08-14-18 - regular meetingKALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD & ZONING COMMISSION August 14, 2018 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The regular meeting of [lie Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were: Chad Graham, George Giavasis, Doug Kauffman, Rory Young, Kurt Vomfell, Ronalee Skees and Joshua Borgardt. Toni Jentz, Jarod Nygren and PJ Sorensen represented the Kalispell Planning Department. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skees moved and Giavasis seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2018 meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION The motion passed unanimously on a vote of acclamation. PUBLIC COMMENT None. BOARD MEMBER SEATED Young recused himself, lie is helping represent the applicant of Eagle Valley Ranch. V"%LLI+X JR,VNCII Spartan Holdings, LLC is requesting a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to be ('11b.Wv)A'11 POLICY & PLY�NN14':D known as Eagle Valley Ranch PUD. Eagle Valley Ranch encompasses UNIT I)FA,411,011NIEN'l approximately 99-acres and creates a new vision for the project site, which is currently known as the Valley Ranch PUD. The Valley Ranch PUD was approved in 2008 and has since lapsed due to inactivity. STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff Reports #KGPA- 18-02 & KPUD- 18-04. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Con-unission adopt staff report ftKGPA- 18-02 and recommend that the Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map be amended from Suburban Residential to Urban Mixed Use on 4 1 -acres. Staff reconiniends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report #KPUD-18-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that a PUD for Eagle Valley Ranch be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Graham, Borgardt and Giavasis inquired about the buffer between the armory and the Eagle Valley Ranch Subdivision, when MDT might allow the signal light at Rose Crossing to be installed and the general idea behind the cottage style homes. PUBLIC HEARING Bruce Lutz — WGM Group — representative ["or the applicant — offered to answer any questions the board may have and briefly discussed the 14-phase project. Bill Stark — 318 Ponderosa Lane — concerned with the increased traffic the developirient will bring. Ken Fry — 124 Ponderosa Lane — happy to the project coming in, concerned with increased traffic and water drainage. Shannon Demeester — 415 Chestnut Dr — read her public comment letter she sent in to the planning department; her main concern is the increased traffic. I ... . . ... . ......... Susan Stark — 3 18 Ponderosa Lane — does not want the zone change, concerned Kalispcil City Platiiiing Board M inutes ofthe incetir- ofAmILISt 14,2018 with increased traffic and feels a school should be in place before a housing F development. MOTION Kauffman moved and Borgardt seconded a motion that the Kalispell City GROWTH POLICYAMENDMENT Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KGPA-18-02 as (IMPA-18-02) findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map be amended from Suburban Residential to Urban Mixed Use on 4 1 -acres. BOARD DISCUSSION Nygren addressed the public comment with the board and clarified some of the concerns the public had. Graham inquired about the traffic study and asked Nygren to clarify that an engineer will complete the traffic Study. Giavasis noted that he likes that there are more open spaces with the cottages rather than the townhomes. Voinfell likes to see that the city is open to mixed housing, ROLL CALL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote, MOTION (ORIGINAL) Giavasis moved and Kauffman seconded a motion that the Kalispell City PLANNED UNII'DEPELOPMENT Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KPUD-18-04 as KPUD-18-04 findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that a PUD for Eagle Valley Ranch be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION ROLL CALL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. MOTION (ADD CONDITION #24) Vortifell moved and Graham seconded a motion to add condition #24 stating PLANNED UNIT DE1,"ELOPMENT that prior to the tinie that Eagle Valley Ranch reaches phases 7-10 at the north end KPUD-18-04 of the PUD, the developer may submit a PUD amendment proposing future cottages or a blanket style development layout that provides a more creative neighborhood setting that will better blend in with the surrounding area, This plan shall include but not be limited to more external internal open space and pedestrian linkages with possible smaller lot footprints; the minimum density will be equal to or greater than the proposed density of phases 7-10 on the PUD plan dated June 6, 2018, which shall be within the densities described in the