Ordinance 516 - Prohibits Angle Parking of Certain Vehicles530 OnliINAllCE I'?O. 516 A11 ORDITdE'.NCE ?ROHIBITINC, AITGLE PARKII6G OF C 'i�I T VETi1CLtsS II! TI-E CIT OF KALISPELI AND RLPEALI''dG ALL OTDIi`ii''_'`C ,iD 1' D PAF:TS OF Oi DLTAFTCES IT! CO' FLICT I' 7,1WIM. BE IT' ORDAIITED BY THIS CITY COJIdCIL OF 7TFE CITY OF KALISI'ILL� IDECTIOPd1. No truck or other motor vehicle having a wheel bed of base of gr"ater length than 133 inches or a greater length than eight feet shall be parked on any street or avenue at an angle to or diagonal to the curb or in any other manner than parallel to and adjacent to the curb of such street or avenue. SECTION 2. Violation of the provisi.:Drns of this ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor. S'7CTION 3. All or-di.nences and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SE.CTIOIT 4-. An ur7ency ?nd. omergency is hereby dreC,-red tLe 'rrovisions of ti-is ordinance are nAc.._nrz, for the ,nd pesce, hea.ltL, and spfety of the City of KaL_sp=-11 and thins ordinance shall be and regain in ful- force and effect from and after its passage and aporoval. Passed by the City Council of the City of Kalispell and approved by the ,.Tayor this 4th day of Kovember, 10/46. D. S. Cameron ' 1a rpr Ai-est• C. Brewer City Clerk I, C. E. Bre,,ve.r, City Clerk of the City of Val'snell., ''Iontana, do hereby certify that on tie nth da=r of TTovember, 1946� I posrtsd a copy of the foregoing ordinance in ny office and the same remained posted for a period of five d=ys and the fore- goi.ng, is a true copy of the ordinance �s passed by the City Council. ��-City _ ClerkG