Council Presentation July 30, 2007Starling Starling PUD, Rezone and Phase 1 Preliminary Plat City Council Work Session July 30th, 2007 A -el Pedestrian System -Starling is made up of a network of streets, all with detached walks as well as pedestrian paths and trails through and around the vast array of community parkland and open space -Sidewalks within the public right of way meet or exceed the City's requirements for sidewalk and boulevard widths -The network of pedestrian facilities links Starling with surrounding destinations such as Glacier High School, Sports Park, commercial shops, etc. t � 1�0" �• ' R "-4C11 _ / , 9- �jCJ��J . AT OUNTY. -MONT�4KA Starling Pedestrian System -Open space corridors around Starling edges provide trail connections -Condition #16: The applicant shall install an asphalt or concrete trail along all four edges of the Starling Community as well as a pathway along the BPA power line easement. The trail along the perimeter of the site shall eliminate the need for the standard sidewalk next to the perimeter roadways (West Reserve Drive, Stillwater Road, Four Mile Drive and Spring Creek Road). Specifications for the trail including width and construction materials will be determined by the Parks and Recreation Department and, for bike and pedestrian paths along the perimeter of the project site, the Public Works Department. -Perimeter arterial streets accommodate both pedestrians and cyclists and has the potential for linking farther -away parts of Kalispell and the Flathead Valley via a regional trail system f ! A�A4 = , ,,rc AT OUNTY 4N` AN,A y' Starling Pedestrian System -Pedestrian Circulation Plan Starling Legend :: 1 0! -I primary entry isecondary entry 6'concrete paths 00000 6' concrete path on both sides • • • _•. F wide gravel perimeter path -S.&** 6' gravel path r • •. • 6' concrete path opposite of trail in park - x 'W '! , , q! it Ca I lectarStreei 95-A -85' ROW A[ I Face of C.rt- to Face of Curb 1 D' Tree lawns 1 C -,ravEflLa,D5 S' anc 8 -lelachi Sidewalks a, Oii-Sheet PukIng Solh a,dcs S' U h JSw- Lifint. E-ZM- 1 5' rha"Imm 2(r I'mm Bulldirg Selacks 0 C DI leclor Street 85-A - 851 ROW 13 FFirc A Curh In Facarl r-',,rb ',] -rce L,-mn5 10 T-aqal.antis 5 and 10' LeLadriud Sidewalks 5 an -Street :lz3rk ng Bclh Sldcs 5 'Absv, I-Anint. Esmt. 15 NIP&n 20 FwW Bui dng S81,backs Attainable Housing -Starling provides a very broad spectrum of housing types with varying price points -Market-rate attainable housing was proven by the Market Study to be a viable housing option in Starling -Habitat for Humanity vs. Land Conservation Trust -Going beyond City standards, The Aspen Group has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to build 8 homes in Phase 1 of the Starling community with a continued relationship to build more homes in future phases -Plan to establish a relationship with Habitat for Humanity to last for the duration of the project o� 1 ,01J AT CIUNTY4NTAhLA � � r Starling Attainable Housing -Starling provides a very broad spectrum of housing types with varying price points -Market-rate attainable housing was proven by the Market Study to be a viable housing option in Starling -Habitat for Humanity vs. Land Conservation Trust -Going beyond City standards, The Aspen Group has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to build 8 homes in Phase 1 of the Starling community with a continued relationship to build more homes in future phases -Plan to establish a relationship with Habitat for Humanity to last for the duration of the project o� 1 ,01J AT CIUNTY4NTAhLA � � r Starling Transportation -Off-site mitigation: The developer is responsible for constructing portions of all of the surrounding arterial streets. -The developer is responsible for constructing all on -site streets and alleys. -Conducted test: Coned -off proposed