12-13-18 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Lower Level Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Jeff Clawson, Building Official
Tim Falkner, Acting Police Chief
Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
Rick Parker, Building Plans Examiner
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Dave Dedman, Fire Chief
Chad Fincher, Parks & Rec. Director
Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner
Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer
Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: James Freyholtz (Montana Department of Transportation)
Northwest Drywall — 1109 E Oregon St; new warehouse in the Rail Park at the south end. Parker
received their structural information, but is still waiting for their site plan. There are issues with
them moving forward with the Gabion wall without having a full Building Permit. This will be on
the agenda for next week.
Maw — 25 Appleway on the south side; apartments. Two 4-plexes. Nothing new has been received
yet. This will be on the agenda for next week.
World Gym — 555 East Swift Creek Way (no longer Diamond Peak); new athletic club. We are still
waiting on the Plat Amendment. Nygren will follow up with Mike Brodie on that. Sorensen stated
the building portion of this is still about 4 to 6 weeks out. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Sunrift Brewery — 55 — 1 St Ave WN; Phase 2 — convert existing building to a restaurant. Nothing
new has been submitted. They are planning to go to ARC in early January. This will be on the
agenda for next week.
Cottage Gardens — A Preliminary Plat application for a 39-lot subdivision on Three Mile Drive,
south of Mountain Vista Phase IV, was recommended for approval by the Planning Board last
Tuesday, and will go onto City Council.
Kalispell North Town Center — A zone change was also recommended for approval by the Planning
Board and will be going to Council.
Rose Crossing — Debbie Street and Mike Fraser spoke at the Tuesday meeting about how dangerous
they feel the curve on this road is. Freyholtz noted the County has re -signed this down to 10 miles
per hour and put some barriers up. They have also asked MDT to review this for safety funds.
Eagle Ranch — A new application for a preliminary plat came in for the January Planning Board
Gateway West Mall - A new application came in for a CUP for multi -family on the parking lot at
the Gateway West Mall for the January Planning Board Meeting, but they have a few outstanding
items to provide before it will be put on the agenda.
Edge LLC — 21 Appleway; apartments — preliminary discussion. Sorensen spoke with Dia Sullivan
a couple of weeks ago on this project. They are still trying to do some kind of joint effort on the
storm drainage with the Maw property. He discussed the recreational amenities with her. They have
about 1,800 sq. ft., but they are also looking at doing a combination of benches, a fire pit, bike
storage, and a raised garden area. Parker stated he received an e-mail from her this morning stating
they want to put the bike storage between two units. This should be coming in for Site Review soon.
Wal-Mart — Sorensen asked about their progress, and Tabler stated the documents are still in their
Corporate Office. They just need to sign them and get them back to us.
T.A.C. Meeting — T. Jentz — they will be proceeding with updating their overall Transportation Plan
of the greater Kalispell area. That is a 12-month cycle for them to go through.
Hwy 93/Treeline Upgrade — Freyholtz stated this improvement will be completed in 2020. They
will remove the medians on the approaches and make those into left -turn lanes, and add a right -turn
lane for the south bound traffic onto Hwy 93. T. Jentz noted the extension of Treeline is a DNRC
decision and has not been determined yet.
The meeting was adj ourned at 10 :12 a.m.
cc: Police
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