11-29-18 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Lower Level Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Jeff Clawson, Building Official
Dave Dedman, Fire Chief
Tim Faulkner, Acting Police Chief
Chad Fincher, Parks & Rec. Director
Patrick Jentz, Engineer II
Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
Jarod Nygren, Senior Planner
Rick Parker, Building Plans Examiner
Wade Rademacher, Police Captain
Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: James Freyholtz (Montana Department of Transportation); Doug Peppmeier (TD&H);
Dia Sullivan, Layne Massie Sr., and Layne Massie Jr. (Edge LLC); and Jessica Bubar (Integrity
Northwest Drywall — 1109 E Oregon St; new warehouse in the Rail Park at the south end. Parker
noted he has received their Geo-Tech Report and a letter from Alpine saying the building will be
moved 150 feet to the south. He is still waiting on three things with fire issues. Their engineer will
be meeting with the owner next week to discuss their site plan and then they will submit it to us.
This will be on the agenda for next week.
Maw — 25 Appleway on the south side; apartments. Two 4-plexes. P. Jentz sent out comments on
his latest review on Tuesday. He noted they have a lot of issues to resolve. Sorensen also sent a
follow-up e-mail, too, because they haven't addressed most of the issues that he had. This will be on
the agenda for next week.
World Gym — 555 East Swift Creek Way (no longer Diamond Peak); new athletic club. Sorensen
stated he spoke with them and they won't be submitting anything further for another 6 to 8 weeks.
Tabler received a letter from the owner giving us direction on how they want to proceed with this.
Tabler is okay with their drainage, but would like to see their plumbing plans. Parker is also waiting
for that. They also need to submit their Amended Plat. Fincher has not received an update from
them. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Sunrift Brewery — 55 — 1" Ave WN; Phase 2 — convert existing building to a restaurant. Nothing
new has been submitted. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Integrity Property Management — 318 3rd Ave E; change of use from residential to office. This is
next to a City Parking Lot (behind Epworth Church). They will need a Building Permit regarding
some accessibility that they are working with Clawson on. They will need to put in a handicapped
parking space. They will be adding in some asphalt parking. They will need to upgrade the sidewalk
to a ramp up the side of the building into the house. There may be a small impact fee for the
additional impervious. Sidewalks will be added and/or extended. Some shrubs will be taken out and
the old fence will be either taken out or moved back. They will be putting gravel in for the parking
lot and pave it next spring. They will provide a Performance Bond for the paving, including the
sidewalk. This is passed through Site Review.
Cottage Gardens — An application for a 39-lot subdivision on Three Mile Drive, south of Mountain
Vista Phase IV. This is for a Preliminary Plat and a zone change for the north half. This will be on
the December Planning Board. Referrals have been sent out, and any comments you have should go
to Nygren.
Edge LLC — 21 Appleway; apartments — preliminary discussion. They already have a CUP. This is
located to the west of Maw. There is an existing old farmhouse that is an office now. They will
have joint access to the parking area. Their landscape plan was shown. Storm drainage and
recreational amenities need to be addressed. Peppmeier stated this lot has a dedicated drainage
easement, and they can fit their facility in that drainage easement. A perk test has been completed
that infiltrates. The design fits in the SW corner. This would be a swale, collecting the water and it
would infiltrate in. They will need to check with NW Energy about the trees. We will require
sidewalk to go to the trail. They will need to replace a portion of the existing sidewalk. This has not
gone through ARC yet. Their trash enclosure was discussed. They will need to include a location
for their mailboxes. Tabler stated that with an infiltration facility they would need to be at least 20
feet back. They could try to work out a joint facility with the Maw project next to them. They will
contact APEC to discuss this. They will need a 10-foot drainage easement and need to have a
maintenance agreement for their storm facility. A fence would be optional. Rails to Trails would
also like a little plan detail on how they plan to penetrate the fence on the trail. Regarding their
recreation amenities, benches, a fire pit, and an enclosed bicycle storage structure were discussed.
Tabler noted they will need to watch the grade of their sidewalk, as the existing sidewalk is lower
than where their proposed curb is going to be. Tabler mentioned they can T-off one of their domestic
lines with the irrigation. No fire line is required. On the setback for the parking in the front, there is
a 5-foot buffer for landscaping. There is also a small 10-foot clear vision triangle.
The meeting was adjourned at 10 :42 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager Fairgrounds MDOT
Bldg. Fire City Clerk City Airport
Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works