Starling intersections at College parking lot -Snow plows, buses, fire trucks, garbage trucks, road graders successfully made all turning movements -Moving van also makes these turns at Valley West with no problems -Public transportation is accommodated by locating bus throughout the community to facilitate looping routes. •Curb bulbs and park areas make great bus_ stop locations .ya coy 7 f f "-q� ,rc AT OUNTY. ° ONTKA i stops Starling Transportation - Bus Stop Plan - m ILIM vvm %Mim 1 LF�#I7 0 PGW8WWIM6FU- PFNNICWMLM " off I.W SCALE: l'=6W-r 'POR DENMAIW =AMSELS20�WO-NDO WU=Am MMAK® WMTLFMXMA3WOM Starling 1� amp"" TW�1134M Transportation (continued) -Condition #5: The traffic impact study for the project site shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department and where appropriate, the Montana Department of Transportation in order to determine the appropriate mitigation as each phase of the project develops. The traffic impact study shall be updated for each phase of the development and submitted as part of the preliminary plat application. The Public Works Department may waive the required update to the traffic impact study at their discretion. The City of Kalispell is currently in the process of updating the Master Transportation Plan, which will be referenced for future Starling Transportation Studies. �"-4 ,01J . AT OUNTY. ONTANA Starling luj LU w U. Starling d C� Z NI FOUR MILE DR. s y e .A a y -1 r S _ 4t Transportation — Starling Street Hierarchy Starling • • a a a a Collector Street 85-A: 85ROW 000000 Local Street 70-A: 70' ROiN l 4 4 � L Local Street 65-A: 65' ROW • + ` • Local Street 65-13: 65' ROW • • + • Local Street 65-P: 65' ROW 000000 Private Lane 38-A: 38' ROW • • * • i 0 ALLEY 6: 30' ROIlV C L C(- L �. Local Estate Street 60-E: 60` ROW NORTH — --— — - -�w- - ----- ----------------- FOUR PAILE DRIVE Zoning Starling -The R-3 PUD zone matches the Growth Policy designation of Urban Residential as approved at the July 16, 2007 Hearing. -Significant amount of time spent with City staff, Planning Board, City Council and Starling project team to assure a proper "fit" -The R-3 PUD zone allows for the desirable mix of uses that are proposed for Starling. -Appropriate densities & uses -Proximity to transportation corridors, schools, shopping & public safety facilities -Condition #2: The development of the 640-acre site shall substantially comply with the following maps and elevations contained in the R-3 Mixed Use PUD Application and submitted as part of the Planned Unit Development dated April 10, 2007�, AT OUNTNTANAy' i/ Parkland -All Parks shall be approved by the City Parks and Recreation Department, constructed by the Developer and maintained by the Starling Homeowners' Association -Condition #7: A park maintenance district shall be formed incorporating all the lots within the Starling subdivision. The taxes levied within the maintenance district shall be determined by the Parks and Recreation Department with approvals by the Kalispell City Council. -Condition #13: Parkland requirements shall be calculated as each phase of development is proposed with the required parkland dedicated and developed on the 640 acre project site. It should be recognized that some parks may be dedicated and developed outside of the immediate phase of development to meet the required acreage. Viq "-4 C11 AT OUNTY`. ONTO NA Starling Parkland (Continued) -Vast majority of "open space" qualifies as "parkland". -Condition #14: The applicant shall coordinate with the Parks and Recreation Department to provide a minimum of 90 acres of parkland on the 640 acre project site based on an ultimate buildout of 3,000 residential units. If the overall units decrease, the associated acreage for parkland will decrease accordingly. -Condition #15: On the final plat the developer shall designate park space to be dedicated to the public and be maintained by the Homeowners Association. �"-4 ,01J . AT OUNTY. ONTAKA Starling Parkland - PU D Plan AG 00 WEST VALLEY OVERLAY RESERVE DRIVE FOUR MILE RIME AO-50AWT VALLEY OVERLAY Starling LAND USE ACREAGE INCLUDED SLOOKS AG-W WEST VALLEY OVERLAY A Tte-urvcnllaF a.a A omate 1 FUD Rs c P� 13 Rim A18 A % a1s ®R.T-LPNm HAP Anm we � As g - n.