12-27-18 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, December 27, 2018 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Tim Falkner, Acting Police Chief Patrick Jentz, Engineer II Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner Rick Parker, Building Plans Examiner P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz (Montana Department of Transportation) HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Integrity Property Management —house being converted into office. Sorensen stated we should be getting a bond in for $5,000 for paving and sidewalk work from the ramp through the backyard to the alley. P. Jentz asked about the quality of the sidewalk in the front. This has already been approved. OLD BUSINESS: Maw — 25 Appleway on the south side; apartments. Two 4-plexes. Justin Ahmann from APEC had e-mailed P. Jentz previously to see if we would compromise on some of their requirements and he told him that we would not. Nothing new has been submitted. Sorensen sent them a reminder a month or two ago about the outstanding comments he gave them this summer. This will be on the agenda for next week. Sunrift Brewery — 55 — 1 St Ave V N; Phase 2 — convert existing building to a restaurant. Nothing new has been submitted. This will be on the agenda for next week. Woodland Sales Office — 35 1 St Ave E; change of use to office. Change of Use. This is a sales office for senior living being built behind Shopko. Sidewalks were discussed. Public Works is okay with this, and the project is approved through Site Review. Base Camp RV Park — Hwy 93 S. Public Works' first round of comments have gone out and they are waiting for a resubmittal. MDT will set what happens on Hwy 93. The emergency access road can be signed with "not an exit" signs, but they will not be allowed to put up a gate or chain per Chief Dedman. Once they have 160 RV spaces, they will extend the road from the south to the north. Right now they are developing 60 spaces. The pedestrian trail will be realigned so it will only cross the street once. Crowley is familiar with this Rails to Trails trail adjustment. Freyholtz stated that Ashley Meadows will need to be redone to make it fit along here. They will need a letter from MDT for approval of the design as an intersection. No building plans have been submitted yet. This is similar to a "Final Plat" type of review (it is a revised preliminary plat). We will need to make sure that all PUD conditions have been met. We also need to be sure that Chief Dedman approves the locations of the hydrants. This will then go in front of the City Council for approval to move forward. This will be on the agenda for next week. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Eagle Valley Ranch Subdivision — A new application for a preliminary plat came in for the January Planning Board Meeting. Any comments you may have on this project, Phases 1 thru 3, need to be submitted to Nygren by tomorrow. Gateway West Mall - A new application came in for a CUP for multi -family on the parking lot at the Gateway West Mall. They have a few outstanding issues to work out so this will go on the February agenda. Tabler previously mentioned that since MDT owns both of the approaches, they will need to review and sign off on the TIS as well. OTHER REPORTS: 21 Appleway Apartments — (next to the Maw project) Plans have come in on this project. P. Jentz noted they are showing underground detention and a pond. They are still planning on the recreational amenities as they had discussed before, including a fire pit, raised gardens, benches, and bicycle storage. This will be on the agenda for next week. Faith Covenant — 611 3rd Ave E; parking lot. This is for a preliminary discussion regarding the paving of the existing gravel parking lot with a second approach onto 3rd Ave E. These are 10-foot spaces with 20 feet in the middle. Historically, they have been parking up to the property line. This is zoned R-3, which would normally require a 15-foot landscape buffer. This requirement would take out three of their parking spaces. The sidewalk around the building was discussed. They will essentially be retro-fitting an existing gravel parking lot. Their stormwater design was worked out with Haskins and will have a pipe down to the corner with a CD S unit that would go into the street. The City would eventually take over the management and maintenance of it. There will be some reshaping of the topography. They will need to submit for a building permit. This will be on the agenda for next week. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m. cc: Police City Manager Fairgrounds MDOT Bldg. Fire City Clerk City Airport Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works 2