.6 +.1,66 F ][13.R92.+, NQRRI5 DESIGN w+re.rK.rne-oessln..com Planning I t2Mscape Architr turc Lighting Several types of lighting fixtures incorporating materials and styles will serve as way finding aids and help define key circulation routes in the community while providing security. A key element of the overall lighting theme is to incorporate a sense security within the community. Starling will incorporate "dark sky" protection measures through the use of restrictions on hours of lighting and stringent lighting standards conforming to the City of Kalispell lighting requirements as described in zoning ordinance supplementary regulations 27.22.104. All outdoor lighting of parking lots, streets, and recreational areas will be reduced to only low intensity security lighting purposes after 10 P.M. Mercury vapor and high-pressure sodium lights are prohibited Lighting Starlid'n W. Reserve Rd. ff "Be a Part -of it All„ 4 mile Dr. 0 300, 600, 1200' F3osW.„M NQIZIZ,IS DESIGN vraw.rxne-oessln..com Planning I t2mscape Rrchite turc NORTH SCALE- CflLE- 1 t_ 600'-0l LEGEND Primary Entry Secondary Entry _ I, Neighborhood Gateway Marker Starling Entries Community entry landscape zones are located at the intersections along the project perimeter im- mediately adjacent to the edge of the street right- of-way or adjacent property line. Community entries may transition into common areas or may abut residential properties. An irrigation system would be implemented at the community entries to ensure a consistent supplemental water supply -` to the plant material. Community entries may incorporate sidewalks, trails, community signage and monumentation. F- Monumentation ar Starling"Be a Fart of it All" 11 n! gyr�u�tl 3.4w Dan_ cak—W2Ca P 3031 211w FJWW„K NORRIS DESIGN w�,w.noene-oe n.cam Planning I Lan±scape Achit�turc ravel Path vergreen Massing roject Identification Signage irectional 5ignage rimary `Stone Cairon' Location E)condary `Stone Cairon' tegrated into Rolling Berms A Plant Massings ravel Path ravel Path Typical Primary Monumentatio Starling "Be a Part of it All" Ornamental Grass/ Shrub Plant Massing (typ.) A 20'h w/ 10'x10' Monument Base and Chief Cliff Stone Veneer with Powder Coated Steal Beam and Angle Brace Primary Monumentation View Looking West From Stillwater Evergreen Screening Primary Project Entrances Iconic stone `cairns' will serve as the predominant entry feature for the Starling Community. These directional cairns will serve as the `trail marker' of the community that guide the return of residents and visitors alike who are out being part of it all. Large masses of evergreen trees will serve as a backdrop of the monumentation and reinforce the `gateway' experience of the primary entrances. The landscape character will serve to draw people into the site with bold patterning and free flowing lines while creating pocket parks for surrounding residences 11018e .&-.b-1 sNQIZIZ,I5 DESIGN w+re.rK.rne-oessln..com Planning I t2Mscape Architr turc 24" Tall, 1/2" Thick Pinned Letters w/ Powder Coat Finish 60" Square Decorative Landscape Planter — 4' Dia. Sign Cabinet Logo w/ Two Tone Powder coat Finish, Acrylic Face and Internal Illumination Primary 6' Tall x 14' Wide x 4' Deep Chief Cliff Stone Veneer Sign Monument Monumen Starling "Be a Part of it All" Ornamental Grass/ 8'h x 10'w x 3'd Wall Evergreen Shrub Plant Massing (typ.) w/ Stone -Like Veneer Screening 3' Dia. Recessed Logo Plaque w/ Two Tone Powder Coat Finish Secondary Monumentation Deciduous Accent Tree View South from W Reserve Rd. Secondary Project Entrances The landscape and materials used will match the character of the primary entries but be implemented on a smaller scale. Stone cairns will not be implemented but will instead consistent of smaller rock walls for the name and logo. P �U3.6 +.1,66 sNQIZIZ,I5 DESIGN w+re.rK.rne-oessln..com Planning I t2mscape Architr turc 6'h x 12'w x 4't Monument Sign w/ Chief Cliff Stone Veneer 18" Height x 1/2" Thick Pinned Aluminum Letters w/ Powder Coat Finish Secondary Monumc ,A& Starling"Be a Part of it A11„ Steel frame to match lighting Directional sign plaque w/powd finish and engra letters with pain Neighborhood Gateway Marker Recessed logo w/powder- coat finish `Chief Cliff' Stone Base 1101 H.—&-.4-1 66 F ]03zW.11 M NQRRIS DESIGN —.mrn wsgncom Planning 1 LWICacapa kchanlure 1 /2" thick aluminum logo plaque Steel frame to match lighting Signage plaque w powdercoat finis] and engraved pal infill `Chief Cliff' Stone Base emporary builder gnage banners Temporary Community / Builder Signage Neighborhood Gateways Neighborhood gateway mark located at key areas within th demark specific neighborhoo aid in way finding. Steel frame to match lighting '"� f;russreads �: - = ikluminum directional signage plaque w/ psi powdercoat finish and engraved letters with paint infill ^ Primary Community Directional Signage at Entries Project S Starling Starling "Be a Part of it All" 5' Solid Wood Fence w/Decorative Top 10, O.C. 10, O.C. 2" X 6" HEADER Tl V ^n I Cn/_CD WnnD POST CAP 5' Solid Wood Fence 5' Wood Rail Fence with Solid Picket or Wire Mesh Community Fencing (Open Mesh) 0—. C.1—80204 66 s3osW.,,M NDR.RI5 DESIGN w+re.rK.rne-oessln..com Planning I UmscaW kchi[evum W Fenc -- Z!4 AW ! ` R7yArp� V fir • s� ;p r.