04-03-18 Business Improvement District Minutes2017 — 2027 KALISPELL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD MEETING MINUTES Meeting date: April 3, 2018 Location: 14 3rd St. E., Kalispell, MT. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chair Debbie Snyder, Eric Robbins, Karen Sanderson, Debbie Snyder, Pam Carbonari (BID Coordinator) ABSENT: Chris Petersen & Jon Fetveit CITY ATTENDEES: None PUBLIC IN ATTENDANCE: Marshall Noice & Maggie Doherty MEETING CALLED TO ORDER at 8:35 PM by Debbie Snyder, Acting Chair MOTION: to approve the agenda dated April 3 and the minutes of March 6 by Eric Robbins with a second by Karen Sanderson — approved HEARING OF THE PUBLIC: Marshall Noice & Maggie Doherty expressed their interest in serving on the Board of Directors and have submitted a letter of interest. BUSINESS Website additions, suggestions, corrections: Board members expressed their pleasure with the website and would like Joni & Nathan Stoll of Learned Reality to be told that the board thinks they did a great job. There is some disappointment in the video and they would like some of the shots in the video removed. Specific shots would be the Main Street shots without vehicles and the shot of the army vehicle that was in the parade. Board Member appointments & letter of recommendation: There will be 3 positions open on April 301 2018. Four letters of interest have been received, Marshall Noice of Montana Modern Fine Art, Kisa Davison with SBG Gym, Maggie Doherty, Kalispell Brewing and Tracy Diaz with Community Action Partnership. Two of the terms will be for 3 years finishing the terms for Jayson Peters and Jarrod Shew. One position is a 4 year term replacing Jon Fetveit. Karen Sanderson made a motion to send a letter to the Mayor and Council requesting confirmation of Marshall Noice, Kisa Davison and Maggie Doherty and recommended Marshall Noice as Chairperson. The motion was seconded by Eric Robbins and received a unanimous approval. Budget discussion — Pam presented a preliminary budget which the board reviewed and discussed. It is proposed to increase the contract staff for downtown cleanup — budget code #355. The area of the BID has increased with the creation of the new BID. Our current downtown ambassador will not be able to keep the enlarged area covered during the summer season. This line item is proposed to be increased to cover a temporary employee who would work June — September helping Paul Faessel with cleaning and watering the flowers. Paul has worked 7 days a week during the summer to water the plants and he would like a temporary employee to cover the weekend shift. Pam also suggested that Paul receive a .50 cent per hour increase. The board would like to purchase a new one piece clean up garment for Paul and new tee shirts. We will also need to buy tee shirts for a temporary employee. The board suggested that budget code #373 -conferences and travel be increased from $0 to $1000. More discussion will be need on budget #359 —Web site development to determine if $2000 will be sufficient for website changes, corrections and SEO. The board would also like to look at budget code #510 -Insurance. The board is suggesting that the Kalispell Downtown Association start sharing in the cost of the liability insurance and is suggesting that the amount be reduced to $6000 with the KDA paying $2000 for the fiscal year 2018 — 2019. Additional discussion was held regarding the watering of the flowers and the need for a vehicle and water tanker that could also water the trees if we replace dead trees that have been removed in the downtown area. The board would also like to have a conversation about signage to include entrance signage. At the meeting on May 1 the board will need to develop a list of potential projects to be mentioned in the budget letter which is submitted with the proposed annual budget to the Kalispell City Council during the first week in May. Coordinators Report — Pam will be attending the Governor's Conference on Tourism in Big Sky April 15 — 17. The Kalispell Downtown Association will be reimbursing her for the conference expenses. NEW BUSINESS: At a meeting in the near future the board would like to invite Fred the City of Kalispell's arborist to attend a meeting to discuss the trees downtown. ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 AM by Eric Robbins with a second from Debbie Snyder. The motion passed unanimously. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 at 8:30 AM — Whipps Building, Second Floor small Conference Room. Respectfully submitted, Pam Carbonari, BID Coordinator