Resolution 5332 - Budget Amendment - 2008-2009 AppropriationsRESOLUTION 5332 A RESOLUTION REVISING THE .ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AS SET FORTH IN THE 2008-2009 BUDGET ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the City approved Resolution 5315 appropriating $10,654,841 on September 22, 2008, and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the appropriation needs to be reduced to meet the changing economic situation which has resulted in a lowering of resources, and WHEREAS, the line item adjustments to the General Fund Budget are more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, NOWTI IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the annual appropriations of the City of Kalispell, Montana, and the same are hereby fixed as follows: FUND General Fund Revised Appropriations $ 10,555,655 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 15TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2008. Pamela B. Kennedy. Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk GENERAL FUND - FUND: 1000 Anticipated Revenue PROPERTY TAXES: LICENSES; PLANNING & ZONING fees: planning revenue lowered $125,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: FINES AND FORFEITURES: CHARGES FOR SERVICES: MISC. REVENUE: INVESTMENT REVENUE: Other adj mts to Revenue: Finance/Data FUND 6030 ( reduce Data Budget which increases the entitlement to General Fund) raid year EXHIBIT "A" Cash available 711108 REVISED Revenue INCREASE Admin. Transfer (37% Mgr budget) Electronic Time sheets - increase entitlement ADG onsite-training - increase entitlement health Insurance ad,mt - increase entitlement copy paper/supplies - increase entitlement Mid year revised revenue BUDGET FY08/09 $ 4735546 $ 55070,000 $ 1535500 $ 21287,238 $ 536,000 $ 1.54965044 $ 676,115 $ 70,000 $ 1052885897 $ 37,00o $ 7,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,600 $ 1,400 $ 10,340,897 Expenditure budgets ORIGINAL BUDGET $ 10,654,841 Mid year budget adjustments: CITY MANAGER BUDGET Severance --recruitment ADDITION $ 1005000 $ 10000 General Govemment/Finance office supplies reductions $ (15000) printing $ (21000) FINANCE bank charges & fees $ 21000 $ (55000) HUMAN RESOURCES office supplies $ (300) computer supplies $ (100) small office equip $ (400) other supplies $ (100) printing $ (150) books $ (400) dues $ (300) recruitment/negotiations $ (11,000) Contract Services $ (150) EAP Services $ (3,500) school & Travel $ (11,900) $ 85300) MAYOR & COUNCIL small office equip $ (100) books $ (100) dues $ (200) school & travel $ (11,000) meetings $ (600) $ 2,000} MEDIAL SPECIALIST equipment $ (2,000) $ 2,000 CITY CLERK Overtime $ (1,470) office supplies $ (117) small office equip $ (250) computer supplies $ (250) other supplies $ (50) printing $ (100) books $ 63) $ (2,300) CITY ATTORNEY salaries $ 161,590 Lexis Research $ (5,000) school & travel $ (2,700 $ 85890 MUNICIPAL COURT overtime $ (11,000) office equip.Imaint. $ (2,000) Jury & witness fees $ (1,000) $ (4)000} PLANNING OFFICE salaries $ (19,000) computer software $ (4,500) school & travel $ (1,000) $ (241,504 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. salaries, health & retirement $ (12,000) computer equipment $ (750) consumable tools $ 250) $ (13,000) CENTRAL GARAGE Overtime $ (450) computer supplies $ (250) equipment -non capital $ (11250) gas & oil $ (7,500) motor vehicle parts $ (31000) tires $ (15450) filters & misc. parts $ (500) consumable tools $ (400) electricity $ (100) natural gas $ (500) contract services $ (1,400) building maint. $ (200) school & travel $ (I,000) $ 181,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT office supplies $ (11,000) computer supplies $ (11000) investigative supplies $ (19000) safety equipment $ (I ,000) major case unit supplies $ (11,000) patrol car supplies $ (15004) printing $ (15000) membership & dues $ (11,000) reserve program supplies $ (500) office equip./maint. $ (500) software maint. & licensing $ (2,000) school & training $ 41000 $ (155000) FIRE DEPARTMENT Suppression -office supplies $ (500) small office equipment $ (100) computer supplies $ (2,500) janitorial supplies $ (50) consumable tools/uniforms $ (2,500) printing $ (100) Prevention salaries $ (85000) Comptime buyout $ (500) overtime $ (800) small office equipment $ (500) computer supplies $ (51000) consumable tools/uniforms $ (I po) printing $ (I ,000) books $ (1,500) subscription/fire codes $ (1,000) membership & dues $ (200) telephone/communications $ (I ,500) contract services $ (I ,000) equipment maint. $ (500) school & travel $ (41000) Hazmat - subscriptions $ (350) Hazmat - dues $ (400) Station #62 contract services $ (21000) $ 351,000) CITY HALL MAINTENANCE Overtime $ (300) Small Office Equupment $ (250) Equipment Non Capital $ (I ,500) Janitorial Supplies $ (2,100) Other $ (640) Consumable Tools $ (500) Electricity $ (2,600) Natural Gas $ (25150) Equipment Maintenance $ (11000) Building Maintenance $ (5,000) $ (161,000) PARKS DEPT. Seasonal Salaries benefits $ (21504) Overtime $ (2,870) Computer $ (11000) Safety Equipment $ (250) Janitorial Equipment $ (500) Consumable Tools $ (15000) Membership/Dues $ (250) Advertising $ (500) Water $ (100) Do not open warming but (lagoon) Natural Gas $ (2,S00) Security at Depot Park - close bathrooms Contracted services $ (350) westview Park - don't develop Park Development Impact Fees $ (4,906) Eliminated all flowers at city hall and KYAC Landscape, Flowers & Gardents $ (15500) Building Maintenance $ (11,000) Training Materials $ (250) Medical Services $ (250) Rental Equipment $ (840) Metal Fittings $ (500) Wood $ (500) Irrigation $ (500) Gravel $ (500 $ 22,526 KYAC Safety Equipment $ (50) Consumable Tools $ (350) Electricity $ (19000) Landscape $ (500) Vandalism $ (250) Equipment Lease $ (17,500) $ (19,650) RECREATION Overtime $ (500) Office Supplies $ (500) Other Supplies $ (1,pp0) Printing $ (2,000) Subscriptions $ (100) Advertising $ (S00) Eliminated 4 Picnic In Park concerts Contracted Services $ 8,600 $ (135200) YOUTH CAMPS Overtime $ (11,000) Other Supplies $ (700) Advertising $ (500) Building Maintenance $ (1,000) ICE RINK Seasonal Salaries $ (23,000) Printing $ 100) $ 51300) POOL Overtime $ (1,000) Janitorial $ (500) Consumable Tools $ (500) Printing $ (200) Advertising $ (100) $ 2,300 FINAL. RI JT)GFT Os 1 n 555 F55 It f44 1 RA1 ANTICIPATED CASH CARRYOVER JUNE 309 2009 $ 2589788