� �! - �- - t , tw JI r r k � i } itf ..Air fi17 ry x c� U 0) C_ CL U) oM_ coiwndo anws r ada.a92.,rsn 313.197.+108 NORPJS DESIGN w .hwm,de ign.cu, Planning I LandsrA* Aghitedure NORTH a '300, sao, �12170' 4 Mile Qr. SCALE 1 = 600'-0" W. Reserve Rd. LEGEND OPEN SPACE PARKS *Amenities Listed Show Potential Program Opportunities for Each Park Park A' m if 'Now" 19 Starli*ng "Be a Part of it All" Frr"IN P 103M2 111,6 e 303esx "M NOWS ©ESICiN PWWftILA--"kd-O­ Farmstead Park Patterning from a historic farmstead found within the Flathead Valley region is the inspiration for Farmstead Park. A modern, progressive interpretation of traditional farm buildings will be used for key struc- tures in the park while incorporating key programmatic activities. Salvaged barn wood from the surrounding sites on build- ing interiors will serve as a historical link to the past. A farm house sales center, com- 0. munity barn with indoor -outdoor spaces and various secondary structures will make up the framework of the park. A restored * bell at the sales center formal garden will provide another link to Kalispell's history. To reinforce the farmstead patterning of =aq� the buildings a formal orchard and linear tree plantings will be introduced. Zany of ' the plants to be incorporated within the park will have historically significant uses to the Flathead Valley residents. A free flowing ground plane with ornamental grasses, turf multi -use field and accent trees will be in- troduced to define `outdoor rooms' within the park and blend the park landscape with ` the adjacent perimeter landscape. b-I 1 Farmstead Prec _ Deciduous Canopy Starling Trees (typ.) �CommCommunityGarden "� . Be a Part of it All," Windmill Evergreen Tree Row w Corn Crib Pavilion - � s``-���� Playgrounds ' -r Silos Free Flowing Shrub and Orna- mental Grass Plant Masses Restored Bell at Formal Garden l A Formal Orchard w/ -" Water Feature Multi -Use Field Farm House (Sales Center) w/Formal Gardens Deciduous Ornamental Trees Water Tower (Lift Station) Barn Pavilion oc� Coiwndo rsnws 0 39' WD' , 29 ,U9 � _ F 799.eva.+,aa NORPJS DESIGN wrtt z wwwranrdeip.tdm Plenning,.and5ape +Vchitedurp - SCa®-: 1'=120' Farmstead Pa rk _ r Starli*ng "Be a Part of it All" Central Park Central Park at Starling will be the front yard for the adjacent Mansion/Historic Lodge active recreation center and serves as the traditional town square for Starling. A variety of programmed activities includ- ing an outdoor amphitheater, a natural filtering pond and wetland with a pedestrian bridge, a playground, picnic pavilions, multi -use fields and a covered active sport court provide a variety of amenities for all ages. The landscape patterning will include various trees species planted in masses to frame views along the park perimeter with linear canopy tree plantings to aid way -finding. The overall character draws refer- ences from the `city beautiful' movement in the form of overall scale, open grass areas and formal gardens. Free flowing, naturalized landscape areas will be incorporated around the grass open areas and pond area. Transition areas showcasing traditional enhanced plantings will bridge the gap between the more naturalistic open space character to the formal gardens at the project corners. Defined paths starting at mid -block of the park will serve as direct access through the park while mean- dering, naturalized paths around the pond and open spaces will allow for wondering opportunities. P 103A2 111,6 e303esx"N NOKKIS ©ESICiN rnvrnomss-aesm mn PMI[ft ILA--" d-O 9 Starling "Be a Part of it All:" Evergreen Tree Massing Pavilion (typ.) Weiland Pond I :> Outdoor x Amphitheater M r 1 Playgrounds f - � Turf Multi- use Fields Formal Garden (typ. Transitional Landscape Masses Parking Multi -use Sport court (Basketball, Roller/Ice Hockey) 11019� rx C i�undo80204 P 30' 80' "i20 to❑ P 3d3.e92.t16ti 4 y/-, F N13.B931148 NQR?JS DESIGN w1x i ncmrde ;ymr cam ftnning I Lendsr- o AmWedure - scale -: T" = 120' 10 Al Bio-swale-stream w/pe- . destrian Bridge Recreational Center: Leisure Pool - indoor/outdoor Fitness Center Locker Rooms Meeting Rooms Gym / Large Flex Space Offices Sales Office Game Room Climbing Wall / Feature strooms Ak s''r �- t�-,� 23 Starli*ng "Be a Part of it „a1 a.