05-08-18 - regular meetingKALISPELL CyrYPLANNING
May 8,2018
.. .A........ .......... . . ......... LL,'J'O ORDER, AND ROLL CALL
rjrraeetrnfl —City -P-l"a-n-r—iing ... B-o —ar c T - and —Zoning
Commission was callcd to order at. 6:00 prn, Board rnembers present were.
Chad Graharn, (kor),,;e (Jiavasis, Rory Young, Kurt Vornfell, and Joshua
Borgardt, Doug Kaufmann & Ronalee Skeeswere absent, Toni Jentz, Jarod
Nygren and PJ Sorensen represented the KalisIx-11 Planning Departryient,
. . . ........... . . . . . —.-
Giavasis rnf3ve(] and Young . seconded a motion to approve the minuties of the
April 10, 2,018 meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning,
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motion passt-,,,d unanimously on as vote of acclarnation,,
Young recused Iiiinself from the School District 5 agency exemptions becaLlSe"
he is one of the representalives for the apphcant.
. . . . . .................. .
�Vw(& T
, 'N CY EX 1`1 IM PI (,) N - S
Undo- Section 76-2-M 402, (,"A, an ernity of state or local govertirnent Carl
SC]10(1111, I)ISTR "1" 5
dec�lare ivwlf exempt frorn sorne or all of the provisions of local zoning
regulations, Once an agency makes that declaration, (lie City is responsible for
rocLiving cot-riments on dv pro ect,. The City typically sends out a public notice
like it clues in any other applicafion and wLs a tirne to hold a rnetAing that
provides a PUbfiC forum. Neither the Board nor the, City make any decision,
or recommendation and there is no further action taken or required at or
after the meeting, The rnecting is for the solo purpose of hearing public
cornment on the rnatter, Those cornments are provided to the School District
for thorn to consider, but they are moat under any legal obligation to take any
further stcps.
In this Situation,, Sell'tool Distriet 5 exemptions for seven,
(7) projects:
Linderman School -- 124 311 Avowe East, The plan includes interior
renlodeling u) create more classr(mrn space,
Edgerton School 1400 Whitefish Stage Road, 'rhe plan includes a
firstfloor acid i 6<:)n near the existing entry for additiorral office space.
Rus,scill School - 227 West Nevada. 'jr,j,,, plan inClUcles the addition of'
a new gyrnnasiurn adjacent to the old gymnasiurn, and remodeling of
the existing gytu ISJ)aJree,
Hedges School -- 827 4" Avenue East. The plan includes an addition
w the rear of die building and interior rern�,,Acfing.
Peterson School - I 110! 2,1d Street W'est, The plan includes a new
Sy rtmasium on the cast end of the building and remodel Work at: the
existing entry.
Ellrodi School - 412 3111 Avenue West. The plan includes a new
gyrrut,asiurn adjacertt to the existing ymnasium, and interior
rcrnotleling of the existing gyrn.
Flathead High Schoo�l - 64,4 4 as Avenue 'West. The plan includes the
addition of ciassroorns and gyni sl,,)ace on the %vesi side of the bUildirlg,
Kalispelf try Planning Board
Mirnaes of the fneefing of May 8, 2018
Pag,e t I
IIJ Sorcnsc,.m briefly ci,-wered what, air agency exemption entails loaf tb�—Ixmrd and
how to 1.�mroccvd with discussion and public commem,
-"f-I"N"--J)ERMAN S-C"—H06-i'L" --PUBLIC
If"'.1"ry Young -- Jackola Engineering. 2250 Hwy 93 S - representing applicarw
revilewed proJect briefly for the board and offered to arts wer any qUCSfiorrs,
Milefiel - ("I'k 2 Main St, Ste, 205 rcprcsun f i fig applicant; reviewed
proJect bricfly for the board and offered to answer any questions,
David Mirchet CTA, 2 Main St, Ste. 205 -- representing aliplicum rovk'"'—wed
proJect briefly, for dre board arid offered to answer any questions,
I ---------Da—vid
—Mi—tch-e-� --------- . . . .............