-aln +� 3 POTENTIAL PARKLAND PARK Pf PARk W PaPKPf Al PaRKRr A16 rt, .4 1 paRKM hi aP PaPK Pa nNY q13 ACd WEST VALLEYCVERLAY .a..� = TON 135_ PUD AREA mglLR� TOTAI_R3=MIXFD�IC�ARFA 41.5fir �TTTTAI Rl -PLTD AREA 7474a - POT NPAI ARKI AND TpTAI {OB 7.11° TpTAI_ OPEN SPACE AREA 3112 TOTAL RIGHT OF WAY AREA 145 M aUD TOTAL SITE AREA 640_T7' NEIGHBORHOOD BNDY . W. —PROPERTY LINE 0 3'00' 600' 7300, I ,Nf>'iTH SCALE: V = 600'-0' LAND USE NOTES', L GROSS ACREAGE OF R2HPUU SHALL HAVE A MIN IMAM 95% RESIDENTIAL USE. 2. OR055 ACREAGE OF R341XM USE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 76 % RESIDENTIAL USE. 3. GROSS ACREAGE OF 81H 13 SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 50% RESIDENTIAL USE. 4. TOTALALOWABLE NONRESIDENTIAL USESSHALL NOT EXCEED SD.OBACRES. B. MON-RESgENTIAL USES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING. REXIOUS USES, PARKS, COMMUNITY CENTER, CIVIC USES, SCHOOL, RETAIL SHOPS, OFFICES. REFER TO THE ANTICPATEU USES AND OEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR ALL ALLOWABLE USES B. THIS PUB ILLUSTRATES PROPOSED LAND USES AND SIZE DATA LAND USE ACRES ARE APPROXIMATE AND THE PLAN IS INTENDED To AITOW FORCHANGESANDREFIN ENT P. UP TC ID, FOR PENT CABINS WILL BE AN ANTICIPATED USE IN THE P5 BLOCK SEE ANTICIPATED USESANU DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FCR DETAILS. 9_ SONDINGWILLHEADDRESBEOINTHESUBDMSIIXNPRCCESS. A, REQUIRED PARK WNO WILL SE CAICU0.TED ATAPATq OF 0.0.T ACRES PER UNIT. TETDNG POTENTIALLY W ACRES OF REQUIRED PARKLAND PER AMA%IMUM 3,000 UNITS. IF FENDER THAN 3,DW UNITS ARE CONSTRUCTED, THE CORRESPONDING REQUIRED PARKLANG MU BE REDUCED PRQPGRTIONALLY. I0. THE PARKLPND BAUSTRATfl IN THIS PLANIS FOR GRAPHIC REPNESENTATON ONLY ANU IS IHTENDEDTO ILLUSTRATE POTENTIAL PARK LAND LOCATIONS AND APPROXIMATE SIZES. THE REOUIREDAMCUNT OF PARKLAND ACREAGE Li E "NEU ABOVE IN NOTE AA Parkland - Central Park Pavilion Deciduous --� ornamental tree Evergreen tree Starling Perimeter path with seating Landscape Area ,Outdoor Amphitheater Turf multi -use fields Deciduous' canopy tree Parking Multi -use sport court Parkland - Farmstead Park Deciduous canopy tre Perimet with see Evergre( Starling a Parkland - Crossroads Park Deciduous canopy tree Evergreen tree Turf multi -use fielc Deciduous ornamental tree Basketball Court Starling Path with seating Parkland - Gateway Park Naturalized Landscape pavilion I Naturalized Pond Deciduous ornamental tree , a Maw Starling Bioswale % 000 f ft`s� 00 0 no ....0 0 L- 0 0 0 00 O000 o';0 0 -0 000 soft C9 0 0 Gravel Trail Evergreen Tree Waterfall Parkland —New Opportunities at Plat Level Starling -..# -111 Process -City process and rules have been followed -Each phase to be approved through the Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Site Plan approval process as necessary -The Starling PUD, once adopted, along with Kalispell Zoning Ordinances and Standards, will become the governing document guiding future phases of Starling -Anticipated 20-year+ build -out with multiple phases �"-4 ,01J . AT OUNTY. ONTANA Starling Process (continued) -Parks to be implemented on a per -phase basis — a benefit of master planning -Condition #23: The Phasing Plan of the PUD serves as a general guide for the anticipated phasing of the project. The phase lines may be altered only to accommodate changes in the overall plan and will generally remain as shown in the PUD Phasing Plan. The various