� S" Ow— P 103M2 111,6 , 303esx "M NOWS ©ESICiN Crossroads Park Crossroads park will celebrate the various forms of transpor- tation that had a historical influence on Kalispell as a cross- road for the Flathead valley symbolized by a historical booster slogan "all roads lead to Kalispell." A main feature of the park will be the incorporation of a historical time line highlighting significant dates in Kalispell history. Historical precedents will be introduced into the park (i.e. "miracle maker 1909" stamped into the concrete patterned after an original concrete stamp in Kalispell) to make the con- nection with Kalispell history. A separate loop path around the park will serve as a staging ground for "social wheeling" or formal bicycling races that where historical prevalent in Kalispell. The overall layout of the park will have several paths and topographical features converging on a central railroad depot themed pavilion and playground. The landscape design will include patterns associated with the crossroads theme includ- ing bold contrast and patterning, intersecting grids, and an ordered, linear hierarchy. The pavilion will be centrally located to serve all functions of the park and serve as a visual icon. A playground connected to the pavilion with a pedestrian trellis bridge will include several railroad themed items while a bas- ketball court will provide active recreational opportunities. W Crossroads ■I Starli'Ong "Be a Part of it .All„ Basketball Court t 161 6rnm 6eee1 [3a�wr. CobaWeRFW e MA2IIN FX13112111M N0�I5 �iSI wawmrrf-W.V tor. 1 VIMMi M I kd*edwe ED Deciduous Canopy- Trees (Typ). Historical Time line and Bike Loop r CrossroadsTv-W Starli*ng "Be a Part of it All" t rrar asewcr� weer Rue..o, roeage7ru P 103,M2 111,6 e303esx"M MOWS ©ESICiN rnwlptrrr.Gesg.c&m PMWftI 9kd-OCC91f@ - Y. U'. V&41*Y. KAU%gr!« Moan. -Thin'& Aeml VerW S"rviefl. Buffalo Run Park Buffalo Run Park will draw upon the historical in- fluences of the historic buffalo herds and ranching found throughout the Flathead valley. A pavilion with stone columns will be centrally located be- tween the multi -use field and the playground. The pavilion will include a rustic barbecue pit for gath-ering opportunities. Seating nodes and sculpture will highlight historical aspects of the community - - . - - - including the historic buffalo herds. A duel zone dog park with shade pavilion will be incorporated a Op lot I/' _4 at the south end of the park. The south end of the park will have a connection to the community trail system allowing people to be a part of it all. The overall landscape will provide an open feeling by introducing ornamental grass and low shrub massing throughout the park. Naturalistic planting of pine and juniper in isolated patterns will accen- tuate the open feeling. r ,A, Playgro 1101(J.— Str Y Q.—Cok. do OD704 F=.892.11e6 F 501-SU.1100 NORFJS DESIGN ,rnw.nonlo-desppr.c m Planning I Landstso RrhitedUre Turf Multi - Use Fields M-) Picnic Pavilion w/ Rustic BBQ area MAW Dual "DogP-aark Pavi ' n @ Dog Park Gravel Trail (w/ connection to com- munity trail system). 40 r -_ .:p-��..�;..tee y. •"M�b•? ., ,......... --.. -.SOON r "4 1 1 ,.I } f- � 1y1 ➢ i Y � . t ± 1 f !11 + f �y�.y ;W'M1Y�... Y I !�_•1 �.l r ' { ii4 \ ll AWa I, � p . U pIII' l' 28 Starli*ng "Be a Part of it All" Gateway Park Gateway Park draws historical influence from the na- tional park patterning and celebrates Kalispell's close proximity to the surrounding natural beauty. Key in- spiration for the park was taken from a slogan coined during the 1930's when Kalispell was promoted as the "Gateway to Glacier Park". A large two level pond with water falls will anchor the park on the north end and provide irrigation for many of the neighborhood parks and public spaces. Several stone cottages will be located at the pond and be built to allow for overnight guests. An additional stone cottage pavilion and rustic' fireplace / pit will be incorporated. Naturalized gravel paths will meander around the ponds and park providing wellness and interactive learning opportunities. Additional passive activities will include disc golf along with connections to the overall commu- nity trail system. A free flowing, naturalistic landscape will recreate a historic homestead park clearing by using dense evergreen plantings around the perimeter of the park blending into a riparian landscape including a bio- swale running north to south from the pond. An iconic bridge will also be incorporated at the stream crossing to allow for both pedestrian and vehicular circulation. R.rkrr 4vorlal Cateway, 1931..[.aason Volcanic National Park, 1931 photo. 1 Ybl arrwck weer oa..�, roeageoru P 109.a42 111,6 e ra3esx "M NOWS ©ES1 —WO-g m Il /nieleroaa 4, vA f Gatewnv `Ift Starli*ng "Be a Part of it All" Evergreen Masses /Stone Cottage Cabins, Typ. Gravel Trail Deciduous Shade Tree p House /G Middle Pond 11 ^ !"-6-6m Ca,—® �� ® Lower Pond a Waterfalls UpperPond 1 .. - • . IF rah � 7 6111 � Gravel Trail 4 Gatiew OF,