Kalispell Growth Policy suburban residential land use category. BOARD DISCUSSION None. ROLL CALL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote, MO HON (AMEND CONDITION #19) Kauffman moved and Graham seconded a motion to amend condition #19 to PLANNED UNITDEVELOPMENT require that the developer provide the City of Kalispell with a 2-acre land site KPUD-18-04 suitable for a water tar-4: location. BOARD DISCUSSION None. ROLL CALL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote, MOTION (ADD CONDITION #25) Skees moved and Giavasis seconded a motion to add condition #25 stating that PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT prior to preliminary plat if the Ponderosa Homeowners Association provides an KPLJD-18-04 access point that (lie developer shall reciprocate and provide an access point connecting the two together. BOARD DISCUSSION None. ROLL CALL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. Kalispell City Plaiinitin0 Boarcl N/1 iflUteS Of the 11)CCJY1&1 of Mgtist 14, 2018 Page 12 ROLL CALL ON THE ORIGINAL The original motion passed unanimously, as amended, on roll call vote. MOTION (PLANNED UNIT DEVT-LOPIVIENT) BOARD MEMBER RE -SEATED Young re -seated. s'rn_T%VATgal (,'04F)IOINuS Kalispell Housing Group, LLC is requesting a zoning rnap/PUD zoning overlay ZON ' C I M N 'k� amendment on 16.9-acres of land from R-4/PUD to RA-I/PUD within the kZ(' 18-04 Silverbrook PUD. The requested zone change encompasses Phase 2B to accommodate a shift in development emphasis from townhornes to condominium and apartment residential uses. STAFF REPORT Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Department reviewed Staff Report KZC- 18 -04 Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report ftKGPA-18-02 and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the Silverbrook PUD amendment be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. BOARD DISCUSSION Graham asked for confirmation that the lots to the South are larger than normal city lot and that the lots to the north will be sinaller. Jentz responded and confirmed. PUBLIC HEARING Bruce Lutz - WGM Group ­ representative for applicant - offered to answer any questions for the board. Jeff Swenson - 6002 St Moritz Dr., Whitefish - applicant - reviewed the project for the board and gave brief overview of meetings with the HOA. Chris Dunshee - 175 Sage Grouse Way - opposes project - concerned with increased traffic and does not like the idea of apartments. Rilo Weisner - 139 Lazy Creek Way - opposes project - feels the development is not keeping to the vision originally sold to hoinebuyers. Melissa Harbin - 143 Sage Grouse Way - opposes project - new resident, was not told about apartments coming into the complex, not happy about it. Concerned with increased traffic. Glenda Quick -- 135 Sage GrOLISC Way - opposes project - concerned with entering/exiting Hwy 93 from the development. Chelsea Dunshee - 175 Sage Grouse Way - opposes project - feels the apartments Should not be a part of the development. LaiTy Sartain - 1082 Silvertip Dr., Bi-fork --approves of the project -- has been involved with Silverbrook since its inception and wants to see the project thrive. John Wade - 143 W Monture Ridge - opposes project - feels it will decrease his home value. Howard Mann - 134 E Swift Creek - original developer of Silverbrook Estates, pointed out that this phase 2 project was always a tentative plan, Subject to change. Times have changed and housing needs have changed since Silverbrooks inception 12 years ago. MOTION Voinfell n-ioved and Skees seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning Kalispell City Manning Board Minutes of the iricetiiio of ALHIIIM 14, 2018 Page 13 g Board and Zoning Commission adopt Staff Report #KZC- 18-04 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the Silverbrook PUT) . . . ....... aniendinent be approved subject to the conditions in the staff report, BOARD DISCUSSION Yoting asked for clarification on the surrounding zoning and pointed Out that this zone change request fits in with the surrounding zoning. Nygren confirmed. ROLL CALL The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote. OLD BUSINESS Nygren updated the board in regards to the Montana Base Carnp RV -Parkand its progress with City Council. NEW BUSINESS Nygren advised DT Urban Renewal Plan is the only iteirr on September agenda ADJOURNNIENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:33pm, NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Kalispell Planning Board will be held on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. and located in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201 1 "Ave East. Chad Grahain Presideht APPROVED as submitted/amended: Kalispell City Plaimitig Board M iiiutes of the inectiaag of AuOUSt 14, 2018 Pauc 14