phases of the project serve as a guide with regard to the order in which the phases will be constructed allowing for phases to be constructed in orders other than that shown in the Phasing Plan. The first phase shall be filed within three years of approval of the effective date of this PUD. Each successive phase shall be filed within two years of final plat approval of the previous phase. In all events each phase shall be freestanding in terms of public infrastructure, services, parks and open space. a "-4 •. = , � AT OUNTY ONTANA y' Starling Process - Phasing Plan F"i1TGl 'I>> ` i � ��D LA n PHASE 7 1 �Q a 14 ti, p 13 Illy %/ PHA 15 s. PRA-9mpLm M-K3E 1: nWAfftES MiAM2- 2973AMM MiASE3- 24M ACRES MASEt 35.77 ACRES MMES- 30,00 ACRES MkSE& 21.19AMMM PHASE 7: 47.17 ACRES MiAMB 3321 RETIES MV-9E T 39.21 ACRES muma 43m Aum, MUSE It X44 WES MASE IZ. 3b.00 ACRES M-ME 13: WMAaMS PHASE U-. 59A7 ACRES MASE I& 47MACRES TOTAL 640.77 ACRES Starling W wC&"mLwMUq"r- "MAE WME&AW OW �77 -a. 3CALL, 1"- @M4r Process — City Reviews & Approvals Planning Commission Work Session January 9 City Council Work Session February 21 Pre -application Meetings February 21 March 21 Design Review Committee Meetings April 26 May 3 Staff Review Meeting May 2 Planning Board Work Session May 22 A Planning Board Public Hearing May 22 City Council Work Session June 25 Starling City Council Public Hearing — Growth Policy July 16 City Council Work Session July 30 City Council Public Hearing August 6 (scheduled) Future Preliminary Plats (Phases 2 — 17) Future Final Plats (Phases 2 — 17) Future Site Plans (as necessary) AT OUNTY. S7NTA iS Y•! !� stenbe 9 Gaud Aft ido f. I rt park q � adams- drive I a!C "Olec w adams drive • parr , r IL 1 ter; Land Uses -Residential — a wide range of residential densities and types cater to a broad segment of the housing market -Commercial — various non-residential uses to serve the immediate community as well as surrounding neighborhoods -Neighborhood compatibility has been addressed for long-term planning by approval of the Growth Policy Amendment and overall design of Starling -Parks and open spaces are located throughout Starling within a short walk or bike ride for use by Starling and nearby Kalispell residents `_fit.. .. � '•��',;+� AT OUNTY O T�4 y' A�.41 Starling Land Uses (continued) •A community center is planned (initial phase 1 park sales center) for Starling providing active recreational programming opportunities for users of all ages — children, adults and senior citizens -Condition #2: The development of the 640-acre site shall substantially comply with the following maps and elevations contained in the R-3 Mixed Use PUD Application and submitted as part of the Planned Unit Development dated April 10, 2007 •-- - AT OUNTY. ° ONTKA - y' Starling Land Uses (continued) Neighboring land owners' concerns: -Have been willing to work with neighbors regarding nearby commercial uses & intensity -Residential composition cannot change or "dynamics" of Starling will be compromised -Relatively consistent residential density throughout Starling necessary to fulfill City's / Developer's vision -North exterior residential densities are less in first phase �"-4 •3 units / acre at edge •3.6 units / acre including second row of homes -Interior park area (600'+) over 4 units / acre ,01J . AT OUNTY. ONTAKA Starling Land Uses (continued) Neighboring land owners' concerns (continued): • Open space buffer at all Starling edges: ►ra "-q� •. Lower densities with open space, not lot size Open space benefits: 1) City reviews / approves landscape plans 2) Professionally maintained by HOA 3) Perpetually dedicated green space that cannot be modified by individual home owners Open space buffer: 50' — 200'+ in nearby phase 1 area �j CJ ,01J . AT OUNTY. °M4NT� Starling Land Uses - PUD Plan I R AG 00 WEST VALLEY OVERLAY RESERVE DRIVE AO-SOYfEST VALLEY OVERLAY FOUR MILE RIME Starling LAND USE ACREAGE INCLUDED BLOCKS AG80 WEST VALLEY OVERLAY A — — r ...... 