08-08-07 Airport MinutesKalispell City Airport — S27
Fred A. Leistiko, Airport Manager
PO Box 1997 —Kalispell, Montana 59903
Telephone (406) 250-3065 Fax — (406) 758-7758
Meeting — August 8` 2007 Blue Canyon Restaurant-4:00 p.m..
Present: Everyone except Dave Horener
Absent: Dave Horener
Public: Pete Gross
City Staff Jinn Patrick, Fred Leistiko
Hear the Public: None
.Airport Managers Update:
Public Restrooms are needed at the Airport. Currently have port -a j ohn, but
working with Todd Berg about using his new finished restroom as the public
restroom. May have to pay an annual fee for the combination to the facility.
Hilton clean-up:
• Fencing after clean --up is finished. The entire section will be fenced.
• 10 spaces in the Hilton parking lot have been allocated for Red Eagle.
• we will be closing off the old access road by the red airplane sign.
• Hilton is ready to invest in a new parking ramp after the current buildings
are removed in conjunction with the new runway.
Thomas Printing lease runs out Jan 08. Lease paid through August, 2007.
DNRC will build a State of Montana hangar, 100' x 60' . They have until
November of this year to start construction.
Todd Berg's new hangar will be 180' x 75' with 2 large bays.
Current count is 69 based aircraft, we update quarterly.
Currently we have 18 aircraft paying monthly tie down fees.
Airport Budget approved for 200712008:
• Expenses: $93,000
• Income: $10200
• Cash carryover was: $101, 000
• Invested Cash: $205,000
• Capital Reserve: $30,000
Diamond Aire has a new attorney that may want to negotiate for airport access.
KGEZ Towers :
• Mr. Stokes lost all three appeals to the Montana Supreme Court.
• District Court gave him 60 days to bury all lines or be held in contempt.
Time started on July 10h.
• City signed a task order on June 18, 2007 for Hatfield & Dawson to study
alternatives to mitigate the tower situation. However, the task order is on
hold until the exact runway end elevations are surveyed and calculated by
Robert Peccia & Associates.
• The City will be proceeding with our course of action regardless of what
Mr. Stokes does.
Commercial advertising on the airport web site was discussed.
Social activity at the Airport: Fly -ins, displays, pancake breakfasts, etc. were
discussed. Deed a valid sponsor with the appropriate insurance. The Chamber of
Commerce said that they would be willing to work with someone on it.
There was a brief discussion about forming a 501 c3, not for profit organization to
promote aviation. They could be a sponsor of aviation activities as fund raisers.
Airport directory updates were passed out.
Mowing, weed control, and general fix -up around the airport was commendable.
The airport manager stated that next year he will have a seasonal employee to
assist in keeping the airport tidy. Anyone who knows of someone 18 years old or
older looking for summer work should have them contact the airport manager.
Increase vehicle traffic violations have been noticed on the Airport operational
Area. The Airport manager needs to start doing something about it. Potential
accident waiting to happen. Suggest issuing WARNING notices and then
citations and fines. Manager will talk to Police Chief about conserns.
Meeting adjourned at 6 : 00 pra