01-22-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, January 22, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer Jeff Clawson, Building Official Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Susie Turner, Stormwater Engineer Jeff Clawson, Building Official Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary Guests: James Freyholtz, MDT Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Sean Conrad, Planner Chad Fincher, Parks & Recreation P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Performance Bond Reminders: Johnson stated the bond for sidewalks in Fox Trotter, Phase is about to expire and he asked Conrad to follow up on the status of the work. Public Works is still waiting for the maintenance bond for Diamond Ridge Estates. OLD BUSINESS: 227 1st Street West — Susie Turner received stormwater plans yesterday, and both she and Burnham had comments and passed the plans on to the construction managers for review. WalMart: Sorensen received the revised plans for WalMart and forwarded copies to Public Works. The following items were discussed: Parks & Rec — they changed the species of trees but they were going to stay with shale and Fincher said Parks & Rec can accept the shale. Stelling Engineers wants to know if the city has any issues with the approaches off of Hutton Ranch Road. Castles asked if the city was going to receive a traffic circulation plan and Sorensen said he had requested a plan from Pac Land who agreed but WalMart apparently does not, and the plans have not yet been revised. Burnham said the city will force that issue. Burnham said the main egress into the parking lot is dysfunctional until that change is made. Further discussion was held. Sorensen asked Freyholtz if there was any additional information regarding the left turn arrow unto the highway and Freyholtz said that would be part of the upgrade to Hutton Ranch Road. Jentz noted that MDT is considering that change now since they are designing the Hutton Ranch Road with WalMart as a component. Sorensen said they still want to have the alternative van accessible stalls so he has requested information showing that the stalls meet Federal standards. Fire Dept. seemed to be happy with the basic layout and Clawson added if they move the trash compactor to the east side of the building it will meet the required fire separation distance. Public Works wants to review the recent plans before they comment on any additional issues. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Conrad noted he spoke with Steve Maw who is interested in purchasing a lot on the south side of Appleway Drive south of the Denman's apartments and east of Orchard Village. Maw is interested in constructing two 4-plex buildings and a duplex and he has submitted a preliminary design which the committee reviewed. Conrad stated the process would include a subdivision of the property, upgrading Appleway Drive to meet city standards, street trees and curb/gutter. The following issues were discussed: • Appleway Drive needs to be completely reconstructed. • There could be issues with shared driveway access, although the reason it is not shared is due to a boundary line adjustment which changed the access to a couple lots. • Turner needs to inspect the site for drainage issues. She added the culvert, that was to run behind the Spring Creek Apartments, is at a standstill until the city gets an easement for the Wayne Turner property. • A new site plan should be submitted that is to scale. Conrad noted that will be coming with the application for subdivision. Turner said she does have a submittal from Maw's engineer but she hasn't reviewed it yet. OTHER REPORTS: Vendor Licensing: Sorensen said there is another vendor interested in operating a portable hot dog stand. Fincher noted that Jennifer Young of the Parks & Rec staff is responsible for reviewing those requests and he will check on the status of this proposal. Sorensen asked to be notified so he can respond to their email. Further discussion was held regarding the licensing program and other vendors in the city. Cottage Gardens: Sorensen mentioned he spoke to Dave Hofstad regarding Cottage Gardens and Hofstad said he was planning to start construction this summer. There was concern that the same issues with street lights (as in Stratford Village) may come up again. Burnham asked if one-year extensions for preliminary plats are discussed at site review and Jentz said it is mentioned for informational purposes. Burnham suggested the city will be seeing more requests for extensions due to the economic situation. Burnham asked for clarification on the building permits issued for the DNRC campus. Clawson said no building permit has been issued for that property since the city has not yet been paid the impact fees. The city will not be issuing a water meter for the property and therefore they will not be able to occupy the building until the fees have been paid in full and the lift station issues have been addressed. Burnham mentioned that he will be meeting with the 911 Center representatives this afternoon to discuss the sewage issues with them. Stillwater 180: James Freyholtz, MDT, noted MDT has receives a Traffic Impact Statement for the 180 acres located south of the Silverbrook Estates property. There was discussion regarding the projects being developed by Mark Owens. Johnson said Public Works was confused as to why sidewalks were not a requirement for the Torgerson property located on 7th Avenue West. Jentz said this was part of a subdivision that was approved several years ago when the council did not require sidewalks where no other sidewalks were in the area. Jentz added there may be a few others like this but not many. Jentz also said sidewalks were not a condition of approval and the city cannot require they be put in now. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.