0 51-F3R1 TR R7 111.4 " A sIs A� ae. urvcnllaF a.. Al - AT FUC C P� ' R5 I Ra. 11' rv� r•r A18 � _ �..w ww. ®R.T. LPYPfWHpf MM N!a AB Fl] M POTENTIAL PARKLAND PARa pf Ala 3 am Paovvx. PaRKPf MA] Pa.k P1 -- A15 rtl MR ' paPi(M ha as pauV Pa n aY ACd WEST VALLEYCVERLAY ...... TON 135 _PUD AREA mg A9 ° LAND USE NOTES', TOTtiI R$=MIXFD�IC�ARFA 41_F5r _ L GROSS ACREAGE OF R2HPUU SRALL HAVE A MIN IMAM 96% RESIDENTIAL USE. �TTTTAI 131-2LTD AREA 74W 2. OR055 ACREAGE OF R341XED USE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 76 % RESIDENTIAL USE. -POT NPAI ARKI AND TOTAL ROB 7.F1° 3. GROSS ACREAGE OF 81H 13 SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 50% RESIDENTIAL USE. TOTAL OPENCPACEAREA 3912 4. TOTALALOWABLE NONRESIDENTIAL USESSHALL NOT EXCEED SD.OBACRES. TOTAL RIGHT OF WAY AREA 145M S.MON-RES CENTIAL USES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING. REXIOUS USES, PARRS, COMMUNITY CENTER, CIVIC USES, SCHOOL, RETAIL SHOPS, OFFICES. REFER TO THE AJTICFATEU USES AND QEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR ALL PUD TOTAL SITE AREA 6411 ALLOWABLE USES R4 B. THIS RIB ILLUSTPATES PROPOSED LAND USES AND SITE UATA ----- NEIGHBORHOOD BNDY LAND USE ACRES ARE APPROXIMATE AND THE PLAN IS INTENDED To ALLOW FORCHANGESANDREFIN ENT —PROPERTYLIME P. UP TO ID, FOR PENT CABINS WILL BE AN ANTICIPATED USE IN THE P5 BLOCK SEE ANTICIPATED USESANU DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FCR DETAILS. 9_ BONDING WILL RE ADDRESSED IN THE 5DRbNL51DN PRCCE53. U 30(Y 600 730U A, REOUIREC PRIM WRO WILL SE CAICU0.TED AT A PATq OF 0.0.] ACRES PER UNIT. YIEL➢NG POTENTIALLY9 ACRE$OFREOUREO PARKLAND PER AMA%IMUM 3,000 UNITS. IF FEWER THAN 3,DW UNITS ARE CONSTRUCTED, THE CORRESPONDING REQUIRED _ _ _ _ _ • NOAiH SCALE: 1 F = CCW Q�-UAW 1�1I1 PARKIA WD BE REDUCED PRDPRTIGNPILY G. 10. THE PARKLAND `USTRATfl IN THIS PLANIS For,GRAPHIC ENTATON REPNESONLY AND IS IHTENDEDTC ILLUSTRATE POTENTIAL PARK LAND LOCATIONS AND APPROXIMATE SIZES. THE REOUIREDAMCUNT OF PARKLAND ACREAGE Li E "NEU ABOVE IN NOTE AA Land Uses - W. Reserve Rd. Density Study - Option A Starling 19 Lots es = 3.07 DU/AC Land Uses - W. Reserve Rd. Density Study - Option 6 Starling 29 Lots es = 3.03 DU/AC Land Uses - W. Reserve Rd. Density Study - Option C Starling P""'.WMEAM 52 Lots 14.22 Acres = 3.66 DU/AC West Valley Neighborhood Representative Starling -Majority of speakers in favor of the Starling project at the June 25, 2007 City Council Work Session were West Valley land owners and residents -The head of the West Valley Neighborhood Planning District, Gary Krueger, spoke in favor of the Starling project at the Work Session Vim I "Qq� '♦ . AT OUNTY.4NTANA � � r Deviations Starling •PUD Standards allow for a "trade-off" or flexibility in standards -Section 27.21.010 Intent (PUD): It is the intent of this chapter to provide a zoning district classification which may provide flexibility of architectural design and mixing of land uses while preserving and enhancing integrity and environmental values of an area. -Deviations proposed for Starling allow the following goals to materialize: housing affordability, diversity in land uses and a distinct community character that draws from older parts of Kalispell -The City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 27.33.010 allows for deviations from the regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations — a general clean up of standards for Starling to remove confusion during implementation a r J' . AT OUNTY. ONTANA� y'� lot Deviations (Continued) • Deviation #1: Building Height • Requesting approval of 40' Maximum height for commercial buildings • Flexibility for more architectural detailing / steeper roof pitches • Consistent with Downtown restrictions . AT OUNTY. ONTAKA _ / , Starling Deviations (Continued) Starling • Deviation #4: Access to Units from a Public Street • Only 2 locations: 1) Homes fronting onto a park 2) Allow access from a public alley (as approved by Fire Department and Public Works Department) • Specific design elements: 1) Residents access 2) Emergency vehicles access (widened pavement) 3) Reviewed each deviation with Fire Department and Public Works Department 4) Design adjustments were made to meet requests from Fire Department and Public Works Department ,01J . AT OUNTY. ONTAKA Deviations —Adams Alley and Off -Street Parking Starling Deviations (Continued) • Deviation #8 & #9: Reduced Setbacks • Create a stronger sense of pedestrian scale along the streetscape • No negative effects to Public Safety • Front Yard Setback: • Requesting 15' • Front Yard Setback at Parks: • Requesting 5' • Only where homes front improved parks t � 1�0" �•' R "-4C" _ / , 9- �jCJ��J . AT OUNTY. 4NT� Starling Deviations (Continued) • Deviation #11: Garage Setbacks • Coordinated with utility companies • Reviewed by Fire Department for emergency access • Reviewed by Planning Department for implementation • Results: 1) Specific alleys have been widened to accommodate emergency access 2) Setbacks still accommodate utilities and access �"-4 ,01J . AT OUNTY. ONTAKA Starling Deviations (Continued) • Deviation #12: Signs • Requesting approval of monuments as proposed in PUD • Monuments are a "landscape" feature • Sign portion is relatively minor in size . AT OUNTY. ONTAKA _ / , Starling Deviations (Continued) -Each deviation has been reviewed and approved by various City agencies including the Planning Department, Public Works Department, Parks Department and Fire Department in the Development Review Committee meeting process •A summary letter from the Planning Department to the City Council dated July 23, 2007 verifies the legitimacy of the requested deviations -City Standards vs. PUD - when PUD is adopted, it becomes the City Standards for Starling (as intended by the PUD process) -Condition #34: A note shall be placed on the final plat stating that the alleys shall be privately maintained. a ,01J _ATI OUNTY. °41 NTH y' iS� Starling Deviations (continued) -All alleys in Starling will be public -Access to the visitors parking area will be public -Starling HOA will maintain all alleys -Adams Alley will be dedicated for use by the Public -Upgraded and widened to accommodate public access -Reviewed / approved by City Planning Department, Fire Department and Public Works Department �"-4 ,01J . AT OUNTY. ONTAKA Starling Deviations (continued) -Should these deviations be available to all developments? -They are — through the City deviation process... -Starling has applied specific design criteria to support proposed deviations -City staff has thoroughly reviewed deviations to be able to implement the Starling PUD for long-term build -out �"-4 ,01J . AT OUNTY. ONTAKA Starling Water Rights -City standards are being followed -Roger Noble letter presented to City explaining Starling position -Request retention of enough water to irrigate open space and parks for Starling -Condition #51: The water rights, both surface and ground, shall be transferred to the city with the filing of the final plat to insure the orderly accounting of water rights and to protect the future water needs of the city of Kalispell for it users. ►ra "-q� •. ,01J . AT OUNTY. 'MONT�4NA Starling Homeowners' Association Starling -Common landscape areas will be maintained by the Starling HOA -HOA fees must be disclosed (legal requirement) with sale of property -Valley West HOA fees are $200 / year — includes use and maintenance of parks and open space, snow removal from public sidewalks and alleys . AT OUNTY. ONTAKA