TA, 2 Main St, Ste. 2;05 - representing applicant: reviewed
pro.ject briefly for the board and offered tci answer any questions,
-15--avid —Milclaw l - —CTA-, —2Main , Ste. 205 - representing applicam revieued
project briefly for the board and offered to answer any qUeS0011S,
David Mitchel - CTA, 2 Main St, Ste, 205 -- representing applieant, reviewed
project briefly for the board arid offered tf.) answer any questions,
Fyric, Enz - Axiarn Builders, PO Box 8615 representing applicant; revic,��
pro�rJect brieHy for the board and offered to answer any questions.
—1,0 .... S--E-D
...... .. ..
Chad Gyraharn closed public treating,
. .........
YOLIng returned to In.,,, scat,
T Ip 'Its
. ..........
A reqUICSt firorn SA Propertio, LIX for a conditional use permit for a heating,
ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) bUSiTICSS within the B-3 Zoning
Di strict, HVAC businesses are permitted within the B-3 Zoning Distriet
provided a conditional use pen -nit is obUtined jr,)er 27,14AO3�O of the Kalispell
Zoning Ordinance,
Jarod Nygren, representing 0w Kal:ispell Planning Department reviewed Staff
Report #KCU-18-01-
Nygren went over (lie° proJect including the zoning, existing land uses an(]
cony idons ol'approval, Staff m�ornrnends that, the Kalispell City Planning 1 card
adopt staff' report #KCU- 18-01 as findings of fact arid reo"Mrimend to the Kafispell
("I'lly Council ll,mt the conditional tine permil be approved subJect to the conditions
liste,d in the staff rep
Vornfeil M asked about type of ferreing applicant WOUld be using. Nygren
responded that it will be decided once it goes through architectural review.
Ghwasis questioned slaff on how i,h(.,,y feel it fits into the vision for this area as it
redevelops with 0'W trail, etc, Nygren advised that with the irnprov(:,,ments the
owner will be making and with the conditions in tht',, staff report that it will he
corr)pafible arid as significant h11Pr0VC`,M<,NI( ()Vff what is [here currently.,
hMwl iJR-iI-j-I-?,A—,RING,--,-fvMfiker
Merchant - 288 4" Ave MGM, is concerned with what Center St will, look
like as the city devetops the trails and whether or not it is a good fit.
Jeremy Waters - 17 Trillium Way .- applicant; COMM("Ilited deal he [)ought this
property bLeause they are excned for tire rim trail and wanted to corne in and be
a part of the vision the city has planned N)r the area. lie feels this is Just it
ste pping stone right now and that th,ey want to continue with the city's propwied
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Kalispell City Pkanning 11oard
Minutes of Ow meciing ol'May 8, 2018
Page 92
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Mike Brodie — 816 1" Av�e W; does rim feell this would nor be a good fit for the
future ofthe area,
Vornfell moved and Young scconded as motion that the KAispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Cosrlrniss6n adopt Staff Report WCU-18-01 as findings of
fact and recornmend ko dic Kalispell City, Council that (lie conditional LISO Pertnit
be approved.
li(;e Rf) D SCUSSION
Giavasis feels the after listening too what the applicant has in rnind for this
property and that he is excited to, nlove forward with the city's vision fie is more
corriforrable with the use requestc(], Jentz added that we are in a Slow transition
ancl this is an part of the process, land owners coming in and improving the
I properties and grasping they city's vision early oni.
. . ...... . .
The niotion passod unanimously on as roll call vote,
Meadows Edge, IJAI is requesdirg permission to annex as 112-acre property into
the city. Upon annexation the applicant is requesting as R-3 and B- I Zones with
a Residential Mixed Use Planned IJnii, Development (PC D) zoning overlay and
major subdivision approval for a 924t residential subdivision on 22-acres, IV
development 'will consist of 5.7-acres, of mixed commercial use a( the
intersection of Three Mile Drive and WSpringereek, 171 singlC-fafnily Links,
50 two-farrifly unas, 21 three-farridy" UnitS and 80 family units for a total of
322 dwelling L1114S, parkland, open space and wedand o' Aiservatioe n. Th
property is undeveloped tract land located at, (lie northwest corner of the
intersection of Three Mile Drive avid W. Springereek/Farm to Market.
