12-18-08 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION
Date: December 18, 2008
Location: KPC Conference Room
All in attendance:
Chairperson Mark Pirrie, Bill Goodman,
Joel Schoknecht and Jack Brooks.
John Hinchey, Janet Clark, and Rachel Brooks absent
Minutes recorded by: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson;
Typed by Rachel Brooks
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:30 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson
2. Minutes of November, 2008 Board Meeting:
Moved to approve by Bill Goodman, Joel Schoknect, seconds, Approved by all present.
3. Hearing of the Public:
No One Present
4. Financial Statement of November 2008:
Motion to table financials till January 2009 meeting Bill Goodman, Joel Schoknect, seconds,
Approved by all present.
S. Updates from KPC:
Street Update — Jack indicated no updates
KPC Office Update — Rachel — Rachel absent — Mark read through the notes
a) Tickets, Parking Permits & Meters — See Reports
1. Ticket Collections — Collections up (109%)
2. Parking Permits — Down still 24 available on the board
3. Meter Collections — Down due to slow downtown and Alley Connection being
closed for the month.
b) Notices — Finishing November starting on December
c) Meter Project — Sold another meter this month
d) Computer system — Got some things straightened out; seems to be a constant work
in progress.
e) Office Construction — Unfinished.
f) Lot Maintenance — Snow plowing and snow shoveling good so far. Rachel will call
and make sure the entrances and exits are clear.
6. Unfinished Business: Tabled till next meeting
a) Building Lease — Bill Goodman — KPC tried to negotiate a new lease with a counter
offer through our lawyer. Latest update on our lease is they have filed for summary
judgment on December 3. They have filed in court to have all the leases in the
building ruled as void. Joel asked about getting a class action together with the
other renters in the building. Discussion followed. Mark will get with Rachel
regarding some needed information.
7. New Business:
a) January KPC board meeting — Mark will be gone.
b) Adding 1 hr slot - to Tickets when re -ordering or taking down the 1 hr signs and
replacing them with 2 hr signs. Motion by Bill Goodman to change out signs to 2 hr
signs. Second by Joel Schoknecht. Rachel will put in a work order to change these
8. Adiournment•
Adjourned at: 7:40 a.m., Motion to Adjourn made by: Bill Goodman, Second by Joel
The mission of the Kalispell Parking Commission is to effectively manage the parking inventory in order to adequately
Meet the needs of downtown's customers, employees, visitors, and residents.