06-27-17 Impact Fee Advisory Committee MinutesCfTYOF
Date: Tuesday June 27, 2017 4:02 — 5:32 P.M.
Location: City Hall Council Chambers
Board members
Z Jeff Zauner (Chair)
Z Merna Terry
Others Present:
Z Susie Turner
El Jason Mueller (Vice Chair) Z Justin Ahmann (Secretary) Z Blake Robinson
[:] Nancy Cunningham Z Brandon Thies
Z Terri Loudermilk Z Tom Gould (HDR Consultant)
Jeff Zauner called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM
Approval of Minutes: Jeff asked for a motion to approve the City's minutes from May 23, 2017. Justin requested
removing his comment on retaining on -site and instead add "Justin brought up the
contradiction of the construction standards specifically 4.1.1 b and the impact fee". Jeff asked
for a vote to accept the minutes as provided with the amendment as discussed. All in favor
signify by saying "Aye". All were in favor and motion was approved.
Public Comment: None.
Agenda Items: Discussed calculated cost of $1,236 per ERU in the April 2017 stormwater report, how fee is
applied, and projects in the report. Discussed council policy direction to reduce the calculated
impact fee by 50% and increase the City's current stormwater assessment to offset the
reduction in the stormwater impact fee reductions.
Tom Gould gave presentation on how other cities have applied stormwater credits. Discussed
Kalispell's current stormwater impact fee credit/cap in report and other ways credits could be
Jeff asked for motion to move forward to Council the April 2017 Stormwater Impact Fee
Report. Blake moved. Jeff asked for second and Brandon seconded. Jeff called for vote.
Jeff, Blake and Brandon voted to approve report and move it forward to Council. Merna and
Justin voted against approving report. Motion approved 3 to 2. Jeff will write
recommendation letter to council. Comments members want included with the letter can be
submitted to Jeff. Susie encouraged all IFAC members to attend the city council work session
reviewing the Stormwater Impact Fee Report.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Review Water Impact Fees in 2018.
Justin adjourned the meeting at 5:33 P.M.
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