10-10-01 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell Alinutes from October 10, 2001 Meeting The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. Present were: Chris K.ukulski, Craig Kerzman, P. J. Sorenson, and Kathy Kuhlin (staff), Gib Bissell, Mike Manion, Scott Richardson, Art Thompson, and Tom Weaver. Also present were Michael Jackola (Pilot) and Phil Porrini from Peccia and Associates. Gib informed us.that Mike Ferguson from Montana Aeronautics has retired but will now be with the AOPA (Aircraft owners and Pilots Association -an aviation lobbying organization). Our insurance company is no longer covering some items at our airport regarding highjacking during war times. However, they have since reneged and reinstated that coverage until our policy expires in February of 2002, at which time that particular coverage will not be renewable. This is the same change that all other airports are dealing with in the United States. Fencing will take place soon. if insurance rates do go up, we may need to raise the rates at the airport. Dave Hoerner's letter requesting the City buy Red Eagle's property was distributed. Susan Moyer wrote a response to his letter for Chris. Basically, the City doesn't have the money to buy this property at this time. Phil Porrini will write a letter to Dave Hoerner saying that we would be interest in buying a specific piece of his property (see section 1-D in figure # 13 in the Final Site Selection Report). Phil and Chris will discuss what is needed. Pr The question of flags being displayed near the airport that are lit was discussed. Would the light be a distraction for pilots? Phil has forwarded two copies of the Site Selection Study on to the FAA, and one copy to the Montana Aeronautics office. The City has seven copies. Some of the changes from the draft that were requested by the FAA was the airspace around the airport going from a 5,000 foot area to a 10,000 foot area. Some language changes were also made at their request, i.e. "exclusively small B-2 airport" was taken out and left as "B-2 airport". A Pubic Meeting is set for Wednesday, November 14`�' at 3:00 p.m. in the conference room with a round table discussion, and then again at 6 or 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Both the present City Council and the Candidates will be invited. Peccia and Associates is starting in on the Environmental Assessment. The Biological Resource person is in field review. The Noise Level person has started on this project. Regarding the Cultural Resources Survey portion, the person they had lined up backed out on the project, so they are looking for -a new person. We will be having a Public Meeting for all persons identified in the Airport Advisory Board Meeting October 10, 2001 Page 2 impact area. There will be another meeting during the E.A. process and then a final meeting when the E.A. is completed. The final meeting will be a Public Hearing where comments and answers will be printed in the Final Environmental Assessment Study. Modeling is done with the Noise Level person as well as decibel readings. Flathead High School has contacted Gib regarding pilots flying over Rawson Field during gauze tunes. We could write a letter to the Pilot's Association asking them to avoid flying over the field during game times, and another letter to the school to show that the realignment of the runway would be in their best interest and to notify us if they have one pilot that is a constant offender that we could directly contact. The Junk Vehicle/Clean Up Your Area letters were fruitless. We will discuss this with Frank as to warning time on vehicles, and then the Airport Advisory Board and perhaps the YWAM volunteers can spend a day cleaning up the junk at the airport. The management issue was discussed. Scott Richardson volunteered to meet with Kathy to find out which pilots are not paying their fees and follow-up with them. He will also do a spot check at the airport twice a day and check with our FBOs for anything that needs to be dealt with there. He will also check for tail numbers on the planes that are kept locked up in hangars that have not been noted or billed before. We have $180,000 in our City account to cover airport projects. Peccia should have their project completed by April or May of 2002, at which time we may consider an -Airport Manager at that time. Chris reaffirmed the City's commitment of this money. Tax increment money, because of development and sale of land, should only be used for the airport. Realtors and developers are interested. Use money to obtain snore land in other places that would benefit the airport. There was a motion, second and unanimous vote to send Diamond Aire to collection or close off their access. We will consult with Charlie on this. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, November 14th, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. at the Public Meeting. Kathy Kuhlin Recording Secretary