09/02/99 Gates to KukulskiU. S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
September 2, 1999
Mr. Chris Kukulski, City Manager
City of Kalispell
Kalispell, MT 59903-1997
Dear Mr. Kukulski:
FAA Building, Suite 2
2725 Skyway Drive
Helena, MT 59602
We are writing in response to your letter of August 18, 1999 and the City Council work
shop meeting that was held August 9, regarding the ongoing planning study for Kalispell
City Airport. we would like to clarify some of the issues you have summarized in your
letter following the City Council workshop meeting.
As discussed in previous correspondence, we have not yet agreed to fund any of the
improvements at Kalispell City Airport. Potential future funding or reimbursement for
costs relating to improvements will be evaluated upon FAA approval and concurrence in
the existing airport site configuration. Consideration for approval of the site includes but
is not limited to conclusion of the Airport Master Plan and airspace feasibility review;-_
corripletion of the environmental process, including consideration of other alternatives
and community input which may result in an Environmental Assessment or
Environmental Impact Statement. The following comments are subject to the FAA
ultimately agreeing to support development at the existing airport location. -
As you have indicated we will review the airspace feasibility of leaving the radio
broadcast towers in place as a result of rotating the current runway alignment. we will
need a completed copy of the necessary airport drawings from the consultant in order to
begin our review of the proposed airport configuration and surrounding environs. The
airspace review normally takes anywhere from 60 to 90 days in order to complete reviews
from all applicable FAA divisions including Air Traffic, Airway Facilities, Flight
Procedures, Flight Standards and Airports offices.
If the FAA does not obi ect to leaving the towers in place, this could potentially eliminate
the cost (currently estimated at $600,000) of relocating, lowering or removing the current
tower configuration. The estimated $600,000 could then be used to fund land acquisition
or other airport infrastructure costs. The $600,000 would not necessarily "leverage" or
secure match of any additional federal funding.
Currently we have not indicated support to fund any more than the eligible construction
costs of a new facility, i.e. pavements, electrical etc., and land for Runway Protection
Zones (RPZ) pending approval of the final airport site configuration and consideration
for federal funding. The RPZ's include the land encompassing a trapezoidal area of
dimensions 5 3' x 700' x 1,000' totaling approximately 14 acres for each runway end.
These areas provide additional protection for aircraft and persons on the ground and
preclude structures and roadways within the RPZ,
We have previously indicated that land acquired in fee for airport development is eligible
for reimbursement under AIP. However, we have not indicated we would support
funding any of the land acquisition other than that required for the RPZ's as previously
We have also indicated that the city would have to f acquire or gain sufficient control of all
the properties, including land donations, trades, -longterm leases etc. as required to meet
FAA design standards for an aircraft design category B-fI airport. Acquisition and or
land -use control would have to be completed prior to FAA funding for airport
development including any land we would agree to fund. Any land acquired in fee would
have to be done in accordance with the Uniform Act provisions and may require
condemnation of parcels if a reasonable cost or agreement cannot be negotiated.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the City Council meeting and share our
perspective on the potential development of the airport through the Airport Improvement
Program (AIP). we also recognize the City's efforts and interest in protecting the airport
long -terra to serve the Kalispell community. Please contact our office at (406) 449-5230
if you have any further questions or comments.
Gary " M. Gates
Co;nmunity Planner
William Boharski, Mayor, City of Kalispell
Gib Bissell, Airport Advisory Board
Montana Aeronautics
Morrison Maierle Inc, Helena