08-07-18 Business Improvement District Minutes2017 — 2027 KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD MEETING MINUTES
Meeting date: August 7, 2018
Location: 14 3rd St. E., Kalispell, MT.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Marshall Noice, Karen Sanderson, Kisa Davison, Debbie Snyder, &
Pam Carbonari (BID Exec. Director)
ABSENT: Christopher Petersen, Maggie Doherty
PUBLIC IN ATTENDANCE: Curtis Bartel — Aluma Glass and Fred
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER at 8:55 AM by Chair Marshall Noice
MOTION: to approve the agenda dated August 7 and the minutes of July 3 by Karen Sanderson with
a second by Debbie Snyder— approved
HEARING OF THE PUBLIC: Fred was in attendance to begin discussion regarding missing and dead
or unhealthy trees in the downtown core. He will complete a tree inventory and we will continue the
discussion about cost to replace and how watering the trees can happen with the city water truck as a
possible solution.
Pam received a proposal from Learned Reality to create an additional page for our website focusing
on leased and for sale properties. Karen made a motion to accept the proposal for $330.00. The
motion was seconded by Debbie and passed unanimously. It was determined that an email would be
sent out to the downtown business list about the addition to our website and board members would
directly contact property owners who had property available within the district.
A facade improvement grant was received from Colter Coffee. The project was reviewed and a
motion to approve a grant in the amount of $943.50 was made by Debbie Snyder and seconded by
Karen Davison. The motion passed unanimously.
The Executive Director contract was reviewed with changes regarding the increase of the monthly
contract amount to reflect the elimination of cell phone and rent payments. The motion to approve the
contract changes was made by Karen Sanderson with a second from Kisa Davison.
A revised budget with changes suggested by the Mayor and Council was presented to the Board.
The changes included the addition of $15,000 to the facade improvement program for a total of
$251000. $800.00 was removed from the cell phone/wireless line item and $1800 was removed from
rent. These two items were allocated directly to the Contract Staff —Coordinator category. The
potential addition of flower pots on the side streets and Second Avenues were discussed. It was
determined to leave the amount allocated to flowers at the $6000 level but should the board wish to
add additional flowers the money can be allocated from Development Activity. A motion to make the
above changes was made by Karen Sanderson with a second from Kisa Davison and approved
Discussion began regarding the BID structure of Great Falls, Missoula and Bozeman. Missoula has
an active partnership with their Downtown Association and developed a partnership agreement. The
agreement will be sent to the BID Board members for review and discussion at the September
DIRECTORS REPORT: Invoices were received to maintain memberships with the Kalispell Chamber
of Commerce and also Glacier Country Tourism. A motion to approve both was made by Debbie
Snyder with a second by Karen Sanderson and approved unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS: Next meeting board members would like to begin discussion regarding free "WIFI"
downtown. There was also discussion about sending "At a Girl or At a Boy" notes to
property/business owners that make positive improvements within the district.
BOARD MEMBER RECRUITMENT: Pam will put a call in to Trek Stephens to gauge interest
ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 AM by Debbie Snyder with a second from Kisa
Davison. The motion passed unanimously.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 4 at 8:30 AM — Whipps Building, Second Floor small
Conference Room.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Carbonari