11-06-18 Business Improvement District Minutes2017 — 2027 KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD MEETING MINUTES Meeting date: November 6, 2018 Location: 14 3rd St. E., Kalispell, MT. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Marshall Noice, Kisa Davison, Christopher Petersen, Karen Sanderson, Maggie Doherty & Pam Carbonari (BID Exec. Director) ABSENT: Debbie Snyder CITY ATTENDEES: None PUBLIC IN ATTENDANCE: Curtis Bartel — Aluma Glass; Ryan Berweger — Flair Gift & Cards MEETING CALLED TO ORDER at 8:33 AM by Chair Marshall Noice MOTION: to approve the agenda dated November 6 and the minutes of October 2 and special meeting minutes of October 30 by Maggie Doherty with a second by Christopher Petersen— approved HEARING OF THE PUBLIC: Curtis Bartel & Ryan Berweger attended with interest in serving on the KBID Board. Both have turned in letters of interest. BUSINESS BID Board member vacancies: Ryan Berweger and Curtis Bartel have both submitted letters of interest in serving on the BID Board. The letter from Ryan Berweger also included a letter from the property owners, Allen and Linda Clark requesting his appointment as their representative. A motion was made by Maggie Doherty to send a letter to the Mayor and City Council requesting their appointments to the two open positions on the Board. The motion was seconded by Kisa Davison and the motion passed unanimously. Property owner social and information meeting: The BID Board discussed what they would like to accomplish at the social and information meeting and what each member would be contributing. The date has been set for Tuesday evening November 27 from 5:30 — 7:00. The event will be held at Montana Modern Fine Art. The Board reviewed survey questions to send to property owners and each of them completed the survey at the meeting. It was determined to send out an invitation and survey to all of the property owners by Tuesday, November 13. The inclusion of a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of the survey will be included in the mailing. Pam was asked to do this. Board members would like to make sure that there will be opportunities for the attendees to have their voice heard. Kisa hoped that the major purpose of the meeting would be to spending the time connecting names with faces and listening to the attendee's priorities. To encourage completion of the survey by property owners, it was determined that a raffle would take place and everyone in attendance or if a survey was received by mail would be entered in to the raffle drawing. Raffle items would be donated by Board members and also Aluma Glass and Flair Gift & Cards. Outside of the mailing all costs associated with the social will be donated by Board members. Karen Sanderson will donate the wine, Maggie Doherty the beer, Christopher Petersen will pay for the appetizers from Montana Coffee Traders. The board would like to create poster boards that will be displayed on the walls at the social for attendees to review and make additional comments. The boards would reflect the survey questions with board member comments. Pam was asked to compile the board member answers to the survey and provide the summary to Karen Sanderson who would create the poster boards for the social. Marshall will make a few opening remarks and introduce board members. Again, the main focus is a social and getting to know other property owners and hopefully receive their input regarding 2019 priorities for the BID. Marketing Discussion: Due to time requirements, this item will be discussed at the next meeting. Assessment formula review: The board reviewed the property assessment spreadsheet with the proposed formula that has been previously discussed. The proposed new formula would assess $100.00 to every property owner in the district, keep the current .015 per square foot assessment and reduce the taxable value assessment from .0375% to .0225%. Pam will arrange for a work session with the Mayor and City Council to begin discussion on changing the formula. WIFI within the district: Due to time requirements, this item will be discussed at the next meeting. DIRECTORS REPORT: Pam requested authorization to purchase new light pole hangers (will be doubles as we currently have), and weekender planters for next season. It was determined to add a hanger to all historic poles on the street within the district and to hang one pot on each of the hangers. Karen Sanderson made a motion to approve the purchase of 57 new hangers at $70.00 each and 57 weekender pots at the price of $45.00 each. The motion was seconded by Kisa Davison with a unanimous approval. Pam informed the Board that the Council will be holding a public hearing, November 19 on the proposed Urban Renewal Plan and that she will be in attendance to speak on their behalf. NEW BUSINESS: At the last board meeting, the Mission and Vision statements were emailed to the board. Curtis Bartel had a word document he offered regarding the mission, vision and purpose but time did not allow for a discussion. This is an item that will be postponed until next meeting when hopefully there will be more time for public input from Curtis and allow for board discussion. Maggie Doherty shared with the board some personal experiences and business experiences regarding "hate speech". She is working with the human rights network to develop some protocols that might be of assistance to help businesses if they experience the same. It was also mentioned that if hate propaganda is left at businesses, it is important to remember to notify the police department. ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 AM by Karen Sanderson with a second from Christopher Petersen. The motion passed unanimously. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: Tuesday, December 4 at 8:30 AM — Whipps Building, Second Floor Conference Room. Respectfully submitted, Pam Carbonari