Jarod Nygren, representing the Kalispell Planning Departirletit reviewed Staff
Ref)ort #KA- 1 8-04, K PUD- 18-02 & KPP- 18-05,
Nygren presented the proposed proJect including the zoning, growth policy,
conditions and layout. Staff recornmerids that the Kalispell City Planning Board
adopt staff reports #KA-18-04, KPUD-18-02 & KPFI-18-05 as findings of fact
and recortirnend to the Kalispell City Council ttwt the annexation, planned unit
development and preliniinary plat be approved sub�jcct to the conditions in the
staff report,
Graharn asked if tile land to the west is csovned by the sarric people, Ny,gren
advwsed no, there are 2 separate landowners to the, west. Graharn also.) asked iif
the city is allowed to collect impact fees frorn sehook, Nygren responded no,
state law prohibits it. Von-ifell asked whether there was regulated 1c)w incorne
for this development. Nygren advised: that the owners will sale at inarket price,,
there will be no incorne requirements u!) live in the subcfivision� hcowcvcr,
Nygren noled that the developer intelids to have residences that meet a lo',A,er
ineorne threshold which is why the developtylent includes two, three, and four
fainfly attached units. Borgardt asked staff to speak in regards to the 14 acres of
wetlands located at the north of the property, Nygren advised it will rernain
wetlands and that there is all additional 100ft setback adjacent the wetlarid.
Jenlz went on to say that the wetlands will provide a corridor for they wild Iffe
and provides valuable habitat for them,
Bruce Lutz — WGM, 431 l" Ave IN — representing applicam went over flie,
visit,)n of the subdivision and what the owners are developing, They want to
creatc a diverse area, Offered to answer any qLJCS60IlS the board may have.
Jascon McDcmald w 10,88 N Meridian -- proJect manager; addressed the question
in regards to affordable housing. They are trying to create a place that multiple
people can afford which is why they are offering more than just single farrifly
residences, Also advised that tile owners are being, very careft.11 not to disturb
Killispell Katy Planning Board
Wailes rot the aiceling of May 8, 2018
Page 83
tfle� wetlands and lo kkxq,) a for the wildlife to live and pass through.
Kristen Fleck . 985 Three MHe Dr, spc)ke to the board about the agreements that
they and the owners have rnade in regards to protecting their farniland around
thc: subdivision, They are satisfied with the agreement and although they will be
sad to see rtw wildhfe rnove on and the open land go away but ihe,understand
that growth is, nexessary,
MOTION Vomfell moved and Giavasis seconded a motion that tine Kalispell City Planning
ANNEXA,rION (KA.18-04) Board and Zoning Commissiori adopt Staff Report #KA-18-04 as findings of fay.l.
and recornmend to the Kalispell City Council that the propoi,ty Inc annexed and
the initial zoning for this property upon anincxatk)n be R-3/P(JD and B-ITUD.
ROLL (,ALL I The motion passed unanimously on a roll call, vote.
MOTION Vornfell, moved ancl Giavasis seconded a motion that the Kalispell City Planning
PUD (KPUD-18-02) Board and Zoning GATIMiSSiOn adopt staff report 41 PUD-18-02 as findings of
fact and reconnnend to the Kalispell C)ty Council that the PUD f()r Mewlows
EdV be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff refx,)rt,
ROH, CALL � The mention passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
MOTION Vornfell moved and Giavasis sec4)nded at motion that the Kalispell City Planning
PRELIMINAItY PLAT (KPP'-18-02) Board and Zoning Commission adopt staff report K111-18-05, as findiny
nd re s of fact
a �corrnuend 1() the Kalispell City Council that the preliminary plat for
Meadows Edge be approved, stibJect to the conditions listed in the staffreport.
ROLL CALL 11 T'he motion passed unanintou0y on; as roll call vote,
OLD BUSINESS Nygren briefed the planning board about the City Council rneefing held can M�ay
u 7. Jentz provided update on the Glacier Rail Park and Kalispell Trail.
NEW BUSINESS I (3raharn introduced new, board mernber Joshua Borgardt.
AIMOURNMENT I The rneeting was adjourned at approxirnately 7:40prn,
NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Kalispell Planning Wwrd will be field Ou'rUesday, June
12, 201,8 at 6:00 p,rri, and kxated in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, 201,
I" Ave East.
APPROVED as subrnittled/auiended: 7— it) — 9-ote),
Kari 1-1 ernandez,
Recording Secretary
Kalispell City Phinning Board
Minutes of the nieciing of May 8. 2018
Page 14