08-15-17 Technical Advisory Committee MinutesKALISPELL TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING AUGUST 15,2017 CALL TO ORDER AND The meeting of the Kalispell Technical Advisory Committee was ROLL CALL called to order at 1:34 p.m. Committee Members Present were: Doug Russell, Mark Munsinger, Ted Luehr, Marc Liechti, Ed Toays, Phil Mitchell, Dave Prunty, Justin Juelfs, Susie Turner, Vicki Crnich, Bob Vosen, Tim Larson and Thomas Jentz. There were approximately 12 people in the audience. APPROVAL OF THE Luehr moved and Vosen seconded a motion to approve the minutes MINUTES of the September 23, 2015 meeting, VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously on a vote: by acclamation. HEAR THE PUBLIC Frank Garner — representative from House District 7— went ahead and presented a portion of agenda item #4 in regards to the Bridge and Road Safety Bill that involves gas tax. He advised that as a part of that bill there is a separate account that was established which collects essentially the increase to the gas tax. Approximately 1/3 of those funds will go to the state to help with the federal matched, 2/3 to city and counties. It's distributed according to the formula that has been in place for a very long time, Next March those distributions will be made to city and counties for the I" six months. Then every year after that in March before the construction schedule based on those aforementioned formulas. Went on to say his basic reason for being here is to try and provide some feedback as to how to spend that money. He has had a lot of questions, concerns and feedback in regards to West Reserve, Hwy 2 West and Willow Glen, Phil Mitchell asked Dave Prunty about the loss of SRS funding and if the gas tax will make up for this. Prunty advised that even with the gas tax we are still about $500,000 short this year. OLD BUSINESS: Ted Luchr asked why the bypass speed limit is still at 55mph seeing as how it's a controlled access highway. Jentz advised that he suspects it's because the bypass is still considered to be under the construction phase so it is still yet to be determined. Bob Vosen went on to say that he has met with the local highway patrol and they reviewed the route several times and have some concerns about a couple of the curves and how people are going to handle that. He mentioned that a speed study should be coming soon. Ted Luehr — expressed his dislike of the Foys Lake roundabout. NEW BUSINESS #I: DERN Ed Toays, gave a brief background about this project. They have ROAD -WEST done an open house to involve the public and lie mentioned lie SPRINGCREEK wishes there had been more public involvement, This location is INTERSECTION now in the new urban area for Kalispell. Advised this is not a Kalispell Technical Advisory Committee MillUtCS of August 15, 2017 Pagel of3 decision making item but rather an inforinational item to start the project and get feedback from the TAC Committee to get a feel for what the project should be. Robert Peccia w/ Peccia and Associates then presented the board with a PowerPoint presentation to give the board some information on the project development. The presentation included statistics in regards to vehicle crashes, There i have been 48 accidents from 1-1-04 thru 12-13-14, of those 14 have been rear -ends, 23 have been right angle and there has been I fatality. He went on to explain the 2 options that were presented to the public on 9-13-16. Option I included a traffic signal with left turn lanes with an estimated project value of $4 million and option 2 would be a roundabout with an estimated project value of $5 million. At this point they feel the roundabout would be the best option, which will be encouraged at the next public meeting on 9- 25-17. Jentz inquired about how this project would be funded. Toays advised this is a safety project, it's nominated and in our red book. Peccia went on to say that optimistically they would like to start in 2019. NEW BUSINESS #2: Vicki Cmich of MDT requested concurrence with TAC to add the REQUESTFROM MDT FOR north half of the bypass to the national highway system, CONCURRENCE W/ TAC TO ADD NORTH HALF OF Jentz mentioned that the south half of the bypass is already THE BYPASS TO THE designated as part of the national highway system. NATIONAL HWY SYSTEM MOTION Ed Toays moved and Dave Prunty seconded a motion to add the north half of the bypass to the national highway system. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously oil a vote by acclamation.. NEW BUSINESS #3: Toni Jentz briefly explained the Transportation Plan. in 2006 Peccia CONSIDERATION BY THE & Associates was contracted by the City of Kalispell to update the CITY OF KALISPELL TO plan. It went through TAC and was adopted in 2007 then adopted by BEGIN UPDATING 2006 the city in April 2008. The plan however is based on 200'5-2006 TRANSPORTATION PLAN data, which is about 10 years old. The City of Kalispell would now like to move forward with updating the plan. He then opened discussion of funding for the update. Cmich advised that a letter would come from TAC to the MDT, City and County requesting money to help with the update, Phil Mitchell added that the county may be interested in helping depending on where the boundaries are. MOTION Tim Larson moved and Ed Toays seconded a motion to start the process of updating the 2006 Transportation Plan. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The niotion passed unanimously on a vote by acclamation, NEW BUSINESS #4: Jentz advised that Kalispell receives $718,0'00 a year in Urban Aid DISCUSSION OF THE NEXT funds for projects in the urban area mentioned in the 2006 KalispeH Technical Advisory Connufttee khILIteS of ALI gUSt 1-5, 2017 Palle 2 ol'3 K ALISPELL URBAN AID Transportation Plan just beyond West Reserve and West FUNDS PROJECT Springereek and Willow Glen and South down by Rocky Cliff, He further discussed the eligible projects and what the next project should be. He: then went on to explain the top 3 projects to consider. Those being Whitefish Stage, West Reserve and Willow Glen Dr. Right now West Reserve between Hwy 93 and Whitefish Stage get about 20,000 cars per day which is the 2 nd highest 2 lane in the state behind North Russell in Missoula. Willow Glen Dr. gets approximately 6,000 cars per day. Bob Vosen also touched on the spreadsheet that TAC created 2 years ago with the approximate job costs to widen West Reserve from Hwy 2 to Hwy 93 valued at $25 million to do a five lane and to extend Willow Glen all the way through to Hwy 2 was valued at $31 million. He is proposing that MDT goes back and re -visit these projects from a planning level, particularly the section of West Reserve between Hwy 93 and Whitefish Stage. NEW BUSINESS #5: Hungry Horse Reservoir, construction has begun on the 2 lane UPDATE ON AREA HWY bridge with a walkway. The goal is to have it open by Fall of 2018, PROJECTS BY MDT, Bad Rock Canyon — the four lane proposed project will probably not FLATHEAD COUNTY AND go through. KALISPEIA. Columbia Falls — redoing Main St through to Hwy 2. Originally started as a, milfill project but has turned into more of an ADA compliant sidewalk upgrade front Hilltop down to, the bridge. Bypass — essentially complete, the four bridge decks will get a poly overlay sometinie in 2018. Rocky Cliff — flashing signal being installed in July 2017 at the intersection of Rocky Cliff Dr, and Hwy 93. Finished the chip seals on Hwy 82 between Hwy 93 and Hwy 35 as well as the Foys Canyon. Phase 3 of Hwy 93 in Whitefish — becoming a higher priority NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting will be held when necessary. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:25p.m, Thomas R. Jentz Chain-an Karl Hemanaez Recording Clerk The minutes were approved as submitted/amended on /)"'//`)'.J20l8. K,a6pcfl Technical Advisory Committee Minutes oF A ugust 15, 2017 Page 3 of 3