10/08/98 Gabbert to Boharskiu U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration October 8, 1998 The Honorable William. E. Boharski Mayor, City of Kalispell P. O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT S 9903-1997 Dear Mayor Boharski: AIRPORTS DISTRICT OFFICE 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2 Helena, MT 59602-1213 This is in response to your October 2 letter in which you indicated your understanding of several key issues raised during the City Council meeting of September 28 where an initial report for the Kalispell City Airport Master Plan Study (MPS) was presented. I was at the meeting and appreciated the opportunity to provide comments. These responses to your listed items are in the order you presented there. I'll also provide additional comments regarding other issues regarding the airport. 1. That is correct unless aircraft using an airport are in a higher design standards criteria. There is a statutory requirement to meet standards as prescribed by FAA. our design standards criteria is established by the type of aircraft using (or forecast to use) an airport and this criteria is considered minimurn criteria and we go to a higher level if conditions warrant. Surveys for Kalispell City Airport apparently have shown no using aircraft in the "B-II" category. However, if we fund ai ort develo Me;np it is our olio that the n ninzurn design standards cateizory that needs to be met is for the 'B-IT" condition. If .this airport is unproved there is the potential for considerable additional activity. Developing the airport to this category allows for such activity to be accommodated with future limited constraints. 2. Initial/new ALP funding for an devel rnent for any ai ort is. at our discretion. Many factors are used to determine our involvement in airport development and include safety issues, efficiency of the development including the financial aspects, aeronautical viability, environmental conditions, alternatives, priority, need and tinning of the development, availability of funding, etc. 3. Required airport land is an eligible item of development even some years after purchase so there is the "possibility" of future reimbursement. As stated in our previous letters and as originally discussed, if we agree to provide funds for development, we a 1:�ect the c to obtam._o ntroi of tho land needed for the B-fP _condition in addition to MAL the cost associated with the radio towers resolution. This land consists of several parcels N bordering the present airport boundaries. This control could be by trade, donation or fee acquisition subject to the "Uniform. Act" provisions. when the NIPS is completed and the various issues have been addressed, we will review and discuss with the city what options may be suitable for proceeding with obtaining this - land if we both a.gree to continue with development of the airport.. If we fund future development, we will consider the land needed for runway protection zones (RPZ) as part of the FAA eligible development. 4. we acknowledge the statements you make; however, we won't commit to any development or funding scenarios other than what we have previously stated. Additionally, we do' -riot commit to funding any development at the airport until the MPS is completed and the various issues have been addressed. At that time we will consider the results and make a decision regarding funding of development. In considering the results, various items will be evaluated which will include; if any items/issues remain to be addressed such as the environmental process, any options that might be available, costs of.the development compared to costs of an alternative site (to determine financial viability), what agreements should be formalized regarding who would be responsible for what and timing of the various items/issues. These would all be discussed with the city before any commitments are made. Additional comments from the meeting: The process for continuing on to phase two of the NIPS (or terminating the MPS) should be formalized. The consultant should complete phase one and notify the various parties that it has been completed per the contract tenors. The city should then acknowledge completion and indicate a decision to continue or terminate the MPS. we will support the decision to continue the MPS if the i c oases t cant e,� The runway length may be constructed initially to accommodate 75% of the CA fleet (approx. 3,600 ft.), although we would recommend it be constructed to 95% length (approx. 4,300 ft.) based on present activity and what is anticipated to occur if the airport is improved. The Ainoort L@ out Plan ALP to be deVelo .. ed.. during the NIPS needs to show the 95% length as a minimum. we recommend the 100% length (approx. 4,700 ft.) be shown so all future planning around the airport can be predicated on potential future airport expansion. If the 100% length is not shown, it won't be protected and this could close out future options. Showing these longer lengths is not a commitment to constructing those lengths. If the runway is not extended, these protected areas provide for additional approach buffer areas. A continent was made regarding land previously acquired for RPZ on the north and if it would be eligible for future reimbursement. we will need to review the details of that purchase and if we are involved in the future with airport development this may be considered depending on specifics such as how it was purchased, cost reasonableness, location of the land and how it fits with overall development scheme. 3 I am enclosing previous correspondence dated 4/19/91, 1 /7197 and 2/2 I /97 which provides some history, outlines the various issues relating to the airport, states our conditions regarding future funding that resulted from the 12/95 meeting and provides the process needed for us to determine if we would fund development in the future. The items/issues stated in these letters are concerns of ours and we will be cautious about our funding airport development at this site. Additionally, enclosed is a set of Assurances that sponsors of airport receiving AIP grants are to comply with. A comment was made at the meeting regarding "FAA requiring" many things. These Assurances cover many of these "requirements"'. I am including these items for your convenient reference. We are available to discuss any of the various issues regarding the airport any time you and/or the City Council or others would like to discuss there. If you have additional working sessions/meetings regarding the airport, or if anyone wants to call and discuss anything, please contact Gary Gates at (406) 449-5230 or myself at (406) 449-5271. Sincerely, at��l 4X avid P. Ga Bert Manager Enclosures cc: Gilbert K. Bissell Mom* son Maierle ANM-600